Gu Siwei didn't know that people at this time had different surnames, and most people would not change their surnames after death.

But the most important thing is the boy's surname. As for the girl's surname, it doesn't really matter. Especially if there are boys and girls in the family, the girl's surname is even less important.

In their view, daughters are members of other family members. It doesn't matter what their surname is, or even whether they have a name. They can't be included in their family tree at all, so what does it matter about their surname.

An orphan girl is lucky to be able to live peacefully until adulthood, and she has to worry about her last name. In the eyes of Yang Chuanwu and others, this is not a problem at all.

It has to be said that the taken-for-granted empiricism finally caught up with Gu Siwei.

"That's not possible. How can I raise a child by myself? No, no!" Gu Siwei thought for a while and waved his hands again and again.

Even if he couldn't stop these people's mouths, he couldn't give himself a stumbling block. Although his mental age was a little older, but bringing a child out for no reason, Gu Siwei thought about it, and his head went crazy. They all have to go three times.

Yang Chuanwu was about to say something more to persuade Gu Siwei, but just as he was about to open his mouth, he felt someone kicked him. He looked up and saw that the old uncle Liu Fulin sitting next to him was winking at him. He knew that in this old uncle's heart I had an idea, so I swallowed the words on my lips again.

"Then let's talk about something else, let's talk about relief," Yang Chuanwu said.

Gu Siwei was eager to change the subject, so he kept silent and listened honestly to what everyone said.

The relief matter had nothing to do with Gu Siwei, at least not now. He just listened with an ear and didn't say a word.

However, after hearing what everyone said, Gu Siwei still had a deeper understanding of the conditions in the village.

"Let's eat!"

At this time, the chef next to him said it was time to eat, which immediately raised everyone's spirits to a higher level.

"Today's meal is good. Thanks to Siwei, it's not easy to eat meat." Yang Chuanwu smelled the aroma of meat filling the air and said with a smile.

Liu Fulin also nodded: "Siwei's luck is really unrivaled. You can pick up a big wild boar just by picking it up in the mountains."

"Fujiang, Fujiang" Luan Dashou also laughed.

Gu Siwei didn't know what to say, so he could only laugh and keep saying "Where is this?"

Originally, the porridge was almost ready, but after the wild boar arrived, the cook put some pig bones and some refined oil residue into the pot.

When these things are put into the pot, the taste of the porridge will naturally be oily. Needless to say, it is a kind of temptation nowadays to smell meat.

"Come on, give our hero a bowl first."

Before Gu Siwei said anything, the cook had already brought a full bowl of porridge to Gu Siwei.

There was a bone in the bowl, and it looked like it had some meat on it.

Just as Gu Siwei was about to refuse, he saw Liu Fulin and others saying: Eat, eat, you deserve this, everyone accepts your love and so on.

In this way, Gu Siwei took the bowl and picked up the chopsticks. He didn't have the nerve to be the first to eat. Instead, he waited for everyone to have their bowls. Then, like the big guys, he held the bowl in one hand and held it in the other. Chopsticks.


Seeing that everyone was eating deliciously, Gu Siwei also imitated everyone else's behavior, turning the bowl with his hand, putting his mouth on the edge of the bowl and taking a sip.

After feeling the taste and temperature of the porridge, Gu Siwei turned to stone.

Then Gu Siwei felt like vomiting.

The meat was really awful.

When Gu Siwei thought about it, wild boar meat could be considered game. Although eating game at the time he came was no longer in line with the trend, as a Chinese, he still had illusions about some game.

But today's bite directly shattered Gu Siwei's fantasy.

This wild boar meat is really smelly and fishy, ​​and it is extremely difficult to eat.

This is also easy to understand. The meat of domestic pigs has been reproduced for many generations, and they have to be gelded. In this way, the pigs raised will not have that kind of irritability. When they are killed, they are bled, and it is alleviated again. It's so spicy. When it's cooked, all kinds of spices are added in. Naturally, the pork is left with only the aroma of meat and no stinky smell.

But what are the conditions now? Originally, the village lacked a lot of spices. Apart from some dried chili peppers, there was no star anise, cinnamon or the like. The three-piece fish-removing set only had ginger, garlic, and not even green onions, let alone cooking wine.

Stewing a pot of domestic pork under these conditions is a bit laborious, let alone handling wild boar.

It would be strange if the wild boar meat didn't smell fishy after being prepared like this.

As for why others eat so deliciously, it is easier to understand. I don’t know the last time these people ate meat. Now they still choose to eat meat?

Put less cornmeal in the cornmeal porridge and add some wild fruit powder to increase the consistency. Are you telling them that the meat is not delicious? Then what were you thinking, and how could you ask such a stupid question?

Who is Gu Siwei?

He has only been here a week, and his ability to be picky after decades has not been worn away by time. When eating pork, he still has to be picky about fat and thin. You want him to eat wild boar without spices now?

