Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 154 Successfully conquered! (4000 words)

Did you hear it wrong?

Or is it because I hate Kitami Minoru so much that I am hearing hallucinations?

What is the child in front of me talking about?

Looking at Kitumi Minoru with a sweet smile in front of her.

Akiyama Runa felt that she must have heard the wrong thing, so she asked the question patiently.

"I'm sorry, Beicheng-kun, it seems that my aunt heard something wrong just now. Did you say something just now?"

She tried to put a smile on her face.

But what she didn't expect was.

The expression of Beicheng Minoru in front of her gradually changed under her gaze.

It's as if it's rare to show its fangs.

The smile gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was a look of displeasure and dissatisfaction on his face.

This change of expression was so fast and so natural that Runa Akiyama was stunned when she saw it.


Then she heard Beicheng Minoru's voice.

"I think I should have said it clearly just now, right? Auntie Runa? But forget it, since you didn't hear clearly, I'll say it again."

The voice paused.

"I want you to be my dog, Auntie Runa. Of course, the 'dog' here does not mean that I want you to be my dog."

As he spoke, he used a wooden knife to sweep away the thin layer of snow on the bench.

sit down.

At the same time, he crossed his legs and stared at Runa Akiyama with a smile.

Being stared at by Beicheng Minoru's dark eyes.

Akiyama Runa felt uncomfortable for a moment.

It was like being targeted by a poisonous snake.

Goosebumps appeared on the exposed neck, and there was an indescribable coldness.

An uneasiness welled up in my heart.

And human beings are very good at using anger to hide their inner uneasiness.

Then anger arose in his heart.

She stared at Kitaki Minoru in front of her.

what's the situation? !

Why does this child speak so freely? ! Isn't that too rude? !

The disguised gentle expression fell off.

Instead there was anger and dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong with this kid? You can say such things to others casually? Isn't it too rude?! Do you really understand the situation? I will tell your agent about this. "

She looked angry, and her adult height still made her feel oppressive compared to Kitami Minoru.


"Auntie Runa is the one who didn't understand the situation, right?"

rhetorical question.

He asked with a playful smile.

Akiyama Runa looked at Kitaki Minoru in astonishment.

Beicheng Minoru crossed his legs, put one hand on his chin, and continued to look at her with a smile.

She didn't seem to be intimidated at all by her childish threat of "I'll snitch on your agent."

He just smiled and continued talking.

"Auntie Runa, I know. You've been squeezing Shion-chan and making her work late every day, right? She's obviously just a child."

He sighed as he spoke.

"It's so pitiful, Shion-chan. She was only eleven years old this year, but she was forced to work until nine o'clock every day by Auntie Runa——"

He tilted his head, a bright smile on his face.

"Auntie Runa, guess what, if those viewers on the Internet who like Akiyama Shion's son-in-law know about this, what will their attitude be? What measures will they take against you?"

At the end of the day.

The sigh slowly turned into intimidation.

The originally teasing gaze became lowered.

This made Akiyama Runa take a step back unconsciously.

After all, if it is true as Kitazumi said.

Audiences who like Akiyama Shion on the Internet know how to exploit each other's words.

Akiyama Runa swallowed.

There was an unspeakable panic in my heart.

How did the child in front of him know about his and his daughter's work situation?

What thought did he have to find himself?

Various mysteries follow one after another.

But Akiyama Runa still tried to argue.

"You, what are you talking about?! According to the law, Ziyi can work until nine o'clock in the evening! All producers and directors in the industry are like this! I am in compliance with the regulations! There is nothing wrong in what I do! "


She wasn't wrong at all!

What she did was within the rules!

Everyone is like this!

There's nothing wrong with her!


"Yes, everything Auntie Runa does is in compliance with the law. But the rules are cold, but people are different."

Beicheng Minoru leaned on the bench, his eyes flashing.

"The audience is emotional, especially when they know that you are exploiting your daughter and forcing her to work until night every day, they will be so angry that they will not care about whether it complies with regulations."

