Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 186 Interested in chatting

When the old man came back, he had a cloth bag in his hand. The bag was not big, about the size of a palm. It looked like it was the bag the old man used to hold tobacco leaves.

Many young people have never seen this thing decades later. To be precise, when Gu Siwei came, no one under the age of thirty had ever seen this thing.

This thing is tied to the stem of the smoking pot and is used to hold shredded tobacco leaves. When you are done smoking, take a bag and add the tobacco leaves into the pot and you can continue smoking.

Returning to Gu Siwei, the old man sat down, opened the bag, poured out a few grains of wheat, and compared it with the wheat on the ground.

Now Gu Siwei could tell. As long as he was not blind, he could see that the wheat picked up from the ground was much larger than the wheat poured out of the bag, and it was also much fatter.

Compared with the wheat grains picked up from the ground, the ones poured out of the bag were a bit thin, like a shuttle with pointed ends. However, the ones picked up from the ground had a larger belly and were not pointed at both ends.

"It's really a lot bigger. Is this the seed your family left last year?"

At this time, everyone was planting their own seeds, and there were no seed companies. Even if there were seed companies, even a poor place like Shimo Village couldn't afford good seeds.

"These are the seeds left by my family. Our family can't keep any wheat seeds. These are the seeds left by my uncle's family. My family exchanges them for grain every year," Guo Xiangping said.

When the old man said it, his mood was one of emotion. Although Gu Siwei couldn't personally feel the old man's feelings, he still felt the old man's emotions.

"The days will get better and better in the future," Gu Siwei comforted.

Guo Xiangping said with a smile: "I shouldn't say this actually. There is always a thorn in my heart, and I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. Do you know how I got this kind of thing?"

Gu Siwei asked: "How did you change it?"

Gu Siwei was surprised. Did you just say you exchanged it with your son's uncle's family? Why did you forget about it after a while?

Guo Xiangping twitched his hand and made gestures towards Gu Siwei once and for all.

"So expensive?!"

Gu Siwei was a little shocked. Guo Xiangping's gesture meant that he exchanged two pounds of wheat for one pound of such seeds. Is this the child's biological uncle? Isn’t this old aunt picked up by her parents?

Gu Siwei was thinking in his mind.

No wonder Guo Xiangping felt unhappy. This was the child's biological uncle. He and other people's families were exchanged for the same price. If that were the case, the old man would not say that he had a thorn in his heart, but that he had exchanged money. From time to time, the child's uncle would make comments like this about this food.

He didn't dare to retaliate. What if he retaliates but can't get any seeds in exchange for it next year? A missing mouthful of food sometimes means a life.

Gu Siwei cannot understand this. The generation born a few decades later has hardly experienced the era of hunger. For example, when Gu Siwei was born and grew up, this generation no longer looked down on Japan or Europe. , because they don’t feel that there is a generational difference between our country and theirs.

People of the generation like Gu Siwei's parents have many old ideas, such as that Japanese electrical appliances, cars are good, and imported goods are always good, but the younger generation does not have that. This generation is more independent and confident.

When Guo Xiangping said this, Gu Siwei didn't know how to comfort him.

Guo Xiangping changed his subject at this moment: "When the grain came out, I immediately stood up and sang. Last time I went to his uncle's house to show him the grain, he immediately said to use my seeds next year.

I opened my mouth and said to him, "Follow your price~!"

Hahahahaha! "

The old man laughed heartily: "You don't know the expression on his uncle's face. My decades of resentment suddenly disappeared, and I suddenly felt refreshed!"

Gu Siwei gave a thumbs up to the old man: "Yes, that's what we have to do. When a man lives in this world, he must seek revenge if he has vengeance, complain if he has grievances, and find a way to repay kindness. This is a real man." .


Guo Xiangping clapped his hands: "Yes, that's the truth!"

After saying that, the old man asked with a smile on his face: "Do you know how much land their commune needs to cultivate?"

Gu Siwei was really flattering this time. He opened his mouth and asked with a smile: "How much?"

"Our family didn't have enough, so I asked Luan Sanpao, and it took our two families to get the seeds together for him."

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "I asked why I saw Uncle Luan drying grain when I entered the village in the morning. That's what happened."

Luan Sanpao is the old man Luan just now. Sanpao is not a nickname, he is a real name. There are two brothers above him, the eldest brother is called Dapao, and the second brother is called Erpao. Their parents who are not educated gave them this name. Fortunately, we are not in the north. The word "three artillery" is not a derogatory term, it just means artillery, and no one has extended the term "mountain artillery" to the north.

The old man is very passionate about sex, but he has never been able to find anyone to talk about it. First, he knows that if he tells it, others will probably not sympathize with it but laugh at it. This is not a question of kindness or not, but that old brothers are nothing together. When you are in love with each other, you enjoy laughing at others. You will only come forward when there is something really wrong. At other times, there is no scene of brotherhood and brotherhood. They are often the ones who laugh at you the loudest.

