Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 298 Not doing business properly

The pickles are well pickled, but they are not ready to eat yet. You can eat them at this time, but the taste is not enough to counteract the fishy smell in the meat. It is best to marinate these vegetables for about a month. That's when the taste is right.

In the past, when Gu Siwei's family ate this dish, it was always in the cold winter. The whole family gathered around a pot in the middle of the table, and what was simmering in the pot was sauerkraut and mutton or beef.

At this time, Gu Siwei can often finish a pound of rice.

The sauerkraut was good, and Gu Siwei looked at other things by the way. In addition to this tank of sauerkraut from Gu Siwei's hometown, there was also the sauerkraut from Sichuan, the same sauerkraut that Gu Siwei used to eat sauerkraut fish.

In addition to the taste of Sichuan, there are also pickled vegetables from the north.

The three kinds of sauerkraut are all called sauerkraut, but the vegetables used are different. The sauerkraut in Gu Siwei's hometown is high-cut green cabbage, which is as long as a person's thigh. Sauerkraut in the north is pickled with Chinese cabbage.

Regarding sauerkraut, there may be different preparation methods across the country. Otherwise, we have so many dishes in China. Every place has its own unique taste, and it is also a local person’s memory of his hometown and family ties.

In addition to sauerkraut, there are also beans, candied garlic, radishes, etc.

All the jars are full, and all the jars and pots are not full yet, but they are not far from being full.

You know, Gu Siwei's family grows vegetables on several acres of land.

Returning to the stove at the door of the big house, Gu Siwei discovered that the gas lamp had been hung up at some point, illuminating the front of the big house so brightly that it suddenly outshone the light of the moon in the sky.

Gu Siwei wanted to praise his daughter-in-law at this moment. The pickled vegetables in that hole were simply amazing.

I can't help praising her. This daughter-in-law has far exceeded Gu Siwei's expectations for a wife. After a few decades, this daughter-in-law will not be replaced by a diamond mountain, let alone a gold mountain.

Just when he was about to open his mouth, Gu Siwei smelled the smell of smelly socks. After a closer sniff, it didn't look like it, so Gu Siwei smiled.

"Is the salted fish baked? Your hands and feet are very fast."

Gu Siwei took the opportunity to praise his sister.

Before Sicui could speak, a little head stuck out from the other side of the stove where Gu Siwei was standing.

I originally thought that there was only Da Mao there, but it turned out that there was my brother-in-law Hu Yanping hidden behind Da Mao.

Hu Yanping is holding a salted fish and eating it happily.

While eating, Da Mao was still eating, because Da Mao’s mouth was twisting and turning at the moment. He must be eating something, and it couldn’t be something big, because Da Mao always swallowed big things without chewing them.

About two or three meters away from the boy, Gu Siwei could hear the clicking sound of the grilled crispy salted fish when it shattered in the boy's mouth.

And that unique smell like smelly socks.

"Isn't it salty to eat with empty mouth?"

As soon as Gu Siwei asked the question, he saw the boy stretched out his hand and took out a white-faced steamed bun, shook it at Gu Siwei demonstratively, and then took a big bite.

A bite of salted fish and a bite of white-flour steamed buns made Gu Siwei salivate.

"Give me one," Gu Siwei said to Hu Yanqiu.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Don't eat the steamed buns, the meal will be ready soon."

"Brother-in-law, you'd better eat vegetable rice. If you want to eat something not upscale like steamed buns with salted fish, I'll do it." What Hu Yanping said must have been ironic. This kid got an advantage and acted like a good boy, laughing while talking.

Gu Siwei heard that Hu Yanqiu asked him to eat, so he said: "You can also eat salted fish with rice."

"If you don't think it's salty enough, then it's a good match, and no one will prick your mouth," Hu Yanqiu said with a smile.

When he finished speaking, he reached out and patted the apron in front of him, then opened the lid of the pot.

" this the vegetable rice you are talking about?"

As soon as the lid of the pot is opened, a burst of aroma comes out.

As a typical representative of greedy cats, Hu Yanping immediately sensed that this vegetable rice was not that vegetable rice, and it was completely different from the vegetable rice cooked for him by his mother.

"What is this if it's not vegetable rice?" Hu Yanqiu picked up the bowl that had been prepared nearby and said with a smile.

Hu Yanqiu had a spatula in one hand and a bowl in the other. The spatula in his hand was shoveling rice into the pot. The spatula made a crunching sound. At this time, the rice crispy rice at the bottom of the pot was ready. The fragrant rice crispy rice increased the aroma of the rice by more than one level.

In addition to the crispy rice, green beans and peanuts are also mixed in when the rice is cooked. Of course, some meat is also indispensable, including pork cut into the size of corn kernels, bacon and ham.

Regarding these dishes, a popular saying on the Internet decades later is: use them to fry shoe insoles, and the insoles will be delicious!

"Sister, you can't do this to me. Do you know what I do these days at home?"

Hu Yanqiu looked at the white-faced steamed buns in his hand, and then at the salted fish in the other hand. He suddenly felt that it was no longer fragrant, at least not as fragrant as before, so he took a bite of the salted fish. Well, it was salty, and he took another bite. Steamed buns, Hu Yanping's side started to sell badly.

"I asked you to eat vegetables and rice, but you refused to eat it. Now you want to eat it again. What kind of trouble is this?"

