Let you make games, you directly shoot blockbusters?

Chapter 144 Your Wife Isn't Your Wife

"Hey, the first boss just exploded."

"The rest of the nobles should also be bosses, right?"

"There are three nobles and the mother goddess, the process is a bit long."

"This game sold a hundred thanks."

"It's really a loss. Other similar games are dozens of times higher."

Seeing Mrs. Bachi fall down, the barrage in the live broadcast room gradually increased, and the words were full of amazement.

as they say.

The price of this game is 170, which is indeed a bit low for other similar games.

With the level of sophistication of this game and the richness of content, the average manufacturer will set at least 200 or more.

Anyone who knows something about the game industry knows it.

This should be Hong Huang's strategy, trying to open up the market by lowering the price.

This method has great advantages, but also has great disadvantages.

Because once the sales volume does not increase, the loss will be more serious, and even the cost will not be recovered.


After reading this content played by old E.

They knew that the performance of this game would definitely not be too bad.

"Okay, let's get rid of one boss, continue to find the next one, and try to clear the level one day!"

In front of the camera, the old E is full of ambition, controls the character to leave the castle, and goes deeper into the village to explore.

Finally, after some searching, he got the distribution map of the remaining three nobles and news about his daughter from the merchant duke.

Once the goal is determined, the next thing will be much simpler.

Old E followed the map, first in the horrible mansion deep in the thick fog of the valley, and got rid of the puppeteer who controlled the ghost doll.

Go to the reservoir behind the windmill and kill the Pustular Freak.

After dying more than a dozen times, he finally collected the props and came to the fourth boss, the man with the superpower cloak who caught the player before.

The place where the man in the cloak lives is a factory built on the outskirts of the village.

The four props collected earlier are needed to activate the mechanism and open the road to the factory.


What everyone didn't expect was.

When they found the cloaked man in the factory, the imagined battle did not happen.

On the contrary, he was very polite and asked him to sit down in the room, and told a shocking truth.

His daughter is not a normal person!

Rather, it is similar to the existence of a germ carrier.

The power contained in the body is so strong that even the mother goddess Miranda is afraid.

That's why he did everything possible to cause the car accident, snatch his daughter back, and prepare for some kind of ulterior ceremony.

【Let's work together to rescue your daughter. 】

[Then we use her to grind Miranda into a meat sauce! 】

The man in the cloak was persuasive and persuasive to the player in a low voice, as if he was planning some kind of plan.

"Good guy, it turned out to be an inside ghost."

"Would this boss not be able to beat Miranda even with superpowers?"

"Didn't you watch the plot? Miranda gave them their strength."

"The protagonist is indeed not a normal person, even his daughter has mutated."

"Could it be the human biochemical weapon mentioned earlier?"

The audience talked a lot, and became more curious about the plot in the game.

For example, who is the protagonist, why is her daughter being targeted by so many people, and what happened outside.

The more they went on, the more and more doubts they had in their hearts.

[My child is not a weapon! 】

【screw you! 】

At this time, accompanied by the protagonist's scolding.

The two people in the game finally fell apart completely, and the protagonist was kicked into the entrance of the basement next to him.

"Ah? I didn't say I wouldn't cooperate!"

Old E, who was concentrating on watching the plot, came to his senses, and when he looked around again, he found that he had come to the factory floor below.

The side hatch opens.

A tall figure with an upper body transformed into metal and a chainsaw fan rotating in front appeared, directly entering the battle scene.

Old E cursed angrily, and hit the chainsaw man with two bang bang shots, but they were all blocked by the chainsaw turning like a fan.

"Grass, this thing can't kill you."

When the nervous music sounded, he didn't dare to stay, turned around and fled, running wildly in the narrow passage of the workshop.

Looking back, seeing the chainsaw man chasing him, he was even more frightened out of his wits.

There is a feeling of being chased by monsters in the depths of the cave.


After running for a distance.

He managed to slip through a pipe into a metal dump, eluding the Chainsaw Man.

"This game is really evil, it's scarier than a horror game."

Getting up from the ground, Old E didn't dare to stop for too long, left in shock along other roads, and came to the outside factory area.

The terrain of the whole factory is complicated, and there are various organs constantly.

Even the zombie monsters that appeared were different from the outside. They were all inlaid with metal, as if they were transformed humans.

If the pistol hits the metal, it will be directly rebounded. It must be aimed at the flesh and blood, and the difficulty has obviously increased a lot.

But the old E marksmanship is not bad.

Clean up monsters and collect clues along the way.

Finally, he found out the secret of this factory. It turned out that the man in the cloak used it to create mutations and transform people in order to get rid of the control of the mother god.

Even the man in the cloak and the three bosses in front are just an experimental body transformed by the mother goddess Miranda with germs.

Enough to see the horror of the final boss.

"Wait a minute, why is this guy here?"

At this time, Old E's exclamation sounded again in the live broadcast room.

He had just solved the chainsaw monster by relying on the furnace in the factory, and was blasted into the warehouse at the bottom of the factory with a punch by the cloaked man.

But in the warehouse, he ran into the man who shot his wife to death at the beginning of the game.

[I told you not to take care of this matter, you are in the way now! 】

The man snatched the pistol and knocked the player down with a punch.

[What good things can you do? 】

【You killed my wife, son of a bitch! 】

The protagonist obviously knew the man, and he still didn't know why the man wanted to kill his wife, so he cursed directly.

【You think I killed your wife? 】

The man turned his head back with a look of disdain.

【That's not her, that's Miranda. 】

【Miranda is a biochemical weapon. She can change her appearance by controlling the germs in her body and pretend to be your wife. 】

[This village, these monsters and deformities are all researched by her with germs. 】

[Guns can't kill her at all, so I'm here to make a break now. I didn't want to involve you so I didn't tell you the truth, but you still came. 】

The protagonist who heard this was stunned. The wife he had lived with for so long was not his wife?

Where is his wife then?

Not to mention the protagonist, even Old E and the audience were dumbfounded.

The reversal came too suddenly.

The ultimate boss, Miranda, is also a humanoid biological weapon?

With this doubt in mind, Old E quickly saw the message the man had just sent on the laptop next to him.

【Recipient: Wolf Warriors Squad】

[The factory has been searched, and no evidence of collusion with that "organization" has been found, but I found some experimental materials for Miranda. 】

[It seems that she has infected herself with mutant germs, and gained some abilities, including - mimicry! 】

【She can control her own cells, turning herself into anyone or anything, even turning into a mother to get close to that child. 】

【Our attack interrupted her plan, and finally pretended to be a dead body, killed everyone in the car, and took away the child.】

a report.

Finally let them understand the whole story, suddenly realized.

The "organization" mentioned in the news also reminded them of the underground research institution called "Umbrella" in the CG movie.

Could it be that there is some connection between all of this?

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