That's right.

Most people are emotional.

Audiences who are truly aroused don't care about rules, rules and other nonsense.

By then, Akiyama Runa, who is trapped in a cocoon, will definitely be burned clean by this fire.

Akiyama Runa was scared.

She was really scared.

Because she felt something strange.


Very unusual!

There is something very wrong with the child in front of me!

Would an ordinary child servant be like Kitazumi Minoru?

in her eyes.

Kitazumi Minoru is no longer a submissive—but a monster in the skin of a submissive!

"You, what you said are just empty words. Why do you think you can mobilize public opinion?"

Even though fear was already rising in her heart.

But Akiyama Runa was still unwilling to give up.

She has been teaching Akiyama Shion like this for so many years.

How could she compromise because of a child who suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

She stared at Kita Sumire with gritted teeth.

"Oh, Aunt Runa, have you forgotten? The lawsuit between me and my biological mother before--"

Kita Sumire raised her eyes.

The corners of her mouth also curled up a smile.

But there was no smile in this smile.

"You don't think that such a grand online public opinion is normal, do you? Since I can do it the first time, why do you think I can't do it the second time."

He played with the wooden sword in his hand, looking unhurried.

And what he said.

It made Akiyama Runa's heart even more turbulent.

She paid close attention to the matter between Miharu Yukako and Kita Sumire.

At that time, she was a little confused.

Why did the public opinion against Miharu Yukako ferment so quickly?

It seemed like it was just one night.

The entire Internet was filled with judgments and insults against Miharu Yukako.

At this time, she listened to what Kita Sumi said.

The doubts that had been hidden in her heart were also solved at this moment.

Her expression, which was still insisting.

At this moment, she was also a little shaken.

Because just as Kita Sumi said.

If he could really promote such a grand online public opinion.

Then the public opinion effect brought by Akiyama Shion, who has more followers and is a first-class actress in the industry, would only be greater.

Her face was a little pale, and her brain seemed a little dizzy.

But Kita Sumi didn't stop there.

He has always followed the principle of "beating the dog when it's down".

It's impossible to be soft here!

He continued to speak.

"And don't forget, Aunt Runa, Japan announced a law a few years ago, and children can also file a lawsuit with the court according to their own wishes and apply to sever ties with their parents."

Japan announced the law before.

Children can also choose whether to appeal to the court according to their own wishes.

And this sentence.

It made the already wavering Akiyama Runa even more shaky.

Just from this brief conversation just now.

She understood.

Kita Sumire is definitely not joking.

This child-serving girl full of alien feeling can definitely do what he says!

Her expression changes unsteadily.

Her hands and feet are also shaking slightly.

Suddenly, as if she thought of something, her face showed an expression like she found a savior.

At the same time, she stared at Kita Sumire, as if she wanted to tear the other's handsome and cute face apart.

"But if you really do this, it will also ruin Shion's child-serving career, right?"

That's right.

If Kita Sumire really does what he said.

She can almost predict it.

Akiyama Shion's career as a prostitute, which was originally on the rise, would stagnate.

After all, the industry has always adhered to the principle of less trouble is worse than more trouble.

Even if Akiyama Shion is a top-notch prostitute in the industry, this is still the case.

Kita Sumire must care about Akiyama Shion - otherwise he would not have spent so much effort to communicate with her about Akiyama Shion.

She didn't believe that Kita Sumire really wanted to ruin Akiyama Shion's career as a prostitute!

Akiyama Runa regained a calm expression.

She said it was a close call.

She was almost fooled by Kita Sumire.

Thinking so.

At the same time, he raised his head and looked at Kita Sumire.

He wanted to see if the other party's hateful, relaxed face would change after the situation was completely out of his control.

But -


The expected panic, uneasiness, and astonishment did not appear.

Kita Sumire's expression was still so calm.

He even looked at her with a hint of pity.

This unexpected calm look.

Akiyama Runa was completely stunned.

Then, Kita Sumire's voice sounded.

