League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 983: : sweeping all the way

"The first place is chaotic, I drilled, seventy-eight battles! The second devil ink, drill I, seventy-eight battles! The third chaotic Yunyang, drill II, seventy-eight battles! The fourth Wang Hao, Drill I, seventy-eight battles! The fifth place is magic, drill II, seventy-eight battles... The first thousand Tengchong, seventy-two battles! No accident, within two hours, the ranking will not What has changed!"

"Yes, I have been playing until now, high-attention, high-frequency battles, almost draining them. Bayi Chinese Network WwW.81zW.CoM"

Many people talked about it.

Up to now, 66 people have been retiring about 11 million, and there are about seven or eight million people in the middle. They know that they have not beaten the next battle. In order to avoid premature elimination of face, many of them are In the 100-meter distance between battles, it stopped.

These people, although not eliminated, have been almost eliminated.

Water scorpion, greedy wolf, Mo Yan and others have already stopped the pace of continuing to challenge, rest in place.

As for Li Yi and Xiao Yun, who were saved by Ye Che, they are among the seven or eight million people who are unable to continue to challenge.

"Cheshen... The 72nd battle, ranking 262, this ranking is definitely able to pass."

The greedy wolf looked at the light curtain, and the leaf figure that was printed out was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

When he hit the 68th World War, he was already in a bad mood and stopped.

At this time, he suddenly appeared in the figure of Ye Che, in the 826 places, suddenly disappeared, and then soared, directly soared to the 436th, only to stop.

"Thirty-three battles!"

A greedy wolf is happy.

At the same time, Ye Che entered the 74th War. This battle is a coalition war. He did not spend much time and he has already done it.

Then, after waiting for the "source forest" to draw energy, he stepped out casually.

I thought, just as I stepped out, I heard a lot of faint exclamations in the virtual shadow channel.

"What is the situation of this person, continue to challenge!?"

"The seventy-fourth war! This man is crazy, don't know what to rest?"

"If you challenge this way, the power of the paragraph is not good, your heart is not good, and how do you fight next?"

Ye Che listened a little and realized that these people are talking about themselves.

Because of the thousands of people on this list, only him is still moving on.

In the place where Ye Che is less than five kilometers away, Beijiang, who has closed his eyes, hears these arguments and slams his eyes openly. Then he turns his head with a smirk and turns to the head with the power of the paragraph: "The kid, the singer It is a price to pay, you are so hard now, don’t know how to die!"

He reminded Ye Che that he was not very kind. He was afraid that Ye Chulian could not be reached and he would be eliminated. At that time, he would not have the opportunity to humiliate Ye Che.

At the forefront of the chaos Yunyang, as well as the middle-aged people chaos and others, also one by one to look at Ye Che.

They naturally know that Ye Che, who spends 1.4 billion days to buy the essence of the gods, spends 1.4 billion to buy the essence of the gods. It is rich and self-willed, and they naturally cannot vomit.

But in the challenge of being capricious, that is nc behavior, one by one can not help but sneer.

"It’s a pity that the gods’ quintessence is really a waste of this brainless guy...”

Wang Yu shook his head.

On the rankings, thousands of people have stopped, and this person has continued to move forward. In their view, this is completely sensational and deliberately attracts attention.

The men and women who wore the fights also took a look at Ye Che, and they didn't care. Obviously, this behavior was very disdainful.

Ye Che shrugged and wanted to say a world of great gods. You don't understand, but think about it. It doesn't make sense to do so. It is better to put this into action.

So, the footsteps moved into the seventy-fifth battle!

Once the seventy-fifth battle is passed, it will be at the peak of the second group. You must know that Beijiang has only passed the seventy-sixth battle!

"Oh, this child is getting bloody."

"Seventy-five battles? It is estimated that he passed, half a life will be gone!"

Thousands of people on the leaderboard are sneer.

Only the water is left, and I watched Ye Che wearing a mask. I always felt the color of doubt in my eyes. I always felt that this figure was really familiar.

Time, slowly elapsed, and within the virtual shadow channel, as Ye Che entered the seventy-fifth battle, he regained his calm.

However, fifteen minutes later, an unusual exclamation interrupted their meditation again.

"The mask man passed the 75th battle!!!"

"One hundred and eleven! I am going, a blockbuster!"

"I still remember that he was just on the list 40 minutes ago and climbed to a thousand. Now he has reached 111!"

Those who are eliminated, exclaimed again and again.

Bei Jiang’s face changed slightly, and the kid, really passed the seventy-fifth battle! ?

"Hey, even if it passes, the power of the segment has already consumed more than nine layers. The winning rate is estimated to have dropped to the critical point of 5o%. It is not enough!"

Bei Jiang thought, his head had already deflected in the direction of Ye Che.

Chao Yunyang and others, naturally the same is the same, want to see the mask man, is not tired and walked out like a dog.

However, at first glance, it was the sinking of my heart. I saw that the young man was walking like a leisurely walk. From the seventy-fifth battle, he slowly stepped out and saw signs of exhaustion on his face. .

"How could it be... Did he pretend it before, deliberately waiting for this moment, blockbuster!?"

"Oh, I didn't think of this method. I knew that it was so difficult in the front. I slowly challenged them. When they rest, they challenge themselves. At that time, they will attract countless people!"

Many people on the list hate it.

The face of Beijiang is as dark as the bottom of the pot, because after the seventy-fifth battle, the guy actually entered the 76th battle without stopping.

"I don't believe it, after the passage of the 76th game, you will still be so leisurely!"

Bei Jiang took a deep breath, at this time he did not close his eyes and rested, a pair of eyes, staring at Ye Che's 76th.

Chaoyun Yunyang, chaos and other people, also opened their eyes one by one, and fell on the fog of battle in Ye Jing virtual shadow channel.

In the seventy-sixth battle, once it is over, it is fully qualified to be in the first group. This means that the talent of this young man is enough among young people to enter the top group of people in the sea of ​​magic!

They didn't let them wait for a long time. As a familiar figure stepped out of the fog of the battle of the 76th battle, the audience boiled.

"It’s too much, it looks so easy!?"

Bei Jiang’s eyes widened, and what surprised him even more was that this kid had just got out of the fog of battle, but he still did not hesitate to enter the seventy-seventh battle!

Ranking, also came to the top 30!


Chaoyun Yunyang, chaos, a few people screaming, a sense of extreme crisis, from the bottom of my heart.

Nima, look at this trend, this guy is trying to rush all the way to the first! ! !

The noisy here, suddenly attracted the chaos, the golden kings, and the attention of the masters.


Ps: Don't worry, there will be a battle that will burst into the audience~

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