Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 536 The watch is lost

Everyone else was thinking about it, but Gu Siwei was much more relaxed. He looked at his sister and brother-in-law with a smile.

"Which school do you two want to go to? Do you have any that you like?"

At this time, Gu Siwei was a bit like an old woman from a crooked work unit. She stood at the door and asked two young customers if they had any girls they liked.

Hu Yanping thought for a long time, and then shook his head. He really didn't care about studying. He had no intention of studying hard in the first place. He was just thrown here by his parents, plus his sister and Sicui. The horror forced him to learn.

Let's put it this way, Hu Yanping himself never thought that he would go to university. As for being ranked 14th in the province, he had no idea in his mind.

Let alone fourteen, it was four hundred and four. With his ability, if everyone tried their best, it would be impossible for Hu Yanping to pass the exam.

Don't mention any talent at this time. No matter how talented you are, you have to learn to understand. There are no people in this world who can't learn.

So when his brother-in-law Gu Siwei asked him which university he wanted to go to, could he not be confused?


Gu Siwei turned his eyes to his brother-in-law's face.

Hu Yanping said: "There really isn't one, why don't you choose one for me."

"Should I choose this for you? You make your own choice. With such good results, you can go to any university you want. Just choose with your eyes closed," Gu Siwei said.

Hu Yanping said: "Then I will choose Nanyang University in the provincial capital, which is close to home."

Hu Yanqiu heard this and said directly: "Choose a university in the capital, Shougang University or Qingdao University, and study. I think you are pretty good in chemistry, so just study chemistry."

After hearing this, Hu Yanping sighed.

Gu Siwei said: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, you don't have anything you want to learn?"

Gu Siwei realized that something was wrong with his brother-in-law's mental state.

Hu Yanping looked at Gu Siwei for a while, and then said to his brother-in-law: "I just feel that all of this is a bit unreal!"

"This kid really likes to be stupid."

An old man next to him smiled and said after hearing this.

Gu Siwei didn't think so. He directly pushed his brother-in-law to sit on the chair, and he sat opposite him. The two of them just looked at each other and talked.

"Then have you ever thought about what you will do in the future? What do you like to do?" Gu Siwei asked.

Hu Yanping said: "What do I like to do? I actually don't know what I like to do. If you really ask me to say it, it is that I like to play. Does this count?"

"What doesn't count? Playing counts. Some people can't play well," Gu Siwei said.

"For example, some people who play with birds can understand the temperament of each bird and the lifestyle of each bird. This is their ability." Gu Siwei started to talk about it. got up.

"Then can I choose a playing career? Is there a playing career?" Hu Yanping looked at his brother-in-law Gu Siwei blankly.

Gu Siwei said: "It's true. There is a profession called game designer abroad, which specializes in making things for people to play, such as California cubes! Forget it, I don't understand it even if I tell you. I'll wait until I have time. I’ll take you to see it when I have time and you’ll know.”

"Is this really a job?"

Hu Yanqiu felt that she would go crazy if her husband behaved nonsense. Wouldn't his nonsense at this time delay his brother's future?

Gu Siwei said: "It's true, those who design games are particularly talented and very challenging."

"What kind of thing? Tell me." Hu Yanping's eyes lit up.

Gu Siwei had to describe it to him: "For example, a square box that can be plugged into a TV. When you press the button and insert a game card, a little person will appear on the TV screen. You can control this little person. People move back and forth, either fighting monsters or people, and after beating people, a treasure chest may drop..."

After finishing speaking, Gu Siwei asked his brother-in-law: "How is it?"

"It sounds as interesting as what you said, but it's more interesting than anything else. Which school should I go to first if I want to learn this?" Hu Yanping felt that what his brother-in-law said seemed more interesting than chemistry.

"Electronics. Qingda University is stronger in this area," Gu Siwei said.

Hu Yanping said without thinking: "Then choose this."

Gu Siwei felt that his brother-in-law had simply thrown him away due to his money, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who allowed him to get ranked 14th in the province?

Youdao means four is four, ten is ten, forty is forty, fourteen is fourteen, they are all numbered!

After Hu Yanping's matter was settled, Gu Siwei asked about his sister.

Sicui was straightforward and said directly to her brother and sister-in-law: "I want to be a doctor, and I want to go to the best medical school in the country."

Gu Siwei knew as soon as he heard that he didn't have to choose. With his girl's performance, there could only be one school, and there wasn't even a substitute school.

Hu Yanqiu thought it was strange, so he opened his mouth and asked Sicui, "Why do you want to be a doctor?"

Sicui said: "I think it is good to be a doctor, because I can save people and heal the wounded."

