Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 76: Eagle Sauce High-Profile Challenge! Nothing New In The Army? Electromagnetic Gun First T

Lin Yuan went on to say: "The news of this new era military exhibition will be officially announced after today's banquet!"

"Here, I also greet you in advance, and sincerely invite all countries to participate in this military exhibition!"

At this moment, everyone knew what kind of medicine was bought in Longguo's gourd for this bidding conference!

In the middle of this year, it will be the 3-yearly International Military Exhibition, and all major military industrial groups in the world will participate at that time.

Every international military exhibition is a time for great powers to show their skills and attract money wantonly.

But today, Dragon Kingdom suddenly announced that it would hold a new era military exhibition by itself, and also presented an epoch-making unmanned combat robot.

In terms of the current capabilities of this robot, they have no comparable products for the time being.

If you do not participate in the new era military exhibition held by Longguo, you will lose the right to speak in the field of drones for a short time.

If you participate, you may be able to gain a certain right to speak by virtue of some characteristics and special advantages.

Long Guo is forcing them to join together.

This creates a dilemma, if they don't participate, Dragon Kingdom can set new standards like today!

If they participate, it is obvious that they will give Dragon Kingdom a boost for free!

Obviously, the latter is acceptable, while the former, for some countries, is totally unacceptable.

The representative of Dongpu immediately said: "We Dongpu will participate in this new era military exhibition! Robot technology! Our Dongpu is the strongest!"

Jones even said bluntly: "I hope that when the time comes, I can have a good discussion with your country!"

Kastorvsky didn't speak, but from his serious expression, it can be seen that Mumao will definitely participate.

As for the rest of the countries, they also responded one after another.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan smiled: "If that's the case, let's wait and see! After the banquet, everyone, remember to finalize all the contracts that were not signed today.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan left, followed by two Ghost Tigers.

Jones looked at Lin Yuan's leaving back and murmured: "Long Guo, you are so arrogant! What are you planning?"

Today, all the actions of Longguo have changed from the previous modest and low-key style of conduct.

Whether it is from auctions, banquets or the new era military exhibition, they are particularly strong, not only will they piss people off, but they will not give any room for negotiation.

In the past, only Lao Mao and Ying Jiang would do this.

What was it that gave them confidence?

The representatives of various countries couldn't figure it out. Their primary goal this time was to purchase a fission power station. There were not many strategic analysts among the accompanying members.

Everything can only be seriously analyzed after returning to the country.

As Lin Yuan left, Yu Han returned to the banquet hall with his staff to complete the signing of the contract after the bidding ended.

It's about hundreds of billions of dollars, so naturally there can't be any ambiguity.

One after another phone calls and noisy discussions gradually filled the entire banquet hall.

After an afternoon of deliberations, the last representative of the country, the representative of France, completed the signing of the contract.

The bidding conference is successfully concluded!

That night, Longguo Diplomacy officially released a new scarf update.

"The Bidding Conference for Clean Fission Power Stations has come to a successful conclusion! Thanks to the representatives from all countries for participating!"

The short, punchy text, accompanied by a list of collaborations, shows off the weight of this scarf.

The number of followers of diplomatic officials is not much compared to some celebrity Internet celebrities.

However, they are all a group of diehard fans and active fans. Night is the time when netizens are most active.

After the scarf was issued, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Countless netizens who followed the bidding conference poured into the comment area and started interacting.

"I have followed several official Weibo accounts, but I never imagined that it was your Ministry of Magic who released the information about this bidding conference!"

"Longguo is awesome! Yingjiang really bought two sets this time, and I don't know how much they spent!"

"Hahaha! Thinking of earning Yingjiang's money makes me happier than myself! It's really rare!"

"A big dog is still a big dog! I even bought ten sets back. I heard that the cartel is going to hold the World Cup. Air conditioners are laid all over the streets. I guess a few of them are for purchasing and power supply?"

"The Europa League is also amazing. I bought almost half of it and went back. It's a pity that people won't freeze to death this winter."

"I'm really curious about the technology that the big guy came up with. This wave is really bloody money! How about some first-class work?"

Due to Bach Karen's campaign before, the popularity of clean fission power plants has always been high.

Coupled with the incidents such as the arrest of the honey badger team a few days ago, it added fuel to the heat of the clean lie substation.

Countless people were paying attention to the results of this bidding conference, and the topic became more and more popular, and it was directly on the top of the hot search list.

Among them, there are endless speculations about the technical R&D personnel behind the clean fission power station.

More and more people are curious about who the master is.

Among them, Chu Dingyuan, Luo Shengli and other well-known domestic nuclear experts are all within the scope of speculation.

Some marketing accounts are even more popular, attracting meteors with endlessly weird headlines.

