Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 244 Are you interested in boys too? (3600 words)

Agency and TV station.

Agency and advertiser.

Agency and other agencies in the industry.

There are many dilemmas in these interest exchanges.

How to deal with these dilemmas smoothly is the job of the agent.

Tamura Koji subconsciously looked at Kita Sumire.

If it was Kita Sumire, it would not take much effort to handle this matter, right?

After all, he has seen Kita Sumire's communication skills beyond children countless times.


Tamura Koji adjusted his mood and looked at Kaneda Nobuo.

He has been with Kita Sumire for so long.

Compared to the childish self a year ago.

Now he has matured a lot and can handle some things.

It's impossible for him to ask Kita Sumire for help every time there is a problem, right?

Wouldn't Kita Sumire be exhausted?

After all, he is also an agent.

Thinking of this.

Tamura Koji showed an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, Producer Kaneda. I think it's a bit difficult tonight. There's still a lot of work that I need to deal with at the agency. How about we make an appointment for another day? How about it?"

The refusal in his words was obvious, and the wording was very appropriate, giving Kaneda Nobuo enough face.

Anyone who has been in the industry should be able to understand what he meant.

Not to mention a producer like Kaneda Nobuo who has been in the industry for who knows how many years.


"Hey, don't be so polite, brother Tamura, it's just going out for a meal. I promise you that it won't take long, and you won't regret it."

As if he didn't understand what he meant.

Kaneda Nobuo touched his head and spoke with a smile.

This is really

Tamura Koji thought it was difficult.

He didn't expect the other party to be so persistent in Kita Sumire.

He had already expressed his refusal, but he actually took the initiative to stick to this side.

What should I do next?

I have already refused once.

The next refusal will only be more difficult to say.

Tamura Koji said, "It's really difficult" and pulled with the other party.

At the same time, he didn't forget to think about how to solve this matter more appropriately.

But before he finished thinking--

"Tamura-san will help me deal with the contract to increase my salary tonight, strange uncle, I won't watch you snatch Tamura-san away."

I felt a hand grabbing my trouser leg.

At the same time, Kita Sumire stared at Kaneda Nobuo with a vigilant look on his face.

That cute look was like a child who was afraid that the other party would snatch his toy.

And his sudden appearance.

Not only did Kaneda Nobuo, who had just made a request, freeze.

Even Tamura Koji was completely unexpected.

The main reason was that Kita Sumire's words really caught him off guard.

Increase salary?

Increase what salary?

You know, Kita Sumire is already the highest-end S-level sub-service in their company.

Increase salary again.?

I'm afraid Kita Sumire is going to step on Okano Yoshiko's head and bully her.

But Tamura Koji is not a fool.

He quickly understood the meaning of Kitasumi's words.

This is clearly Kitasumi's way of giving him a way out.

After all, who would take a child seriously?

Thinking of this, Tamura Koji also cooperated and showed an apologetic expression.

"Producer Kaneda, this is the case. The salary increase of Kitasumi is very important. The agency needs me to look at the specific contract and discuss it at the morning meeting tomorrow, so I really don't have time."

These words were well-reasoned, and even Kaneda Nobuo couldn't continue to speak.

After all, for an actor, salary increase is very important.

The drafting of the contract is even more important.

If he still insisted on inviting Tamura Koji after all this.

He was making things difficult for the other party.

"So that's the case. Since it's a contract matter, there's really nothing we can do about it. Let's put tonight's matter aside for the time being."

Kaneda Nobuo's face was full of regret.

Instead of insisting, he gave up and exchanged contact information with Mitsuji Tamura.

At the same time, he did not forget to reach out and touch Kita Sumire's head. After introducing himself to Kita Sumire, he left with satisfaction.

Watching the back of this "sticky candy" who suddenly stuck to him finally left.

Mitsuji Tamura was also relieved in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn't help but look at Kita Sumire with a sigh.

Should I say it or not.

As expected, it has to be Kita Sumire.

This social handling ability is really strong.

Just a few simple words.

He directly "persuaded" Nobuo Kaneda to leave.

He was just about to say some words of thanks to Kita Sumire-

"So, Tamura-san, what happened just now?"

Kita Sumire, who had a childlike face just now, like a cute child protecting food, changed his expression.

His eyes hidden under his bangs squinted, and there was no sense of immaturity in his tone.

His eyes were even more sharp and scary.

It was totally different from the smiling, cheerful look just now. It looked cute and harmless to everyone.

The speed of changing his expression was really too fast.

If Nobuo Kaneda was next to him, he would probably be shocked, right?

Fortunately, Tamura Koji had already deeply understood the nature of his son-in-law, and knew that he was just a freak, horribly mature.

So he didn't show much surprise, he just looked at his servant a little speechlessly.

Use your eyes to remind the other person that this is still at the recording site of the show. You must at least maintain your usual innocent disguise, right?

But Kitazumi shrugged completely indifferently.

"The recording of the program has ended. You can tell me what happened to that uncle just now, right?"


If it were another agent.

Things like this, which are similar to sensitive areas in the industry, are generally not told to subordinates like Kitazumi Minoru.

After all, they are the brokers.

Getting these things done is what they should be doing.

How could it be possible to rely on his subordinates?


Tamura Koji almost didn't hesitate, and he told Kitami Minori everything about Nobuo Kaneda's strange behavior just now, as well as his repeated attempts to show his kindness and want to invite him to have a meal.

