Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 174 It’s time to keep working hard! (4300 words)

In major TV stations, the ratings of late night shows are basically not taken seriously by anyone.

After all, late night shows are quite sluggish for both TV dramas and variety shows.

This is also true for Dongguan TV Station today.

Instead of dwelling on the meaningless late night shows.

It is better to pay a little attention to the morning, noon and prime time shows.

The status of late night shows in TV stations.

It is only slightly higher than the status of online programs broadcast on all channels.

It is the kind of child that neither the mother nor the father loves.

But it is precisely this child that neither the mother nor the father loves.

Today, a wave of discussion has been set off in the entire Dongguan TV Station.

Everyone feels a little incredible.

Even think that they are dazzled.

Because today.

The ratings of "Little Canteen", a winter show launched by Dongguan TV Station, have just been released.

The ratings are 7.03%!

This result is really too terrifying.

Even the Dongguan Data Statistics Department started working overtime early this morning, repeatedly confirming and counting four or five times.

After confirming that it was not a miscalculation or a problem with the computer statistics.

Except for "Little Canteen".

All the filming crews of Dongguan TV were silent.

Those who had previously criticized Kawamura Takefumi for applying for publicity and promotion funds for the late-night slot just shut up.

Because this result is too shocking.

7.03% ratings.

Even if it is put in the program list of all channels of Dongguan TV, it can be ranked in the top five.

The most important thing is that this is the late-night slot!

The late-night slot with a rating of 7.03%.

If it is put in other time periods.

It is not difficult to break through the 10% ratings.

Just like this time, the ratings of "Little Canteen" ranked fifth on Dongguan TV.

That's because the remaining top four are TV dramas occupying prime time and morning time slots.

Even the noon slot "Kamakura, Love" that the Dongguan TV production bureau had optimistically estimated before was knocked down by the late-night slot "Little Canteen" and became the sixth.

Many staff members of Dongguan TV station have heard about it.

It seems that when the director of "Kamakura, Love" saw this result, his face turned black early in the morning and he cursed in his office.

There is no way.

Even though the status of the noon slot is embarrassing, it was taken over by the late night slot and became a stepping stone. How can it be said that it is a bit hard to say.

Let me give you a very intuitive example.

If there are 100 TV sets now, then there are about 50 TV sets turned on during the noon slot. Among these 50 TV sets, 7 can watch "Kamakura, Love", and the ratings of "Kamakura, Love" can be stabilized at 7%.

And when it comes to the late night slot?

It is already quite good if 20 out of 100 TV sets can watch it.

And among these 20 TV sets, at least 7 TV sets need to watch "Little Canteen" for the ratings of "Little Canteen" to be stable at 7%.

The difficulty between the two can be understood at a glance.

How exaggerated is the 7.03% score of "Little Canteen"?


The top four TV series whose ratings are currently higher than "Little Canteen" are not having a good time either.

Their directors are all worried about themselves - after all, none of them is much better than "Kamakura, Love".

Especially the fourth "You Choose Your Life".

The ratings this time are only 7.18%.

This rating would be OK in the past.

After all, the TV industry is not doing well now.

But now.?

This score is a delicate score that may be stabbed down by the freak TV series "Little Canteen" at any time.

This makes the crew members of "You Choose Your Life" feel worried about themselves.

They are afraid that they will become the next "Kamakura, Love" inexplicably.

If they are really defeated by the recognized garbage late-night show "Little Canteen", it will be a shame.

The TV producers and directors of Dongguan TV are "all worried about themselves".

After all, this is just the first episode of "Little Canteen".

It's hard to say what will happen next.

What if the other party really creates a miracle and knocks them down one by one.

That would be a big joke.

Wouldn't the people in the production department make fun of them?

Dongguan TV has set off a heated discussion.

The situation outside the station is the same.

Whether it's Nichicho, Fuji or Sakura TV.

They never thought that they would see the figure of the late night show in the top 15 of the winter season ratings.

What's going on?

Could it be that Dongguan TV saw that the morning show and the noon show couldn't compete with them?

So they took a different approach and started to produce the late night show?

But this is not scientific?

A TV series that can get 7.03% in the late night show.

It will only perform better in other time periods.

The major TV stations have different opinions and are full of surprise.

Only the film critics in the newspapers are very unhappy.

You know, they used to make fun of Dongguan TV's TV series. Basically, every season, Dongguan TV would be dragged out by them to be "ridiculed" once - after all, Dongguan TV is like a poor student. It is obviously a large TV station, but its ratings have always been unsatisfactory.

But this time, they actually released "Little Canteen", a high-quality late-night drama?

