Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 149 Best New Actor Award Nomination (4400 words)

Chapter 149 Nomination for Best New Actor Award——(4400 words)

Kitasumi didn’t know that a joke he posted on his status could make Ishikawa Bunta think so much.

But even if he knew, he would probably just laugh it off and not care at all.

After all, people who really take children’s status seriously are real fools.

Compared to the insignificant things like the ‘Kitasumi Group’.

What he cares more about now is the ratings of “Night Walk”.

Therefore, just after getting up the next day, Kitasumi simply took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Tamura Koji to ask.

This is natural.

Although he can be ‘fully automatic’ as a sub-actor, Tamura Koji as a manager is more informed about the news in the industry.

However, before he could dial the phone.

Tamura Koji’s phone number appeared on the phone screen.

Good guy.

Before he could call, Tamura Koji took the initiative to call him.

This initiative was just right.

Kita Sumi nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that his second pickled radish has grown up recently.

And this is also the main purpose of his training Tamura Koji.

Compared with those agents who like to talk too much about the choice of the shoujo.

Even to a certain extent, they have to interfere with the life of the shoujo.

He still prefers the agents who are trained by himself, easy to control, and know everything about him.

He connected the phone.

Before Kita Sumi spoke.

Tamura Koji on the other side spoke excitedly.

"Kita Sumi-kun! Back! All back!"


All back!

Tamura Koji looked at the data statistics table he got from Shiraishi Jun in his hand. In addition to excitement, his face was indescribably surprised.

Because the reversal of the ratings of the twelfth episode of "Night Walk" was too exaggerated.

The final ratings of the twelfth episode of "Night Walk" were 19.07%, and the average ratings fluctuated between 18.93% and 19.04%.

This rating is the highest among the twelve episodes of "Night Walk" - 3.04% higher than the rating of the first episode of "Night Walk".

You know, he clenched his fists yesterday, fearing that something unexpected would happen today, and Kita Sumire would also become a "ratings poison".

As a result, he actually made such a beautiful comeback today!

It can be said to be a miracle.

With this feeling.

Tamura Koji stood and reported the situation to Kita Sumire on the other end of the phone.

"This is really."

Kita Sumire, who was sitting on the sofa and changed into children's sportswear, also sighed.

Although he knew from Shiraishi Jun's words that the audience would most likely return.

But even he didn't expect that the degree of return would be so terrifying.

It soared from 9.67% to 19.07%.

This range is simply exaggerated.

Even Kita Sumire saw this scene for the first time.

After all, it was a 19.07% rating!

Although it was a great pity that it failed to break through 20% and set a record.

But this achievement is enough for Kita Sumire, the main character, to brag about.

You know, since the advent of smartphones, most viewers prefer to lie in bed and browse their phones after get off work, rather than sit in front of the TV to watch TV series.

At a time when the Japanese TV industry is being "murdered" by smartphones, computers, and the Internet.

"Night Walk" can achieve such results, and it is no problem to say that it has achieved remarkable results.

Kita Sumire was very satisfied, and he also took a look at the website that Kitayama Rie had shown him before.

Like the situation after the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" was broadcast last week, everyone was eager to step on it and spit on it, but now it has completely disappeared.

Especially the so-called "professional film critics" who jumped around so hard - the ones who pointed at Kita Sumire and the others and scolded them.

Today, as if they had a telepathic connection, most of them chose to remain silent.

Not even a word was posted on social networking sites.

The main reason was that the slap came too fast.

Their faces were almost swollen.

After all, they were still criticizing last week, saying that "Night Walk" would not have a good result next week.

But today, "Night Walk" turned around and won a big victory.

It would be embarrassing for anyone.

Of course, they chose to deal with it coldly.

Of course, there are also a few who are as hard-mouthed as steel.

They said that it was just because "Night Walk" had its finale, so it was normal that the ratings were much higher than before.

But before they could be hard-mouthed for long.

The dynamics under their personal homepages were flooded by a lot of "Night Walk" fans.

Just as Shiraishi Jun said.

The audience is not blind.

They can distinguish between good and bad.

Although the 19.03% ratings are indeed due to the finale of "Night Walk", which attracted many viewers back.

But the most important thing is that the quality of the twelfth episode itself is excellent - mainly because Kita Sumire's performance is too eye-catching.

Just look at the comments and you can see it.

Many viewers are asking for information about the actor who plays Kirihara Kenji.

He even said without any reservation that Kita Sumire's acting was indeed too good - many people cried at the end.

Kita Sumire's name once again entered their sight at this moment.