Hu Yanqiu deliberately teased her younger brother. Not to mention that she had cooked rice and vegetables for him. Even if she hadn't cooked, she couldn't let her brother starve. She would definitely divide one portion into two portions, one for her brother and one for her husband.

"I regret it now," Hu Yanping said.

Sicui looked at Hu Yanping and scratched her cheek: "A man who doesn't mean what he says is really shameless."

Hu Yanping did not look at Sicui and replied directly: "God comes first, eating comes second, who else should I care about!"

When Hu Yanqiu saw his brother like this, he smiled and said, "Who did you learn this from? You are so shameless."

Hu Yanping glanced at his brother-in-law at this time.

"It's none of my business, you were born like this." Gu Siwei smiled, picked up a piece of garlic on the stove and threw it towards his brother-in-law.

Hu Yanqiu saw it and said, "Don't play with food!"

So Gu Siwei had to put the garlic back.

"What did you have for dinner?" Gu Siwei wondered if he would get some special treatment if he ate this dish.

Sicui said at this time: "This is the kind of vegetable rice we eat at night."


Gu Siwei realized that his family was no longer the same as before, so he nodded happily: "Just eat everything, I don't want to be special."

"Brother-in-law, you are such a bad person," Hu Yanping said.

I learned this from Gu Siwei, and Gu Siwei also learned it from a colleague when I was working. Just listen to the meaning and you will know that this means that people are unreliable.

Gu Siwei wanted to have a chat with his brother-in-law, but at this moment, his wife put the filled rice in front of Gu Siwei. Not only was it served, but the chopsticks were also set up and brought over with the bowl.

"Thank you ma'am!"

Gu Siwei first put the chopsticks between the two palms, put his hands together to express his gratitude to his wife for cooking and serving the meal, and then started eating with big mouthfuls.

When a mouthful of rice entered his mouth, in addition to the smell of meat and the aroma of oil, Gu Siwei also tasted a special taste.

Seeing Gu Siwei pause, Hu Yanqiu asked with a smile: "You eat it?"

"I didn't eat anything, but I did taste it. It's a little sour and it tastes quite special," Gu Siwei said while eating.

When this thing is added to rice, it has a really special taste, which is very appetizing. It is not only sour but also has a special aroma.

Hu Yanqiu said with a smile: "The wild jam given by Uncle Tao is made from snakeberries, thornberries, nightshade and other wild fruits. How does it taste? It's very good. We will make it ourselves next year."

"Look, I'm not wrong. This veteran is not attentive and does things that have nothing to do with his career," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Hu Yanqiu was happy after hearing this, and then asked: "How does it taste? We all felt pretty good after eating it."

"It's pretty good and very appetizing, but there's one thing that's not so good. If you eat too much, it'll hurt your health," Gu Siwei said seriously.

Hu Yanqiu immediately became a little nervous when he heard this: "Poisonous?"

"Well, it's poisonous." Gu Siwei nodded.

Hu Yanqiu suddenly panicked.

At this time, Sicui began to reveal her brother's background: "Sister-in-law, my brother is teasing you. If it was poisonous, he would have thrown the bowl away long ago. Why would he tell you that it was poisonous while eating it?"

Hu Yanqiu gently patted Gu Siwei and said, "Why are you having fun at this time?"

Gu Siwei said: "I'm not wrong. It's natural to eat too much of such delicious food. If you eat too much, you will naturally gain weight. Once you gain too much weight, you will become a big fat person. When a person becomes fat, all kinds of diseases will come to him. By then, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc. will all come out. Do you think it will cost you your life? Is this food poisonous?"

"Fuck you" Hu Yanqiu said with a smile.

"You know a lot about diseases, don't you?"

Old man Yu, who was enjoying the cool weather over there, asked curiously.

People at this time rarely suffer from the diseases Gu Siwei mentioned, because everyone has little wealth at this time, and many diseases of wealth are not easy to think about.

"Just tell me what you heard." Gu Siwei continued to eat.

After eating half of it, Gu Siwei asked again: "How about this sauce?"

"It's delicious down there, I can eat a big bowl," Sicui gestured.

"You're really good at eating it," Hu Yanping said to Sicui while he was eating the rice.

Sicui retorted: "You can't eat, holding such a big bowl?"

"I am a man!" Hu Yanping said.

Sicui said disdainfully: "Are you a man now? Why didn't you keep your words just now? You, a man, can change at any time."

Hearing that the two children started grinding their teeth again, Gu Siwei subconsciously scratched his head and wondered if he had to move.

Vegetable rice is very delicious. In fact, this thing can no longer be called vegetable rice. It feels a bit like southern claypot rice. The aroma of meat, crispy rice, and rice are mixed together, creating a hodgepodge that creates a wonderful taste in your mouth. .

Especially the crispy rice, which is filled with gravy and has a crunchy texture, which is really great.

Gu Siwei almost licked the bottom of a bowl of rice, which made Da Mao, who had been waiting next to Gu Siwei to pick up some leftovers, a little disappointed.

Hu Yanping didn't care about Da Mao at this time, and just like Gu Siwei, he destroyed the rice in the bowl.

So Da Mao cursed and left the two guys who were reincarnated as starving ghosts, and went to sleep with his fat butt twisted.

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