"Lin Yuan, you are famous! Everyone is guessing your identity."

Chu Dingyuan looked at the message pushed by his mobile phone and sighed.

Lin Yuan asked back: "Do you think they can guess?"

Chu Dingyuan shook his head: "I definitely can't guess."

Lin Yuan didn't speak anymore. From the day he entered No. 0, he was ready for the file to be buried in the coffin with him.

Yuan Yuan said, "Are you going to tell your parents? They have the right to know."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about it for now, it won't be too late when we stand on top of the world that day."

Chu Dingyuan nodded, Lin Yuan's worry is normal.

He said, "Oh, by the way, I just received the news that the talent list for the [Ghost Candle Dragon] project has been made, remember to pick it when you go back!"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Chu Dingyuan said again: "There is one more thing, Mr. Liu next door, they have been working on the electromagnetic rifle these days, and they have already made a name for themselves. There will be a small-scale test in five days, and I invite you to come over for technical guidance." ,are you going?"

Lin Yuan asked back: "Do I have time to go?"

Chu Dingyuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, Yurong and I have already made the production of Tianxia Taiping very smoothly, and you can start your own business."

Lin Yuan heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

During this period of time, he was almost soaking in the laboratory, constantly making [World Peace] and [Technology Black Impermanence], which already made him a little bored.

After all, he has too many technology templates in his hands, if he keeps doing one thing, it will only waste time.

Now, it is finally possible to invest in new research and development work.

Back at Institute Zero, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Yuan returned to the dormitory and began the selection of talents.

This [Ghost Candle Dragon] project is very important, it determines the future strategy of the Dragon Kingdom's air supremacy, and he needs to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Just when Lin Yuan was counting troops and generals.

On the official blog of the Dragon Kingdom military, a scarf suddenly appeared.

@龙国海海, No. 5 aircraft carrier is officially in service, do you want to ride the sea? Do you want to surround the sea and sky? Welcome to the Dragon Kingdom Navy!

@龙国军队, the 3rd anniversary of the latest fifth-generation fighter! A new formation is being formed! The next ace pilot! Maybe it’s you! Join the Air Force! Defend the blue sky!

@龙国军军, there has been no news about the army for a long time! Just this year! Just in June! The Dragon Kingdom leads the countries and holds a new era military exhibition in Weijing! Let everyone witness! New army armaments!

The official scarf of the Dragon Kingdom military, the number of people who pay attention to it is actually not many.

Because, this official Weibo account hardly sends out scarves, or just forwards the scarves of the Navy, Army, and Air Force.

In addition, the topics that netizens are discussing now are still focused on the bidding conference and the mysterious R&D personnel.

Therefore, after this news was released, not many people noticed it.

It wasn't until the official authority of the various ministries of the Dragon Kingdom forwarded this news that it gradually became popular.

Especially the fans of the Dragon Kingdom Army are the most excited.

"Thirty years in Hedong! Thirty years in Hexi! Don't bully the young and poor! Finally! Finally! Is it finally the army's turn?"

"The army has survived for so many years, so it should have a bright future! There are five aircraft carriers next door, and the fifth-generation fighter jets have been in service for three years. Let's get a new main station tank, right?"

"No, the Army's equipment should also be changed. The Type 95 has been used for many years, so why should it be changed?"

"I heard that Yingjiang and the others already have exoskeletons serving in the military. Do we have to follow suit!"

"It turned out to be conscription propaganda. I thought it was something. Now it's a joke, and it will probably be the same by then! The strategic position of the army in the future battlefield determines that it will not have the resources of the navy and air force!"

"I suddenly remembered a joke. If you enlist in the army, you can choose (cifh) to volunteer, and 70% of the army is assigned to it! Lu Bao is too miserable!"

"That's not right! Isn't June this year an international military exhibition? What is the new era military exhibition? Is Dragon Kingdom going to hold an military exhibition by itself? Is there anyone to play with us?"

Because of the forwarding of the official bibs, there was a diplomat Weibo called the Ministry of Magic by others, which attracted a wave of traffic.

The heat of the discussion also gradually increased, and soon someone noticed the blind spots.

The country wants to lead other countries to hold a new era military exhibition in Weijing next to Kyoto?

That being said, it is still unknown how many countries will actually participate.

After all, the triennial international military exhibition was also held in June this year, and the organizer happened to be Ying Jiang.

With Ying Jiang's overbearing level, he will definitely bring his little brother along and not play with Long Guo. It will be embarrassing if no one comes.

All of a sudden, the reviews on the Internet changed, and people were worried.

However, on the second day, everything changed dramatically.

The next day, representatives from various countries returned to their respective countries.

Dr. Jones went to the white room immediately and met old man Deng.

When the old man saw Dr. Jones, he went straight to the point: "What is the situation of the Dragon Kingdom's new era military exhibition?"

