Level Up Legend

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

level up legend

– Volume 7 Episode 9

Chapter 9

“It’s a lack of competence.”

That’s easy.

Understanding the way of distortion. Even if you can use the space planted by distortion, that’s it.

Absorb Arachne. It absorbed all the power she had planted. Even so, it was not enough.

Even if I used all my strength, I couldn’t do what I wanted right away.

“It’s fun… … .”

I’ve gotten this far, but I’m still lacking in ability.

It explains why Arachne has spent months distorting her testing ground.

The power of distortion, while quite plausible, was extremely inefficient. So Arachne must have pursued efficiency despite her arrogant nature.

From now on, I have no intention of occupying Arachne’s vacant distortion.


‘You should use it.’

I’m not stupid enough not to use the power I’ve been given.

There are many things you can do with distortion.

If I add my strength to that, the number of things I can do increases to almost infinite.

By distorting the things I created.


By distorting the adversary.


If only I could disturb all the gazes of the gods shooting at me.

‘Distortion is doing everything it’s supposed to do.’

I’m not moving towards something they might have designed. I can avoid their eyes and move in my own way with certainty.

Only now do I feel like I’m really ready to shoot one shot toward God.

also to do that.

“The gods should get their hands on the distortions they despise.”

I had to get power.

The degree of distortion was easy to use, and the degree of using that power to further strengthen my power had to be natural enough to breathe.

It’s hard to say, but in the end there is only one answer.

“You have to be strong.”

As much as I can swing and go back at my own will!

* * *

“There is always a quick way.”

level up. good. The progress will continue. The most important thing for him is the connection.

oh oh-

It raises the power of the distorted space and connects the outside with the space.

The system, which had not been able to work on its own, started working properly.

A connection that is briefly connected and then disconnected continues.

Experience increases.

Experience increases.

Experience increases.



.As if waiting, a large number of beeps begin to sound. The experience points I have accumulated over the years begin to pour toward me again. There was no end. The connection continued for a while as if to make up for the disconnected past.

In addition, there is an occasional notification sound.

Wizard Kim Hee-eun is paving a new path.

Wizard Hee-Min Kim is leading the wizards and teaching them.

His companion Vivas is hearing the call of a higher being.

The First leads the Titans. His movements are new like never before. The birth of the race is drawing near.

A glimpse into the possibility of the birth of a new monarch.




I captured and informed the steps of the people who were moving on their own without me. Even with a short notification, it was clear how they were moving.

“You are doing well. No, it’s beyond imagination.”

The seeds I sow are growing well even in my absence.

The Titan was showing the potential to become a completely new entity by using the power of the dwarves and the things I gave them.

If they were newly born, they could become a completely new species like the lace on the back.

Vivas, who used to go out because of my work, is getting new opportunities for growth.

For a priest, the call of a higher being is always waiting. The calling of higher beings is the calling of God. A priest can grow just by listening to the voice of God.

A priest is one who raises his or her rank by borrowing power from the gods.

The most surprising one is Kim Hee-eun.

‘It’s out of my teaching.’

The time I am in this

“… … Less than a year.”

Between half a year and a year The passage of time, which I would not have felt before, is now clearly felt.

In it, Kim Hee-min is said to be pioneering a new path.

There was no way he would have become a warrior. Now that he has learned magic, he must be on a new path to magic.

Talent has been recognized for a long time. He even gave me a buff and a mana shower. However.

“It’s a pioneering new road in just one year.”

A new path is being pioneered in a year?

It is different from a warrior that a person called a wizard pioneers a new path.

Establishing your own truth beyond being taught. A wizard is one who learns the secrets of the world and makes them their own.

To say that such a new path for a wizard is something that a wizard of the Zer Circle would not dare to dare to do.

No, there are many wizards who die without even realizing that they can open a new path beyond the mystery.

But at least Kim Hee-min, who has not learned for less than two years, is making a new path?

He did things that he might not be able to do even if he was immersed in his own work.

“You are doing it by teaching others.”

She’s doing several things at once.


It is impossible unless you are a monster who is revered for its very existence.


“scent… … .”

small bowl. A mad wizard would sometimes be blinded by a talent that was awe-inspiring beyond himself.

The history of killing a disciple who grasps the secrets of a world that he does not even know is abundant in Phantasma.

If only she had been in Phantasma.

“I may be learning magic to become myself.”

She must have been an archmage. No, she might have become the god of another wizard serving the great wizard.