He clearly knows the extent of his abilities.

It’s hard to rely on someone like Kitumi Minoru who is beyond imagination.

Isn't that the idiot protagonist in some horror novels who doesn't immediately want to call the police or stay away when something happens, but instead rushes in to commit suicide?

Still the same sentence.

Tamura Koji is not a fool, let alone an idiot.

So he had no intention of hiding Kitaki Minoru.

"So that's it."

Sitting in the car, listening to Tamura Koji's words, Kitazumi showed an expression of sudden realization.

He asked why Nobuo Kaneda kept pestering Koji Tamura just now.

So that’s what happened.

On the other side, Tamura Koji looked through the rearview mirror and looked at Kitumi Minoru's face that showed no panic at all, and was a little speechless.

Not to mention Ziyi.

Generally, adult actors encounter this kind of thing that is similar to the unspoken rules of the industry.

I guess they all forget about food and drink and are restless, right?

But what about his own servant?

He looked like he was nothing.

I really don’t know how Kitami Minoru developed this mental quality.

Thinking of this, Tamura Koji also spoke simply.

"Kitasumi-kun, do you have any thoughts? About Nobuo Kaneda."

What he just said was his opinion of Nobuo Kaneda based on rumors in the industry.

Most of these are subjective speculations and rumors, and they are countless.

Therefore, Koji Tamura wants to know what Kitumi Minoru thinks of Nobuo Kaneda.

"I don't have a problem with him."


Tamura Koji spurted out a mouthful of water.

"Isn't that natural?"

Seeing Tamura Koji spraying water directly, Kitazumi, who was sitting in the back row, spoke confidently.

"It was the first time that Nobuo Kaneda and I met, and most of the things you just said were rumors and subjective conjectures. Naturally, I have no opinion of him."

This is true.

It was indeed the first time that Kitami Minoru and Nobuo Kaneda met.

It is indeed difficult to make an impression on someone you meet for the first time.

You must know that the human heart is still separated from the belly.


"That person really didn't feel serious to me."

Leaning on the car seat, Kitumi thought about the words and gave this answer.

Probably the experience and instinct of Beicheng Sword Master still remain in the body.

Kitazumi is very sensitive to other people's malice.

The reason why I just stepped down directly to Tamura Koji.

It was also because Kitumi Minoru felt that Nobuo Kaneda was indeed not a serious person.

There is always a sinister and mean feeling in his eyes.

It was completely opposite to his always smiling appearance.


Beicheng Minoru was actually a little surprised.

Although I had expected that some producers and production companies in the Japanese industry would have no bottom line.

But he didn't expect that someone would actually care about him.

You know, he is only 9 years old this year.

Is your industry also ‘interested’ in boys?

Is this how copper is smelted in the industry?

"." Tamura Koji.

Kitaki Minoru said this.

On the other side, Tamura Koji fell into silence.

I have worked with Minoru Kitazumi for so long.

He trusted Kitazumi's judgment very much.

After all, we started working together a year ago.

Kitaki Minoru has basically never done anything wrong.

That's why we can go from the bottom servant to the first-class servant so quickly.

Since Kitami Minoru said so,

"Otherwise, how about we just reject all future invitations from Hanada TV? I will also reject all future invitations from Nobuo Kaneda?"

Koji Tamura came up with a solution.

It's just that his solution was just proposed.

Kitaki Minoru on the other side raised his head and glanced at him, are you serious?

Rejection once or twice can be done.

But what next time? What about next time?

They can't always refuse each other's invitations, right?

Doesn’t this make it clear that you don’t give face to the other party?

After all, the other party is also the leading producer in Huatian TV.

He has a lot of resources and connections at his disposal.

AR Ziyue Training Center simply cannot afford to offend.


If something really breaks out, Kitumi Minoru has nothing to be afraid of.

After all, there are Takeo Mikawa and a large number of people in the director circle behind him to help with the scene.

Nobuo Kaneda can't do anything with him.

And this is also an important reason why Kitazumi has been managing interpersonal relationships.

The reason is that when you need help at times like this, there will be someone behind you who can help hold your ground.

But it's not that scary.

"But it's not a big deal to be remembered like this all the time."

Kitaki Minoru touched his chin.

If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid that thieves will miss you.

And he has always been a proactive person.

Something like this, which is an unspoken rule in the industry, fell on him and he was forced to just rely on his connections and become a bastard?

Then he would not agree.

You must know that he has always had the character of if you kick me in the face, I will give you a kick in return.

Are you thinking about me? Do you have ill intentions towards me?

Then you see, I won’t beat your mouth to bits so that you will never dare to say the word ‘missing’ again.

Since Nobuo Kaneda may have hidden rules, no, the Japanese industry should be called pillow business.

Since he has this idea, then——

"Let him unspoken rules for me."

Kitaki thought for a long time and suddenly spoke.


Kitazumi Minoru's words made Tamura Koji lose his grip on the steering wheel, and the whole car almost hit the street light next to him.

He looked back in astonishment and opened his mouth.

"No. Beicheng-kun, what did you just say?"

He was a little incredulous and was already wondering if he had heard something wrong.

However, Beicheng on the other side repeated it nonchalantly.

"I said, if that's the case, then let him unspoken rules for me."

After saying that, Beicheng smiled and looked at the thick wooden knife he used for practice placed on the other side.

Specifically how to strike hard.

He already has an idea.

good! rush! Write! come on!

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