League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 998: : Mother's teaching (fifth!)

"Mom taught me from an early age, can't be wasted, especially good things... These pieces of force are the kings, they have worked hard to compress, um, can't waste!"

Ye Che's self-talking, and his in vitro, has already exploded the force of the squatting position, and then directly covered the remaining force of the remaining position in the spring water, and then the force of the position is slightly boiling. Bayi Chinese Network W★wW. ★81zくW. CoM


About ten minutes later, in the original spring water, the remaining layer of the original force has also been turned into Ye Che's nourishment.

Ye Che nodded with satisfaction, and then checked the completely dry original spring water, coughed and patted the clothes, and jumped out of the original spring water.

Nearly twenty of them saw this scene, all with open mouths and stunned faces.

This kid's past life is a mouse, and even a drop of the original force, do not stay!

"I am shameless, but I like it!!"

"This kid can really do things, it's all sucking up, I'm afraid that the top 100, I have to hate him, but this fearless look won my heart!"

Some sighed.

But the Chinese character face is a cold scream, saying: "He is looking for a dead behavior, the area is drilling IV, do not know how to keep a low profile, but offended so many people, causing public outrage, the second level of the situation, hehe..."

The old man of the goat Hu is also attached: "The strong is fearless, but he does not care about his strength, he has offended so many top players!"

Saying, it seems to remind the king of chaos and other people to continue: "He is such a heart, I think it is a candidate, I am afraid I still need to sharpen it for a few years."

"Grinding!? Otherwise, you personally go to give him a grind, hey, the weapon against Zhao Xin!"

Sword Qingyang said faintly.

Goat Hu Xiaotou, the face is green all the time.

"Don't say it... The second level of crystal guards, at that time, naturally knows where this kid is confident, now, wait and see!"

Wang Shudao.

At this point, the scene suddenly calmed down.

Ye Che, after walking to a place ten meters away from the spring water, sat down on his knees and rested.

Ye Che is not iron-handed after all. After all the way, the mind is also a little tired.

Only he is resting, and there are countless people fighting in the virtual shadow channel.

With nearly ten hours of fighting, the 30 million people who used to have nearly 20 million people, unable to fight again, are all parked in the virtual shadow channel, waiting for the fate of the eliminated after the first pass. .

There are nearly 10 million people who are struggling to fight.

Even if this million people arrive, there are five million people who can't escape the fate of elimination. So everyone is clenching their teeth and doing their best.

In the past ten minutes and a second, after Ye Che rested for nearly two hours, a heavy gasping sound, from a distance of 100 meters, rang.

"Someone has passed?"

Ye Che slowly opened his eyes, and at a glance, he saw a pale face, sweating and screaming, standing outside the virtual shadow channel.

Chaos, the second pass!

Although his image is very embarrassing now, everyone looks at him with envy.

The first place didn't get, the second place was not bad, don't mention it, at least for a short time, you can enjoy the soaking of the original spring water, which is also very cool.

The same is true of the chaos, although I hate Ye Che, but now it is still the weight of the original spring water, so he just hates and licks Ye Che’s eyes, and he’s a quick step towards the original spring. Going over.

At the same moment, there are two more people, almost indiscriminate, coming out of the virtual shadow channel, it is the chaotic Yunyang and the magic ink.

When the two came out, they looked at each other and their eyes flashed with a touch of provocation and hostility. Then they quickly rushed over to the original spring.

However, just taking a few steps is a glimpse.

They are now in front of them, and they have not entered the original spring water. Instead, they stand outside the original spring water and their shoulders are swaying. They don’t know what to do.

"What the hell?"

The two men glimpsed, and the body, has already walked quickly.

"Chay brother, why don't you go in, will not be polite, wait for us?"

The demon ink smiled and asked, but suddenly, he was wrong, and his eyes were actually red.

It’s also mad and shaking.

Unclear, the devil ink, and the chaotic Yunyang, all followed the gaze and looked at the past.

At first glance, the two of them have changed their faces!

In the original spring water, where you can see the traces of the original force of the slightest segment, the whole spring water, just like the wind and rain that has been going through hundreds of years, there is only one empty shell.

"The original spring water... empty... empty?"

The two men couldn't believe in their own words, full of expectation, and when they turned into a bubble, the two men turned from shock to change into horror, and then from horror to gloomy, and then from gloomy to extreme. anger.

In less than three seconds, the two men, including chaos, are like chameleons, blushing and thick neck.

It stands to reason that with their current position, they can already be humiliated.

But what they pursued in the first century is the pursuit of powerful power!

Some people are not stunned, but they have not touched the scales!

Just like most businessmen, the most concerned about money is that it takes a long time to lose a lot of money.

The same is true now. Seeing the progress of strength and the opportunity to restore the power of the whole body, it is in front of us, but at the end of the day, this is just a self-righteous fantasy, anger, and I can’t control it for a while.

Moreover, with their IQ, naturally can think about what this is related to!

"call out!"

Only listening to the air violently produced a burst of sound, angry chaos, has been extremely horrible pressure, almost teleported to Ye Che.

"Say, the original spring water, where was you hidden?!!!"

Looking at Ye Che indiscriminately, his eyes flashed coldly.

Full of hundreds of diameters of the original force, he naturally does not think that it is being drilled by a district V, hehe, a district drilled IV, it is likely to be hidden by the kid with unknown means.

The demon ink, as well as the chaotic Yunyang, also gloomy and gloomy.

The three powerful diamonds were mixed together, and the clothes of Ye Che’s clothes were screaming.


Ye Che turned a blind eye and said.

What is hidden? Just like a thief, is that kind of person?

"Oh, **** up!?"

Chaos anger and laughter, low shouted: "Hundreds of meters in diameter of the original spring water, you said that you are sucked up, well, even if you absorb, but only promoted once!? You treat me as an idiot!"

"Kid, advise you to be honest, otherwise we have a hundred ways to let you tell the truth!"

Devil ink, said with a calm face.

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