But Gu Siwei is different. First, the old man knows that Gu Siwei doesn't like to talk to others about such petty gossip. Second, there is really no way to hold it in. If he doesn't talk to someone about this matter, Guo Xiangping feels that he will go crazy. Mental illness.

Just like that, Gu Siwei wanted to leave but the old man held him back.

"Why are you leaving in a hurry? Don't leave at noon today. Come and have a drink with me at my house. It's not like you have any good wine at home. I just have farm wine here and some meat I brought back...".

The old man was in the middle of the conversation. Seeing that Gu Siwei was about to leave, he immediately took out his best wine and food, and prepared to talk to his uncle over wine with Gu Siwei.

"No, no, I really don't have time. I have a lot of things at home, so I don't have time to drink."

How could Gu Siwei be in the mood to drink at his house? He dragged his whole family to eat the wine and meat by himself. What would the old man do with his children, grandchildren, and daughter-in-law? It is estimated that the whole family just stared at the little meat at home, and in the end they all It entered Gu Siwei's stomach, what's going on?

Not to mention, their craftsmanship, well, it's okay not to mention it, but Gu Siwei is not interested in it.

It’s not that the farm food is not delicious, it’s that the farm food at this time is really not delicious.

There are several reasons. First, there is no oil, and even if there is oil, it is not enough. As for what is not good about eating lard, eating too much oil can lead to various diseases. Now there is no such concept, because most diseases are not caused by eating, but by eating lard. Not enough food.

Guo Xiangping's eyes widened: "You think my family doesn't have good food and wine?"

The old man was a little inconsiderate of others, which was the case for most feudal parents at this time. It's not that he has bad intentions, it's just that he didn't think of this.

There is also a character issue. He regretted it when others said it later, but he continued to do it when he encountered it. This is the case for ordinary people, not just Guo Xiangping.

"If you say this, how can we continue talking today? I really have something to do. My family is getting ready to harvest wheat, and my barn and other things have not been built yet. There are so many things at hand."

Gu Siwei said.

"You want to build a barn?" Guo Xiangping was a little confused.

"Thank you for living your life well!"

You can't interpret this as a compliment. In fact, what the old man means is that your family has a lot to do, and you still need a barn for food? Who doesn't put grains at home, surround them with knots in the main room, and pour the grains in when the time comes? Firstly, it looks convenient, and secondly, having this thing in the house makes you feel at ease, right?

Besides, how big is Gu Siwei’s house? Let’s just talk about the house where Sicui lives now. It’s okay to live in seven or eight other people’s homes. As for Gu Siwei’s house, only Sicui lives there alone. Don’t talk about anything else. Guo Xiangping wouldn't believe that if you put toilet stuff at home, it's really tasteless.

Guo Xiangping had no choice but to let Gu Siwei go.

Gu Siwei carried the basket on his back and walked towards the entrance of the village. When he arrived at Luan Sanpao's old uncle Luan's house, he found that the old couple were not at home and the food had been spread out in the courtyard.

Only the eldest grandson of the old couple was sitting on the bench, holding a bowl in his hand, eating while looking at the food in the yard. He was not afraid that others would steal it, but that his own chickens would steal it.

"Uncle Siwei, why are you looking for my grandpa and grandma?"

The little boy was very enthusiastic when he saw Gu Siwei, but such a child didn't know much about politeness, but the light in his eyes proved that Gu Siwei was very popular in the hearts of all the children.

The reason is simple. Gu Siwei has sugar. Since Gu Siwei appeared in the village, these children have tasted fruit candies, milk candies, and other sweets.

Not to mention the children, the adults all followed the knife and pulled their butts - their eyes were opened.

"I brought something for your father and your mother. You are not allowed to eat it secretly when you come back."

As he said this, Gu Siwei took out a small bag of snacks from the basket, cat ears, which were fried dough, with sugar centers inside, and a layer of icing sugar sprinkled on the outside.

Sweet things are not too sweet for Gu Siwei, but for farmers nowadays, these are the best things.

The same was not true of what Gu Siwei gave, a small bag of about half a catty, about twenty pieces.

When giving this thing to the child, Gu Siwei also gave the child two candies.

"this is for you"

"Thank you Uncle Siwei!"

The little guy was so happy that his eyes became thin lines. He took the candy and held it in his hand, throwing aside the bowl he was holding.

At this time, their dog came over. Seeing that the little owner didn't care, he stretched his head and started licking the things in the bowl.


The little guy quickly discovered this scene. Because the dog was not a brat or was in a hurry to eat, he knocked over the bowl placed on the bench.

Now the little guy couldn't help but notice. As soon as he saw the dog stealing his food, the little guy got angry. He went up and kicked the puppy.


When the dog felt pain, he hunched over his tail and ran out of the door, howling.

"Kill you bitch."

The little guy is very irritable now, because the dog ate his food, so he will not have anything to eat until noon. Even though he is only a five or six-year-old child, he still does not get this kind of treatment, because every family cooks every meal. Many things are fixed. Once you eat them, they are gone.

Gu Siwei looked at this scene with a smile, reached out and rubbed the little guy's forehead, then turned and left.

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