When they were at Base 902, Dr. Jones and the delegation had already reported all the bidding matters.

The only thing that didn't mention the military exhibition in the new era made the old man Deng who got up in the morning and saw the news very confused.

Jones explained: "Boss! Here's the thing! Longguo has come up with a technologically advanced combat drone. The technology of this drone is currently beyond the reach of our Eagle Sauce! They want to take this opportunity , to formulate standards for combat drones!"

The old man Deng was stunned for a while. In this world, there is actually a country that surpasses Yingjiang in military technology?

However, he forgot that Longguo has surpassed Yingjiang in the nuclear field.

The old man Deng said seriously: "Are you sure?"

Jones nodded: "I'm pretty sure,

The opponent's cutting-edge technology happens to be the research and development project of the No. 11 base, and they are doing better than us! And they are much better!"

Old man Deng was silent.

After a while, the staff at the side said: "Boss, our suggestion is to participate in this military exhibition! We want to fight Long Guo head-on!"

The old man Deng shook his head: "Why don't we directly display our things at the International Military Exhibition and let them play by themselves?"

Jones shook his head and said: "The fact is, this is just a combat drone brought out by Dragon Kingdom, and they can completely rely on technology to derive more combat drones!"

"When the time comes, they will come up with a well-organized drone troop for display, will anyone still pay attention to the same international military exhibition?"

"You are also very clear in your heart that the attention of international military exhibitions these years has become less and less! People want to see more explosive things! And the drones of Longguo! I can say! Just

It's what they want to see!"

As he said that, Jones couldn't help recalling the tiger's test video, which was just like the war machine that came out of science fiction movies.

The old man Deng said thoughtfully: "You mean, if you don't participate, Longguo will completely take the initiative. If we participate, we still have a place, and even through cutting

Exchange and gain the upper hand?"

Jones nodded: "That's right! Dragon Kingdom just wants to take this opportunity to formulate standards for combat drones! We have already suffered a big loss in cleaning the fission power station this time! We can't suffer a second time!"

"My suggestion is to immediately mobilize financial resources to develop the strongest combat drones! We must not let the Dragon Kingdom succeed!"

"Not only that, according to Dragon Kingdom, they will also display super individual equipment such as exoskeleton technology, and we have to show our strength!"

When old man Deng heard this, he didn't have any doubts.

This time they bought a nuclear power plant, they really spent 50 billion meters!

Someone actually made money from Eagle Sauce in the industrial field, and it was in the nuclear field, which was absolutely impossible in the past!

But now it's actually happening!

Moreover, this person is making progress, and wants to attack again in the field of military industry!

The old man Deng said bluntly: "I agree! I will hold a meeting soon! And hold a press conference! We will announce in a high profile that we will participate in the new era military exhibition held by Longguo!

Sheath! Let them know! Garlic sauce is stronger!"

Jones nodded seriously. This matter is urgent, and he doesn't want to suffer a second loss! Right now, the research and development of war drones is the most important thing.

Even, in a short time, he had already forgotten the purpose of going to Dragon Kingdom this time.

Soon, Baifang finalized the plan for drone research and development, and a press conference was held accordingly.

Facing the curious reporters, the old man Deng read the manuscript: "Yesterday! Long Guofang announced that it will hold a new era military exhibition in June this year! On behalf of the Yingjiang military, I announce that I will participate as scheduled


The voice fell.

Countless spotlights were turned on, and the reporters were stunned.

Someone responded quickly and immediately asked, "Boss, didn't we host this year's International Military Exhibition? Why do we still want to participate in the pheasant military exhibition held by Longguo?"

The old man Deng smiled slightly, and said seriously: "These years of international auto shows are just like playing house, since Longguo wants to come up with something new, let's get something for adults

Come out and see!"


The reporters suddenly understood as if they were struck by lightning, and now they understood!

Long Guo wants to show his sword! Of course, Ying Jiang cannot show weakness!

Soon, news reports came out.

At the same time, as if it had been agreed, other countries that participated in the bidding conference responded to the Dragon Kingdom's new era military exhibition and expressed their active participation.

For a moment, Longguo's netizens were all dumbfounded.

Since when did our Dragon Kingdom have such a strong appeal?

Not only that, Yingjiang and other countries are constantly releasing news about emerging combat drones, or new individual equipment, and gradually there is an arms race

a feeling of.

However, apart from the initial news of welcome, the Dragon Kingdom officials have never released any news.

Everything seems to have returned to calm, which also makes people very puzzled, does our Dragon Kingdom have awesome equipment?

On this day, Chu Dingyuan brought his team to France.

Lin Yuan also personally came to the 208 next door to guide the research and development of electromagnetic guns. .

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