He would frown when eating wild boar meat prepared decades later, let alone now.

"What's wrong?" Liu Dezhu was eating happily. Seeing the expression on Gu Siwei's face, he asked curiously.

A smile appeared on Gu Siwei's face: "It's nothing, it's just that I ate too much in the forest, and now I can't eat any more."

Just smelling this thing in the bowl would make him vomit, and Gu Siwei had no choice but to make an excuse.

With that said, Gu Siwei picked up the bones in the bowl and put them into Liu Dezhu's bowl.

When Liu Dezhu saw it, he immediately said: "No, no, you eat, you eat, brother Siwei, you need to eat more when you go into the mountains."

Was Gu Siwei being polite to him?

Who cares about these words, he directly gave all the bones in his bowl to Liu Dezhu, and finally gave him more than half of the porridge in the bowl. There were only two pieces of dried potato left in the bowl. There was no pig on this thing. The smell is so bad that Gu Siwei can eat it if he makes do with it.

In this way, Gu Siwei naturally ate quickly. After finishing the meal and washing the dishes, he said hello to everyone and walked out of the dining hall towards the small courtyard to the west.

As soon as Gu Siwei left, Yang Chuanwu asked, "Why didn't you say anything about Sicui?"

"Let's talk about this after we get things done," Liu Fulin said with a smile.

Yang Chuanwu understood it as soon as he heard it, nodded with a smile and said, "That's fine."

Gu Siwei left the dining hall and strolled to the entrance of the small courtyard on the west side.

The courtyard is not much different from other courtyards, they are all the same, except that this small courtyard does not have a back room, that is, there is no front gatehouse.

There is a kitchen on the east side, but it has collapsed. The main room in the middle also has three rooms. It seems to be in good condition, but I don't know the specific situation inside.

He stood at the door and looked at his new home.

Gu Siwei said self-deprecatingly: "Well, I can't escape the Afghan style in this life."

It turns out that the house I just bought was a rough patch, and the one in front of me is worse than a rough patch.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door gently. As a result, he heard a pop when he put some force on his hand.

I quickly took a few steps back, and when I looked up again, I found that the wooden door, the outer door cover, and the half-stretched wall had collapsed.

"Good guy!"

Gu Siwei was enjoying the pain. After saying this, he reached out to fan the dust in front of him and walked into the yard.

The yard is really not small, but in this village, whose yard is small? You can enclose the homestead as you like, but who is the fool not to enclose it? Besides, there is no use in keeping it. If you put it in the yard, it will be a yard, but if you leave it outside, it will be nothing more than an open space.

After entering the door, the kitchen on the right has collapsed, and the stable on the left is also in similar condition. These two are not a matter of repairing or not, but they can only be rebuilt.

No need to look at this, Gu Siwei walked towards the main room.

When I arrived at the door of the main house, I looked at the closed door and found that the door was not locked, and there was a chopstick stuck on the nose of the door.

He reached out and pulled out the chopsticks from the nose of the door, then gently opened the door.

The room was dark and had a musty smell that had not been occupied for a long time.

The walls of mud houses at this time were generally very thick, sixty to seventy centimeters thick, and the windows were also small. With such thick walls, the windows were only fifty centimeters square.

You said that if there is such a big hole in the wall, isn't it the same as if there is no hole at all?

It's still noon. Although it's noon in winter, the sun outside is still pretty good. At this time, the room is very dark, let alone night.

After waiting for his eyes to adjust to the environment, Gu Siwei could see clearly inside the house.

The furniture in the original room was gone, and the entire main room was smooth and empty of anything.

Oh, it’s not like there’s nothing. There’s also a crude painting of a crane rising to the sun hanging on the wall facing the door.

There should have been a case in this place, but I don't know who took it away. Now you can still vaguely see the traces of the big case on the wall.

This family is quite particular. The floor of the main room was covered with a layer of blue bricks. Although it was a bit dirty, Gu Siwei tried to step on it and found that most of these green bricks seemed to be reusable.

There are two doors on both sides of the main room. One door has been broken, leaving only a door opening. The other one is not much better, with only a half-sliding door remaining.

But this was not a big problem. Gu Siwei stretched out his head and looked inside, and found that both rooms were empty. There were no beds or anything else that should have been there, and only one room was left. A wooden basin stand was missing a leg, and it couldn't stand firmly.

Come to think of it, if I could stand still, this thing would have been taken away.

"The rough work is quite thorough!"

Gu Siwei said with a smile after looking at the house.

Although the house is a bit old, he has to say that this main room is better than he thought. Although a piece of wall in the east room is cracked, it needs to be propped up with wood like other houses, otherwise he may not know what day he will fall asleep in this room. One wall of the house fell down.

But Gu Siwei is not ready to live in such a house forever. When spring comes, Gu Siwei can still afford a new house. If nothing else, the darkness of the house can be used to shoot horror movies in broad daylight. Which modern person can Live on.

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