It’s a truly terrifying talent. And with.

“Should I be happy?”

She said she is my limb, and she is still my limb to this day.

“After all… … .”

her realization she had. She had the experience she had. Her things are passed on to me as well.

Since I am giving her corrections to her with her system, she also gives me her own.

“Still, I will have to work very hard not to catch up.”

she. It is a good stimulus after a long time.

The chill I feel just looking at her continuous ringing tone tells me.

‘Come on, move.’

‘Now is not the time to be content.’

Keep on whipping myself. Shouldn’t we be able to get stronger and reach the position of surpassing the gods?

I wasn’t an ugly person who killed crafters out of jealousy or jealousy of talent.

I don’t even understand the psychology of such people.



I enjoyed the good stimulation. It only takes control of the town that has been arrogant for a while because of the distortion.

thump- thump-

He calmly raised his magical powers while controlling his beating heart.

Koo woong. thud

The magical powers that moved violently along my body.


Following my calming heart, it starts to move softly again.

‘Because it’s too intense to come.’

This is my area. This is the place where my power as a wizard and the power of distortion from the beginning are engraved.

I dare not even attempt acupuncture without my permission.

It was in this space that even the system involving divine power did not work properly. So I had to comfort him.

Just like a child who cries violently.

As if to stop crying and fall asleep softly.

You just have to calmly tune and adjust your magic.


Others may respond. If there is no response, only a lost child will be created.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah are

The light gradually grew stronger.

‘one. no, it’s two As expected.’

The two lights grew as if competing with each other. The bright light didn’t spread out on schedule.

He increased his strength while securing only the necessary area.

One is darkness. One was the bright light. Contradictory, both were light.

The moment when the light has a clear shape while being fixed in the size of a human.



Two figures stepped into the space. It was common for both of them to express their pleasure to me.

But one still has respect. The other was that the eyes were shining with curiosity.

“long time no see. Jang Ho-seong. And lord.”

“long time no see.”

Jang Ho-seong, who approached after bowing his head, contained strong power as a monarch behind the scenes. His explosive growth has slowed down, but he is still strong.

Conversely, Juman.“Are you stronger?”

“Thanks, but the connection with the contractor is like a drug for the demons.”

“Are you giving me strength?”

“There are many ways, but… … In particular, the contractor always gives a strong force. fufu. Isn’t it special?”

While I was away, Juman also grew stronger.

But apart from his strength, he was clearly aware of something more important. Otherwise, there would be no way I could have eyes like that.

His eyes shone intensely with curiosity. Inside the outwardly shining curiosity, intense desire was also flashing.

“And with that special… … . You got this space.”

“It’s a coincidence. luck.”

“It must have been quite a struggle. So you didn’t get stronger? Contractor,”

“I know, too.”

“Thanks to the experience.”

As I recognize his strength. He also recognized my strength.

He turned his attention to me and looked elsewhere. He didn’t avert his eyes. I was just deliberately looking at the space around me.

The more I put the space into my eyes, the more greed grew in Juman’s eyes.

“and… … In this space… … under… … . It could open up a whole new path.

“Because you are”

“Fufu. That’s right. forgot? I… … .”

“The seducer of space.”


He is the dazzle of space.

Delusion and distortion are conceptually different forces. But it was similar.

Although it was impossible to see the lower and higher ranks, it could be said that the driving method of the force was the same.

“Hopefully here… … . A monarch may have been born.”

“Unfortunately, he died.”

“The contractor must have killed him.”


“Nevertheless, you called me here… … . Now, contractor, what do you want?”

Only the Lord shines in his eyes.

To him, a dazzle of space, this space is like a treasure trove. No, it was like that.

If he, who dazzles the space, realizes and gains the power of distortion. No, he is getting stronger in real time just through the experience of reading the power of distortion.

You never know when he will also have the power of distortion.

In such a way that if I had robbed Arachne, he himself would go beyond delusion and even into distortion!

‘But not yet.’

It’s not my mistake to call him here, it’s my intention.

“… … .”

As time passed, I smiled at him, whose eyes brightened up intensely.

“You get what you get. But you have to let me get it too.”

“Could it be a mistake?”

“I would rather not make a mistake.”

“What is good? If you could do anything for me.”

He bows his head like a well-taught servant. It’s like you’re just asking me to do something.

I left him to do what only he could do.


“I am not moving.”

I started picking up more speed.

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