"Then destroy it. Shion-chan has made enough money, so it's better to let her leave this industry than to work so hard for her now."


This profession is a whitewashed, extremely distorted profession produced by the industry.

Normal children should not work at this age, but should enjoy their childhood with friends and family.

Most children work hard in their childhood, which makes them unable to get out of the shadow of their childhood as adults, and they are psychologically distorted, and even commit suicide.

Rather than letting Akiyama Shion suffer like this.

It's better to let her be free early and leave this distorted professional circle.

When he said this.

His expression was not shaken at all.

He stood up.

He stared at Akiyama Runa, who was stunned.

"And do you really have the awareness of being a mother? Do you know what your daughter really needs? What you said is for her good, but in fact, it's all just your selfish desires."

Step forward.

Akiyama Runa was retreating.

And Kitasumi was advancing.

"Do you know that Shion Akiyama is only ten years old? Even after this year, she will only be eleven! Shion can indeed work and earn money, but Shion is not a tool for adults like you, Auntie Runa!"

The voice is decisive.

The eyes are firm.

"You are just imposing your own dreams on her, that's all."

Akiyama Runa hopes that Shion Akiyama can become the child of her dreams.

Why is that?

It is because she herself has not become the person of her dreams, so she imposes her will on Shion Akiyama.

She has not considered how much pressure her behavior will bring to the other party.

She just blindly demands from the child who should be the object of the demand.

To put it bluntly.

"People like Auntie Runa only think about themselves and don't consider Shion at all."


Faced with Kita Sumire's aggressive pressure.

Akiyama Runa collapsed on the snow.

She opened her mouth wide.

She looked at the Shion in front of her in disbelief.

Because the Kita Sumire in front of her not only denied her education of Akiyama Shion as a child servant.

She even denied his ideological education of his daughter.

She thought of the first time Akiyama Shion talked back to her and said that she wanted to make friends with Kita Sumire.

I guess at that time.

Her daughter had already been influenced by the Kita Sumire in front of her, right? !

A feeling of shock and anger rose from her heart at this moment.

Because the Kita Sumire in front of her not only influenced her daughter.

Now he even wanted to interfere with her education of her daughter.

This shock and anger and obsession with Akiyama Shion.

Made her get up from the ground.

She gritted her teeth and rushed towards Kita Sumire.

She had to let the other party know the consequences of playing with adults' emotions at will!

Not everything in the world will go according to the other party's wishes!


Bang! ! !

Something flashed past her ears.

Akiyama Runa only felt a flash in front of her eyes.

Then she saw Kita Sumire holding a wooden sword horizontally and swinging it on the trunk of the landscape tree next to him.


Accompanied by a series of piercing, teeth-grinding sounds

Under the shocked eyes of Akiyama Runa.

The ornamental tree, which was about the thickness of a small wrist, was cut by Kita Sumimi.

The tree trunk touched the blade.

It fell backwards powerlessly.

It was clearly a wooden sword.

But the cross section showed a smooth feeling.

If this kind of power was thrown directly at oneself

The courage generated by anger disappeared at this moment.

Akiyama Runa's body fell to the ground again.

The cold snow was no match for Kita Sumimi's cold eyes.

She looked at the boy in front of her with trembling body.

"Don't do stupid things, Aunt Runa."

Kita Sumimi smiled: "I came here to cooperate with you. As long as you are willing to listen to me in the future, I will not do anything to you."

It was still a very bright and innocent smile.

He looked at Akiyama Runa who was sitting in the snow.

He looked at her without any intention of "sympathizing with women".

Feeling Kita Chengshi's gaze.

And thinking of the serious consequences that might come from resisting him.

At this moment.

Akiyama Runa's heart finally couldn't hold on any longer.

With an indescribable sadness and sorrow.

She whispered, hugging her shoulders.

Like a child.

Under Kita Chengshi's gaze.

She cried helplessly in the snow.

Thanks to Shen Juncheng 1314 for the 100 starting coins reward! Thank you very much!

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