These film critics couldn't find a topic to talk about, so they simply scolded the leaders of the Dongguan TV production bureau for being short-sighted.

Such a good drama is actually shown in the late night slot.

Could it be that there is shit in the brain? The words may not sound so ugly, but it is basically the truth.

"Little Diner" is a hit, in every sense of the word.

After all, the combination of late-night slot and 7.03% ratings is enough to make people feel incredible.

But Kawamura Yuefumi ignored this.

He just felt proud—really proud.

The past two weeks.

Even walking inside the TV station to discuss the upcoming shooting schedule with the staff of "Little Canteen".

He could feel the strange looks from around him from time to time.

But what about now?

He was just walking down the corridor.

Someone will take the initiative to come over and say hello with a smile.

Even the leaders of the production bureau looked at him much kindly.

He didn't even hesitate when he applied for filming funding again.

It was approved with a wave of his hand.

This kind of "magnanimous" appearance is completely different from the previous one who was so stingy and unwilling to even provide funds for publicity and distribution.

Even Kawamura Takefumi had to sigh - the saying that ratings are justice is true.

As long as the ratings of your program are good enough.

Even the leadership of the TV station has to coax you carefully, for fear that a "backbone" like you will just run away with the bucket.


"Don't be too proud yet."

Kawamura Yuefumi knew clearly.

This time "Little Canteen" got off to a good start.

Although he has merit as the director of the filming crew, he does not deserve all the credit.

Behind this 7.03%, the role of Kitami Minori and Mikawa Takeo can also be said to be quite large.

Takeo Mikawa's acting skills and fame have contributed to the ratings.

Coupled with Kitami Minori's acting skills and cooking skills - especially cooking skills.

The various delicacies that the 'boss' he played served in front of the screen really played a role in attracting the audience. Some of them even attracted many viewers to the point of ecstasy.

Just early in the morning, Kawamura Takefumi was approached by the staff responsible for answering phone calls from viewers.

It was said that there were more than 20 calls coming in early in the morning, and they were very upset, blaming the TV series "Little Canteen" for being poisonous late at night, so that after watching the TV series, they had to go out in search of late-night snacks.

Their voices were full of depression and gnashing of teeth, and in their words they wished they could take Minoru Kitazumi, who played the role of 'boss' in "Little Canteen", home and force him to cook every day.

Let’s see if this guy dares to poison himself late at night!

It's just a complaint.

At the end of the day.

These viewers also expressed that they would continue to watch it and recommend this TV series to other friends.

I hope the filming team of "Little Canteen" will continue to work hard and create excellent follow-ups.

There were more than twenty calls coming in early in the morning.

It is conceivable how ruthless Beicheng's "poisoning" methods in the TV series are.

Kawamura Takefumi's announcement, coupled with Mikawa Takeo's fame, Kitumi Minoru's acting skills and "late night poison" method.

These elements are combined.

The bland plot of the first episode of "Little Canteen" was completely staged.

This is how the ‘miracle’ of 7.03% was achieved.


Late-night ratings like this 'miracle' are definitely not stable.

After all, starting from the second episode, there has been no legendary actor like Takeo Mikawa to help out.

Kawamura Takefumi began to think about what he should do to stabilize the ratings.

At the same time, he was also thinking about something.

Kitazumi did so well.

Should he be given a higher salary?

The salary of 350,000 yen per episode is indeed quite good compared to ordinary subtitles.

But Kitumi Minoru's performance was indeed a bit too eye-catching.

In addition, he has now received funds allocated from the production bureau.

If I give Kitami Minoru a salary of 350,000 yen.

Even Kawamura Yuefumi has some uneasy conscience.

And on the other side.

Kitazumi has fewer things to consider.

As the lead actor, he only needs to know one thing.

That is - "Little Canteen" is indeed popular.

He doesn't need to look at the 7.03% ratings given by Dongguan TV Station to understand this.

Because this morning.

He simply browsed the news about the TV series.

There were two or three articles about "Little Canteen".

What's "Late Night Poison?" The dark horse is coming late at night in winter! "Or "Dongguan TV Station takes a different approach? Want to win with late-night slots? "There are endless articles like this.

It even vaguely overwhelms the popular winter dramas of TV stations such as Japan, Fuji, Sakura, and Tokyo in terms of discussion.

There is nothing we can do about it, after all, "Little Canteen" is a late-night show.

In the late night slot, the ratings were 7.03%.

The combination of these two words does make people feel surprised and unfamiliar.

Many newspapers and magazines did not forget to mention him as a sub-contractor who played opposite Takeo Mikawa.

Being able to catch Takeo Mikawa's play without even falling behind is indeed another shocking thing.

