Legend Forever

Chapter 1266: There are many traitors among us

When a leaf is spun and thrown out at a very fast speed, the destructive force generated is enough to make it embedded in solid metal...This is the core key of the Willow Leaf Flying Knife, the world martial arts, only fast is not broken.

According to the simplest kinetic energy conversion formula, whatever it is, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will be enough to generate quite exaggerated energy in the end.

This is the case for a piece of paper, not to mention the corners that are precisely crafted to be used for impact.

Crow attack, as the name suggests, resembles a crazy crow. In a high-speed flight, it stretches its body straight like a sharp arrow, and shoots itself forward with its head facing forward.

In nature, this attack of a crow can only be accomplished with a top-down head downward acceleration dive. And the result is like a decisive sword in a peak duel, which usually ends with the death of one side.

In the driving circle of the spacecraft, the code name of'crow attack' means that the spacecraft will rush forward at its fastest speed, using its own body to initiate a deadly collision to compete with the opponent... This trick is generally It is more common in the circles of Yongye and Beamon Empire.

"...Very wonderful short-distance straight-line instantaneous critical acceleration method. As far as I know, this tactic has always been known for its highly difficult maneuverability. Of course, I hope that next time so many people won't be knocked out."

As the spacecraft initially stabilized, Yi Xunyu sighed as he looked at the splashing blood in the control room.

"Especially when there is a seat belt."

The blood was not someone dying, but at that instant of acceleration. After there was no handle, a group of people smashed their faces on the floor, the screen, etc....not only the nosebleeds, but the blood was not there. few.

This was also the biggest loss suffered in this battle. The operator in front of Yi Xunyu, alone helped the opponent to achieve 100% output.

Hearing what Yixunyu said, those who had healed themselves bowed their heads in shame, and looked at the seat belt on the side unconsciously...Although it is written in the code, it was never worn in Yongye. habit.

As a result, everyone looked at the guy who was sitting on the chair with unkind gazes, thinking about whether to steal the toilet paper while this guy was going to the toilet.

Shaking his head slightly, Yi Xunyu looked at the spacecraft's operator again and asked: "Is the debugging finished?"

"Yes, although this impact method has been recorded in the tactics, using it directly without preheating still places a certain burden on the engine..."

Opening his mouth, the operator subconsciously uttered a series of terms, then quickly stopped while biting his tongue, and said concisely: "In short, the memory alloy has initially completed self-healing, and the old system on the remaining two Black Lights cannot detect. Energy turbulence, now we are searching around the periphery of the energy storm, and we can launch a surprise attack at any time."

"Then what are you waiting for, do you expect to catch any prisoners in this situation?" Yi Xunyu raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Received, attack!"

In the case of weapons crushing and knowing oneself and the enemy, the attack is launched by sneak attack, and the final result is already a certainty.

As the two beams of light accurately hit the reactor of the two Black Lights, two bright sparks lit up again in the universe...When the battlefield becomes huge, killing is like playing a game, it’s difficult. Produce tangible feelings.

Looking at the two flames that hadn't dissipated, Yi Xunyu squinted his eyes and turned to look at Schwarzenegger who was standing next to him, looking at the other side as though he was on standby at any time.

"Go and order, let everyone come here to gather."

"Roger that."

Seeing Schwarzenegger turn and leave, Yi Xunyu turned and looked at the operator who was afraid to turn his head again and said: "Enter the deep dive mode and continue to advance faster than light... Since they are going to delay time, so early There will definitely be no problem."

"Roger that."

With a hum, the undamaged spacecraft that had gone through a one-on-three battle once again entered a superluminal state, and once again disappeared from the material plane.


Schwarzenegger's work efficiency is very fast, but within two minutes, all the personnel inside the spacecraft have gathered in front of Yi Xunyu.

Of course, it was not in the general control room, but in the spacious corridor outside the general control room. Schwarzenegger also moved a large table specially, and explained in earnest while Yixunyu’s eyelids jumped wildly: “The night king, Standing at a high place can better observe below."

Okay, at least she didn't point to her nose and said she was short.

With a sigh in my heart, Ixunyu stepped on the air and walked onto the table. First, he scanned the circle below with his eyes, and then said directly: "We have a traitor and leaked the plan of this operation. "

As soon as the words fell, there was a tumult from the people below. You look at me and I look at you, and they started talking.

However, Yi Xun Yu squinted at the people below, and suddenly looked in one direction, the star field suddenly expanded, and after a sudden energy collision, his head was pressed down.


The metal floor of the spaceship trembled for a while, and suddenly a mass of fuzzy flesh and blood appeared in the crowd.


Speaking softly, ignoring the panicked people, Yi Xunyu turned his gaze to another inconspicuous corner.






The calm and icy count stopped when it reached six. The metal floor was covered with a light frost. Six groups of vague flesh and blood piled up into clumps, and the surrounding surface flashed with blue-gold electric light from time to time.

"A total of six traitors...This number is still within the receiving range. Those who specialize in Soul Studies stepped forward, pulled their souls out, used Soul Dismantling Technique to torture them, and gave them to me after collecting them. "

Seeing everyone at risk below, and the hundreds of people who knew each other huddled together and looked at him vigilantly, Yi Xunyu waved his hand, turned and jumped off the table.

Whether it is a random killing or a real traitor, you can find out by looking at the soul.

It is true that the real realm cannot read a person’s thoughts, but sudden tension will always cause a little change in body functions, such as accelerated heartbeat, sweating, muscle tension, and even small movements that one thinks it is hidden... all of these cannot escape the reality. Observation of the field.

And just destroying the body, keeping the soul without directly killing it, is a bottom line for those people not to lose control of their emotions.

It is not that there are people who are trying to resist, but in front of Yi Xunyu, the strength of the lord level has become a little insufficient.

Following Yi Xunyu and walking into the general control room, Schwarzenegger frowned and said: "Ye Huang, your actions are improper."


Yixun Yu asked without looking back.

"Whether it is the way of counterattack in the face of an attack, or the screening of traitors...especially the latter, if there are more people, there will be a danger of mass riots."

After all, if it was an indiscriminate murder, anyone would be afraid that the knife would suddenly fly to their neck, and for the people of Yongye, it would be better to start first than to do that.

"Oh, what do you think is the upper limit they can tolerate as the night emperor?" Yixunyu asked casually.

"No more than ten people."

"So I didn't have more than ten people, and it also gave them a chance to understand the situation."

Yi Xunyu waved his hand indifferently, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "Since there is a quick way to solve the problem, then you shouldn't waste time on it because of the trivial matter of identity."


Schwarzenegger stopped talking.

When he came to the main console, Yixunyu knocked on a place that seemed to have nothing. With a mechanical hydraulic sound, the metal plate lifted up, revealing the universal socket at the back.

Raising his hand, the pale Nova mechanical armor on Yixun Yu's hand was spread out, a plug was split at the position of the finger, and it was aligned with the socket and inserted.

"Uh, Ye Huang, there is a firewall on the spacecraft's system, which will force all unknown access devices to be physically burned!" Taking the time to raise his head, an operator hurriedly shouted.

"I know."

Seeing a display screen turned into flickering snowflakes and a large number of encrypted commands popped up in the middle, Yixunyu said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, a green pass mark appeared on the display.

"Oh, all right." Seeing this, the operator shrugged, turning around and pretending to be busy.

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