Gu Siwei said: "But being a doctor is also very tiring. Think about it, you are a doctor with excellent medical skills, and every patient wants to see you, but your time alone is limited, and you cannot do it every day." Tighten your nerves. You can choose a doctor, but you must be mentally prepared."

Sicui said: "If I learn well, I will come back to Zhuangzi and open a clinic to treat everyone."

Gu Siwei laughed and said, "That's not bad!"

Hu Yanqiu said: "What nonsense are you talking about? After becoming a doctor, you can go to the city and save more people. When you get to Zhuangzi, who will save you? Now everyone is healthy."

"Don't mention it, there are really very few illnesses in recent years. I used to be a sick person, and I always got sick a few times every year. But in the past few years, the most I've done is a stuffy nose, not once. I have a cold, do you think it’s strange?”

Yang Laosi next to him started to digress.

"It seems to me too. Also, there used to be some elderly people who couldn't make it through the winter. But in the past few years, there has been no one. It would be easier to explain if it was one or two years, but after so many years, my family has... All the old people look good and no one has any health problems."

This mention reminds everyone of the biggest difference between Zhuangzi before and now.

Gu Siwei listened and smiled and said: "Okay, okay, everyone should pay more attention to the future of the children at home. Why do we talk about the elderly in the village again? Isn't it good to be healthy and live a hundred years? Let's strive for it. , everyone will live over 100 years in the future, and our Zhuangzi will also be called a longevity village, and then we can make a fortune selling water."

"Stop talking nonsense, can you still sell water? I've heard of people selling tea, but I've never heard of people selling water."

Obviously, everyone does not believe that water can be sold for money, and it is not difficult to understand that everyone has never seen mineral water. In people's minds at this moment, only tea can be sold for money, water? When you stand in front of someone's house, and when you see a woman, call her "eldest sister, sister-in-law, etc." and say, "I want a drink of water," and she will give it to you.

Buy it with money? Isn't that too much money to burn your heart?

Gu Siwei smiled.

Everyone continued talking, but Gu Siwei stopped interrupting.

They have been discussing since Gu Siwei came back, and until the lamp was hung up, these families have not yet discussed it, so there is nothing they can do. Anyway, this thing will be handed in soon, and there is not much time for them. It's just one night today and one day tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow it has to be handed over to the county town.

Gu Siwei's family was naturally at ease. The two children decided which school to attend, filled out the application form, and then Gu Siwei took care of it.

When he woke up early the next morning, Gu Siwei had just started brushing his teeth when he heard someone calling him at the bottom of the cliff, so he quickly washed away the toothpaste foam in his mouth and ran towards the edge of the cliff.

"Fourth dimension, fourth dimension, help!"

Next is Mr. Guo Liu.

"What's wrong?" Gu Siwei was curious and asked the monkeys to drop the hanging ladder.

Mr. Guo Liu said: "I'm not going up. I'm not going up. Siwei, do you still have the volunteer form at home?"

"How can I still have that thing? They only give one to each person, but they won't give it to me if I want two. What, yours is filled out incorrectly? I asked you not to worry if it is incorrectly filled out, just change it directly. "If the handwriting is the same, there will be no problem," Gu Siwei said.

This year is the first year of recovery, so naturally there will be problems of one kind or another. You have to get things started first before you can find out where the problems are.

Mr. Guo Liu said: "No, the watch is gone!"

"No more? Didn't you look for it carefully?"

Gu Siwei really didn’t know what to say about Mr. Guo Liu. There was no such thing as a volunteer form!

Mr. Guo Liu said: "I looked for it, but I couldn't find it. I originally put it on the table last night, but I didn't know it was missing when I came in the morning."

"Did someone play with it?"

As soon as Gu Siwei said it, he added: "That's not possible. You really didn't look carefully. What's under the table or in the corners on the ground?"

Mr. Guo Liu said: "We have searched everything, and all the furniture has been moved away. You don't know it in our house, but in such a big place, it is easy to find even a dropped pin."

"Then you guys are looking for it at home. Find someone from your family to accompany the child to the county seat with me. If you find him, he will be sent there. If you can't find him, ask him if there is any other way."

What can Gu Siwei say?

You can't ignore this matter. After all, he is also the captain, and he is in charge of such trivial matters.

After talking to Mr. Guo Liu, Gu Siwei returned home.

Hu Yanqiu had long heard the conversation between the two on the cliff.

"When you went, you handed over Sicui and Yanping's wishes. I will take Yanping and Sicui back to the factory today. If we still come back when you come back, you can go to the factory."

Gu Siwei nodded: "I understand."

Originally, Gu Siwei had planned for everyone to go together and leave the matter of delivering the volunteer letters to Yang Chuanwu. But now that this happened, it was not appropriate to leave it to others. It was better for him to go there himself.

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