"So, I was really...transcoded by this thing?"

Lei Qiangjun asked with a look of disbelief.

He watched the monitoring replay of the assessment, only to see himself saying the phrase "military green" expressionlessly.

A slight embarrassment appeared on the resolute Guozi face.

Li Guangrong was even more embarrassed and said, "General Lei, I'm sorry."

Lei Qiangjun waved his hand: "It's okay, I haven't seen any big wind and waves."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Yuan seriously and said, "Your thing is very powerful. It can even be said that it will change the spy system of the whole world. I want to know, does it work every time?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "100% effective! But..."

"But what?"

Lei Qiangjun asked.

Lin Yuan said: "My ecstasy lock is only a semi-finished product, because the time is limited, I just completed the basic functions."

Lei Qiangjun looked puzzled, but professional things should be handed over to professional people, so he glanced at Chu Dingyuan and the others.

He Kangguo said: "Lin Yuan, tell me specifically what you mean by semi-finished product."

Lin Yuan explained: "It's this ecstasy lock, which can be used at present, but it has not yet reached the way I imagined."

"It can only hook the other party, and then let the other party enter the state of six gods and no masters. It can't be the same as the seductive lock in the hands of black and white Wuchang in folk stories. It can seduce people's souls and interrogate souls."

How many people from He Kangguo:? ? ?

You are outrageous!

If you do scientific research, you can just find inspiration from this underworld setting, why do you have to restore this underworld setting?

Lei Qiangjun didn't understand: "It's already amazing that you can do what you just did, why do you insist on such insignificant things?"

Lin Yuan shook his head: "No, this is not an insignificant thing. After the consciousness is transcoded, it is reinterpreted, and through the transcoded projection, you can see the most real projection of consciousness, which is the so-called soul. This is meaningless thing?"

"You know, whether it is religious theology, natural science, non-natural science, or serious science fiction, etc., the soul, as the true self of human beings, has great research significance!"

"For example, Chief, after transcoding your consciousness and interpreting the projection, it may not be what you are now."

Lei Qiangjun subconsciously asked, "What does that look like?"

Lin Yuan said: "The self in your heart."

Lei Qiangjun was silent.

In my heart? What would it be like to be yourself?

But at this time, Chu Dingyuan and He Kangguo seemed more excited!

In the field of scientific research, the study of the soul has never been given up, and there are theoretical studies such as the true self, which all involve the most mysterious field of the human brain.

If what Lin Yuan said is true, this is definitely an epoch-making scientific research project!

He Kangguo said decisively: "Yes! After the assessment of this matter, the institute will ask the country for money and people. Whatever you want, here will satisfy you as much as possible. Be sure to make the most perfect ecstasy lock!"

Lin Yuan pursed his lips, he wanted to say that it didn't need to be so complicated.

But since there are free resources, I naturally can't give up. When the time comes, I can make [Tianxia Taiping] or other things in return.

"Okay, I don't understand scientific research. Now that Lao He has spoken, you can do it boldly. If you are wronged, you can come to me and I will help you find someone to talk to!"

Lei Qiangjun said, as he is still on the front line, he knows very well how much opportunity a key invention can bring in the front line.

Lin Yuan in front of him is obviously a talent who can provide this kind of invention.

He looked forward to it more and more.


Lei Qiangjun forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, he said: "Very good! Next, let's see the performance of this... this Ecstasy Lock!"

Everyone has no objection.

No one even spoke up, saying that Lin Yuan is a third-level researcher and has insufficient authority to participate in the next task.

After all, Lin Yuan's file permissions may be turned upside down from today.

Through the back door of the small black room, Lin Yuan followed Lei Qiangjun and his party through several winding passages, took an extra-long elevator, and came to the underground of No. 0 Research Institute.

This is a huge underground space, which is as big as 10 bird's nests, and it is filled with the most cutting-edge scientific research projects of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Welcome to Institute Zero!"

Li Guangrong looked at Lin Yuan and said.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, sighing.

The memories of my previous life told me that their third-level researchers on the ground were said to be researchers, but they were actually more like interns or students.

Only those who are recognized by the organization can truly enter the underground and become a member of No. 0.

Lin Yuan looked around and saw a dazzling array of things. What he could see with the naked eye made him feel overwhelmed.

But after watching it for a while, he felt a little regretful.

An invisibility cloak of optical camouflage, but like glass, transparent but visible.

Exoskeleton battle suit, but super power supply.

Fully automatic retractable reusable parachute, but the bearing capacity is 30kg.

Of course, there are many more successful projects, but most of them are old actors who are common in spy movies.

"How about it?"

Li Guangrong asked.

Lin Yuan said politely: "It's shocking, I've been looking forward to going underground."

Chu Dingyuan patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder: "Humility is a virtue, we all know that what is displayed outside is nothing compared to your ecstasy lock."

After chatting for a while, everyone came to the most remote compartment, which was a place dedicated to researching torture tools.

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