Hardcore and Nintendo are going to open recruitment for anniversary exclusives!

early in the morning.

A piece of heavy news, like a torrent and tsunami, swept through the entire game circle.

Just like what Chen Lin and the others had inquired about in advance.

However, within a few days, Juhard and Nintendo's branches in China issued announcements to invite game manufacturers to open bids to determine the number of exclusive games for this year.

For a time, the major manufacturers were in panic.

Even the player circle was in shock.

"It's understandable for Juhard. After all, he was the last to enter. Doesn't Nintendo have a lot of game IPs that can be used?"

"You don't understand this, do you? Nintendo's game style is mainly casual, and this time it probably wants to develop in other directions."

"We're fighting! We didn't expect there to be such a big melon this year."

"I don't know which company will win the bid in the end. There are many domestic manufacturers who are developing masterpieces, right?"

Capital has settled in the game market, and major game manufacturers have been working hard to develop new games recently.

The news of various 3A masterpieces is continuous, and the players are overwhelmed.

And the battle between the three console manufacturers will undoubtedly intensify the competition among manufacturers, and they all want to compete for this precious quota.


I want to win the opportunity to cooperate with Yusanjia.

"I don't know if Honghuang will fight for this spot."

In the studio, Old E was also discussing the news with the audience.

Although he doesn't play horizontal fighting very much, he has been paying attention to Hong Huang's trends recently, and even went to try out the newly released "Yu-Gi-Oh".

"It's probably a bit difficult, right? I heard that Juhard is the first to talk to those big manufacturers."

"For Nintendo, it doesn't feel like it fits well with Honghuang's game style."

"The annual masterpiece has requirements for the size of the manufacturer, otherwise it will not be able to support the title, and it does not mean that the game is good."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the game is fun, who cares if you own it or not."

The audience expressed their opinions one after another, all with the attitude that sitting and watching the show is no big deal.

Anyway, what they care most about is the quality of the game, and it has nothing to do with them no matter what else they do.

"Brothers, I received internal news that Honghuang has sent high-level executives to Juhard and Nintendo's branch in China to discuss monopoly!"

Suddenly, a bullet screen flashed across the live broadcast room, interrupting their discussion.

Old E's eyes lit up in front of the camera: "Are you sure? Honghuang really sent someone?"

This is good news.

Since Honghuang is interested in this, it means that they also have a stand-alone masterpiece under development, which makes him look forward to it.

After all, Honghuang has been playing online games and card games that he doesn't like to play very much recently, and hasn't released other stand-alone games for a long time.

As players expected.

At this time, Honghuang has been divided into two groups.

Chen Lin and Lao Song rushed to the branches of Juhard and Rentiandi respectively to discuss the annual exclusive.

Lao Li is stationed in the studio and is responsible for responding to them.

"Excuse me, are you the representative of the Honghuang Studio that I made an appointment with earlier, Mr. Chen?"

A secretary with information in Juhard's branch company came to Chen Lin.

"Yes, I am." Chen Lin replied calmly.

"Please come with me, I will take you to the reception room first."

As he spoke, the secretary turned around and led the way.

Chen Lin followed her into the company, looking at the spacious office area, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

This giant is really rich and powerful, and the area of ​​the office area alone is several times that of their studio.

And it is very luxuriously decorated.

It can be seen at a glance that it is a large international company.


They walked through the office area to the reception room.

To Chen Lin's surprise, there were already several companies sitting in the reception room, discussing in low voices.

"Eh? Mr. Chen, are you here too?"

At this moment, a familiar shout interrupted his thoughts.

Looking at the reputation, I found that Xu Ning, the team leader of Dongshanju, who I had seen at the exhibition before, was also among them.

"It's a coincidence that you are here too."

Chen Lin nodded to the secretary, then walked towards the empty seat next to Xu Ning.

Only then did he notice that Xu Ning was following a gentle man wearing glasses.

"Let me introduce, this is our boss Zheng Qian, Mr. Zheng, boss, he is the Honghuang Mr. Chen I told you about."

Xu Ning got up quickly and introduced the two to each other.

Zheng Qian, who was looking at Chen Lin, couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"It turns out that you are Mr. Chen who helped us a lot last time. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He smiled very sincerely, and did not despise Chen Lin because he looked young.

Because the design plan given to them by Chen Lin really helped them overcome a big difficulty.

Coupled with Hong Huang's performance against major manufacturers at the exhibition, he paid more attention to Hong Huang.

"Where is it, it just happens to be helpful."

Chen Lin took the opportunity to sit next to the two of them, and looked around curiously: "Boss Zheng is also here to talk about the annual exclusivity, right?"

"That's natural, but it seems that our trip is probably going to be wasted."

Zheng Qian looked around, smiling awkwardly.

He basically knows these people, none of them are weaker than them, and there are even several well-known big factories.

Now that there is another flood in the limelight, they probably can only watch the excitement from the sidelines.

Simply put it badly, chat with Chen Lin, improve the relationship between the studios of both parties, and talk about the future direction of the industry by the way.

After more than ten minutes.

The secretary reappeared and led Chen Lin into a reception room, where he finally met several powerful high-level executives who were in charge of communicating with him.