Tamura Koji said while listening to Kita Sumire's movements.

Originally, he thought that this time he would finally be able to hear Kitasumi's voice of extreme surprise.

But he waited for a long time, and only heard Kitasumi's small sigh.

Other than that, there was no movement.

This also made Tamura Koji scratch his head and couldn't help but speak.

"Kitasumi-kun, don't you have any other feelings?"

"Hmm? Other feelings? Oh, I'm quite satisfied now."

Quite satisfied?

That's a 19.03% audience rating!

If it were any other actor, they would celebrate the result - being able to appear in such a work can greatly increase their value.

But when it comes to you, you are just "quite satisfied"?

Tamura Koji really doesn't know what to say.

You know, even the other agents of their AR actor training center are mostly discussing the ratings of "Night Walk" today.

After all, the TV industry has been in recession for a long time.

Even the way they look at him is a little wrong.

There is a sense of jealousy that he has picked up a treasure.

It is easy to imagine how exaggerated this result is.

But Kitasumi's voice sounds a bit cheerful.

There is no feeling of "jubilation" or "universal celebration" as he expected.

Isn't Kitasumi's calmness a bit scary?

Tamura Koji secretly smacked his lips.

But never mind.

He knew that Kitasumi was a child with this kind of personality.

Shaking his head, he continued to speak.

"This is just the first surprise. There is one more thing I want to tell Kitasumi-kun."

"Oh? One more thing?"

"In addition to the great success of "Night Walk", the box office statistics of "Kidnapped Natsuko" have also come out."

"Kidnapped Natsuko"?


It was not until this time that Kitasumi remembered this movie that he had forgotten in the corner of his memory recently.

There is no way, this period of time is too busy.

From Monday to Thursday, I have to help Kitagawa Ruiko with her lessons while going to the "Night Walk" filming crew for filming.

After school on Friday, I have to take the Shinkansen or plane to Kyoto immediately.

It's no problem to say that this treatment is like a spinning top.

He was so busy with his own work.

Not to mention paying attention to the specific situation of "Natsuko Kidnapped".

He even forgot to call Honma Fuhiko to congratulate him.


How to say it.

No wonder when he was paying attention to the ratings of "Night Walk" yesterday.

Honma Fuhiko suddenly sent him a '? ' on the chat software.

At that time, Kita Sumire thought that the other party was drunk and suddenly went crazy.

Otherwise, why would he send a question mark to himself.

But now I see.


It's really a bit sorry for him.

Kita Sumire coughed.

"What is the specific box office performance of "Natsuko Kidnapped", Tamura-san?"

"The cumulative box office is 1.23 billion yen! Not only did it beat the strong rival in the same quarter, "Yuki's Summer Memories" directed by Kuroishi Nao, but it is also the hottest art healing movie in the second half of this year!"

At the end, Tamura Koji's voice gradually became excited.

Mainly because it's really hard not to be excited.

1 billion box office.

That's a hurdle.

I don't know how many literary pure love films are produced in Japan every year.

But most of them die midway at the box office of 800 million or 900 million, and even a small number can only touch the edge of 100 million yen, and then they are "indistinguishable from the crowd".

There are very few who can overcome this hurdle.

So how can this not make Koji Tamura excited?

Regardless of "Night Walk" or "Kidnapped Natsuko".

The main role of these two hottest works at the moment is Kita Sumire!

According to Koji Tamura's survey.

In addition to the number of followers on his personal homepage, which is growing and has now exceeded 150,000 followers.

On tiktok, a popular software for young people.

The information about Kita Sumire has also increased from one or two occasional ones in the past to more and more now.

This is a trend.

It is a trend that many viewers have begun to be interested in Kita Sumire and have spontaneously started to search for his personal information!

And this is also Kita Sumire's biggest gain!

The second-rate actor in the industry.

Although this title sounds like a lot of progress compared to the third-rate in the industry before.

But it still can't change the embarrassing position in the industry.

But this kind of spontaneous search and search by the audience -

That's the treatment that only first-class actors can enjoy!

Even if the number of followers is still not as good as Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi, who are first-class actors in the industry.

But now Kita Sumire undoubtedly has the qualities to become a first-class actor in the industry.

"It's really a good thing."

Listening to Tamura Koji's explanation, Kita Sumire also nodded.

Ratings and box office statistics are all false.

The most important thing is how to use these works to improve his position in the industry.

This is the most important thing.

Just need to go through a few more movies and TV series.

He will definitely become a first-class actor, and it is definitely not a dream to get an A grade in the AR actor training center.

Kita Sumire nodded with satisfaction.