For a while, comments like "a rare male actor in a century" and "maturity beyond ordinary male actors" began to ferment.

The increased discussion of "Little Diner" also brought real benefits to Kita Sumimi.

First of all, there was good news reported by Tamura Koji.

The AR Male Actors Training Institute has begun to draft his A-level male actor contract at the morning meeting today.

And this also means.

From now on, the AR Male Actors Training Institute has begun to train him as a first-class male actor in the industry.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Kita Sumimi was a little surprised when he heard it.

He originally thought that the AR Male Actors Training Institute would arrange a contract for him as an A-level male actor at least until "Kengouden" was released.

Unexpectedly, the unexpected help of "Little Diner" actually directly promoted him to the A-level.

This is indeed a pleasant surprise.

Although the treatment of B-level male actors is good.

But it is still below the A-level male actors.

Even if there is a good job, he will have to wait until the selection of A-level actors is over before it is his turn to be a B-level actor.

To put it bluntly, this is just picking up the leftovers of others.

Kita Sumire is certainly unwilling to stay under other actors.

Then there is the number of followers on his personal homepage.

After the last "Night Walk" ended.

The number of followers on Kita Sumire's personal homepage has been rising gradually, until now it has reached 190,000 followers.

And after the broadcast of "Little Canteen" yesterday.

As of now.

The number of followers on Kita Sumire's personal homepage has exceeded 200,000.

There is a trend of continued increase.

For actors, 200,000 followers is a watershed.

With 200,000 followers.

Kita Sumire can already call himself a first-class actor in the industry.

However, while his number of followers is rising, the number of followers of Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi is also rising.

Especially Akiyama Shion.

Maybe after Kita Sumire's careful talk, Akiyama Runa didn't discipline her as strictly as before.

This also made her more lively in other TV dramas and variety shows.

She became more attractive than before.

Although Akiyama Shion's followers did not rise as fast as Kita Sumire's.

But now it has exceeded 650,000 and is heading towards 700,000.

As for Hosokawa Shibaizumi?

This little girl seems to be favored by advertisers recently.

Just after the new year, she has signed two advertising contracts in succession with a follower number of 430,000 - a children's shower gel and a children's clothing.

The advertising fees of the two companies added up to 45 million yen.

Even Kita Sumire.

When he heard Hosokawa Shibaizumi mention this to him on the chat software.

He was very envious - it was just the beginning of the new year, and the little Shiba Inu directly earned an income that other Shiba Inu could not earn in a year.

But Hosokawa Shibaizumi, who is easily upset, seemed a little unhappy.

She felt that shooting commercials had made her have no time to hang out with Kitasumi recently.

She secretly told Kitasumi that she had the idea of ​​refusing to shoot one of the commercials.

And she seemed to be worried that Kitasumi would tell Kusakabe Kazuko about this, so she also emphasized that Kitasumi should not leak it.

And Kitasumi's attitude towards this was also very clear.

[Tokyo's No. 1 Son: Who do you think I am? Shibaizumi-chan? Am I the kind of person who tells snitches? Aren't we two good friends? ]

His words were serious and his tone was solemn.

This made Hosokawa Shibaizumi feel a little guilty, thinking that he didn't trust Kitasumi enough.

She and Kitasumi agreed.

After rejecting an advertisement, she would come to his house as a guest.

And then...

Then Kitasumi told Kusakabe Kazuko about it.

There was no way.

If the business of 10 or 20 million really failed because of him, wouldn't Kusakabe Kazuko directly trouble him?

And this sudden change also made Hosokawa Shibaizumi stunned for a moment.

She anxiously sent a message to Kita Sumire.

[I won't listen to you! : Damn it! You annoying guy, I don't know why, Sister Hezi knows my plan! I can't refuse the commercial shooting! It's over! What should I do? ]

Obviously, the kind-hearted Hosokawa Shibaizumi didn't know that Kita Sumire was the culprit of everything.

In this regard, Kita Sumire could only comfort her with a few words, saying that she must have let the cat out of the bag somewhere.

There was a third party who didn't know about them.

But now that things have come to this, she can only shoot the commercial.

In this way, after comforting Hosokawa Shibaizumi, Kita Sumire focused on her current situation.

His career as a child actor is also on the rise!

Kita Sumire was excited and full of energy.

Since the first episode of "Little Canteen" was a big hit!

He has also become a truly first-class child actor.

So of course, we have to work harder at this time!

The 7.03% rating is quite excellent.

But this is just the beginning!

What if we can fight for 10%?

Thank you Chunjun for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you book friend 2020112101032398 for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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