"Mr. Chen, right? Please sit down."

Seeing him come in, the man sitting opposite stretched out his hand to signal.

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the others, as if they didn't expect him to be so young.

"Thank you."

Chen Lin sat across from them and looked directly at them.

Maybe it's because there are too many companies to talk about.

The few people didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Mr. Chen Lin, what kind of games can your studio provide to cooperate with us?"

"What kind of requirements do you have for games?" Chen Lin asked back.

"The subject matter is not limited, it is best to be a popular category, and it must reach the 3A level and have independent production capabilities."

"I'm sorry that I may be a bit straightforward. As far as I know, your studio already has many games. If you develop another 3A masterpiece, will there be a lack of manpower that will prevent the normal release or hinder the production?"

They didn't doubt Honghuang's ability. After all, there are several games out there, but they were worried about whether they could finish the game before next year.

This is why they prefer big factories.

There are not many other large factories, and at least sufficient manpower and resources can guarantee the progress of the construction period.

"You can rest assured that we are absolutely capable of completing this game now. This is our preliminary plan for the game. You can take a look at it first."

With that said, Chen Lin handed over the materials he had prepared long ago.

This records the production direction and theme of their new game, as well as some gameplay designs.

Several people took the information with doubts, and were immediately attracted by the names on the cover.

"Red Dead Redemption?"

"It's rare to see a Westworld background as a theme."

"It's really rare, so we have to consider the market response."

"This design may be a bit difficult to make."

A few people flipped through the pages while discussing in low voices.

The topic mainly revolves around the subject matter and the difficulty of production, which is a bit uncertain.

Discussed for a long time.

Only then did he look up at Chen Lin again.

"Mr. Chen, your plan is very good, but we can't make a decision right away, we need the directors to review it in person."

"how long?"

"We are not sure about this. We have to ask the directors first. We will submit the information now and will notify you as soon as possible."

"Okay then, better hurry up."

Of course Chen Lin knew that this was just a rhetoric.

It's nothing more than too many competitors, they need time to weigh the pros and cons, and want to watch all the manufacturers' games before making a decision.

After chatting about some issues related to game production, he left a piece of information and got up slowly.

Leave here and return to the reception room.

The two Zheng Qian who also just finished talking saw this and immediately came up to ask about the situation.

"Just like you, we have to wait for the people above to decide."

Chen Lin didn't say much, after all, he wasn't sure that Juhan would definitely choose his game.

Just took this opportunity to contact Lao Song to ask about the situation.

Thinking of this, he and Zheng Qian went back to their seats and sat down, while sending a message to Lao Song, they waited patiently.


It was beyond everyone's expectations.

I waited from morning to noon, but I didn't wait for a hard reply.

On the contrary, the tough employees outside got up and left their workstations one after another, and went outside to have lunch.

Even the lights that were on around the inside were also extinguished.

See this situation.

The other representatives of the small factory, who had been waiting all morning like them, gradually realized that something was wrong, and their expressions became ugly.

Especially seeing that the representatives of those big factories have left for so long and haven't come back, some people's faces are even more gloomy.

"I've been talking to those big factories and ignoring us here. Isn't this a big shop bullying customers!"

"All morning, no matter how slow it is, there should be a reply."

"If you don't like us, just tell us that it made us wait so long!"

"let's go!"

During the scolding, several representatives left directly angrily.

They are not fools to become representatives of the company, so it is natural to see Ju Hard's attitude towards them.

It would be a fool to stay here any longer.

Even Zheng Qian, who is more of a buddhist type, looks a little unsightly at this moment.

Although they are not well-known big manufacturers, they still have a lot of say in the domestic fairy tale and female market.

But now he was also left out like this, hanging here for such a long time without even saying hello.

Are they really made of mud?

"Mr. Zheng, Mr. Chen."

At this time, Xu Ning, who was going to the bathroom, ran back, frowned and moved closer to the two of them: "I accidentally went to the wrong place just now, and saw the big hard executives who were discussing things in the office, and the representatives of those big factories, It seems that we are still talking about game cooperation.”

"Are you sure?" Zheng Qian asked.

"I'm sure. I know all those high-level executives. They were transferred recently. They probably don't know much about the domestic market."

"Okay, let's go back."

Zheng Qian's voice was very calm, as if making some irrelevant decision.

Then he looked at Chen Lin, full of regret: "Mr. Chen, we can only talk so much today, and we will meet again when we have a chance."

The words are simple, without mentioning any serious things.

"Well, there is a chance to meet again."

Chen Lin nodded, and glanced in the direction of the reception room: "It seems that they didn't intend to cooperate with us "small factories" in the first place, but they have a hot face and a cold ass, and I should go back."

The word "Xiaochang" was bitten hard in his mouth, even Zheng Qian could feel the coldness in his words.

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help asking: "What is Mr. Chen planning to do?"

"What else can I do?" Chen Lin smiled.

"Since people don't like our games, it's a big deal not to sell them on their platforms. I'd like to see if the annual exclusives they choose are more popular, or our games sell better."


Zheng Qian gasped when he heard this.

It sounds like this means that it is going to be launched together with the extremely hard annual exclusive masterpiece to compete for the extremely hard market! ?

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