Tamura Koji on the other side of the phone actually sighed a little.

You know, at the beginning of this year.

He didn't even know that he had an actor like Kita Sumire under him.

At that time, Kitami Minoru was still competing with a bunch of low-level guys for roles such as supporting roles and supporting roles.

It's the end of the year.

Today, Kitaki has completely stepped out from the bottom.

Has gradually launched a march towards the first-class service.

This rate of progress is really exaggerated.

After all, reality is not fiction.

For a kid like Kitami Minoru who has no background or capital, it is extremely difficult to move forward in the Japanese industry.

Regardless of relying on his communication skills, he auditioned for Kuroda Naichi to film "The Resentment".

Still won the title role of "Natsuko Kidnapped".

Or in the subsequent audition for "Swordsman Den", I won the popular role of Kenichi Aoki.

These things, no matter if applied to any 8-year-old child, are impossible to accomplish.

Even if he said it, others would just think that Tamura Koji was joking.

But Kitazumi completed it all.

And it was done so perfectly.

In the past half year or so, it can be said that the other party has followed the path that other subordinates have taken in three or four years.

Besides being ‘amazing’.

Tamura Koji really can't think of any adjectives.

Think of this.

Tamura Koji spoke.

"Beicheng-kun, as an agent, I am still very immature. Over the past six months, I have received a lot of care from you, Beicheng-kun. I really can't help but apologize."

When saying this sentence.

Tamura Koji coughed dryly and looked very embarrassed.

He is a self-aware person.

In the past six months, he has indeed received a lot of help from Kitami Minori - there are many things that should be handled by the agent, but the other party always takes the lead and helps handle them perfectly.

Even say something unspeakable.

It's not so much that he is training Kitami Minoru.

It would be better to say that Beicheng really trained him.

Think of this.

His face turned a little red - let an eight-year-old child train himself

For an agent, this is indeed a bit too salty.

Tamura Koji originally wanted to apologize.

But what he didn't expect was that Beicheng Minoru over there had already spoken.

"It's okay, Tamura-san, you have always been very serious about your work, I know this."

Tamura Koji has always handled his affairs very seriously.

Kitazumi knew this.

Every time it is about the works he participated in.

Tamura Koji will always choose to work overtime.

Last time, I even had to work overtime until I fainted.

This is indeed a bit too serious.


"I haven't forgotten that at the premiere of "Natsuko Kidnapped", Tamura-san ignored the company's regulations and sent me home. I'm really grateful for that."

That's right.

Because of Miharu's affair with Kako, Tamura Koji sent him home to plant his seeds at the beginning of the premiere of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

Because of this incident, Tamura Koji was given a 20% salary cut by AR Subsidiary Company, and was criticized by the entire company.

This matter had a great impact on him.

The training center's plans for his promotion at the end of the year were shelved because of this.

It is said that a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.

Tamura Koji did sacrifice too much in this matter.

Kitazumi Minoru also always remembered it.


"I believe in Tamura-san, and I believe that we can get better and better, so let's work hard together in the future, okay?"

The tone was lowered and the voice became serious, as if full of prospects for the future.

"Beicheng Jun"

Tamura Koji was slightly stunned.

The industry is a circle where status is greater than favor.

After many artists become famous, it is not uncommon to kick out the managers who worked hard for them.

An actor like Kitami Minoru always remembers the kindness of others.

In this industry circle where status is greater than favor.

It is indeed quite rare.

Tamura Koji was a little moved by Kitaki Minoru's belief, and then nodded vigorously.

"Okay! Let's work hard together!"

He secretly made up his mind.

From now on, I must work even harder for Kitaki Minoru and never let down his trust.

After all, he has been partnered with Kitumi Minoru for so long.

He is also very confident and can tell which of the other party's words are acting and which are not.

On the other side, Beicheng Minoru also breathed a small sigh of relief.

Salty radish No. 2, which I finally grew at home, is thinking about this thing again.

Fortunately, he used his words in time to stabilize the other party's mentality.

In this way, the other party should work harder.

As for what I just said - it's not all about acting this time.

Of course there is truth in it.

He is indeed grateful to Tamura Koji.

So it doesn't hurt.

Think of this.

Kitaki Minoru chatted with Tamura Koji for a while.

Until it was almost time to hang up the phone.

The other party just threw out a new one, which made Kitumi pay more attention to the topic.

"Actually, he was nominated for our Tokyo Regional Best New Actor Award this year."

Tamura Koji read through the news that just came in and spoke like this.

"Beicheng-kun, it seems you have been nominated."

Chapter 2 4400 words——

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