League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 981: : 汝乃天骄, why not go to Jiuyi?

An hour passed. At this time, the first group of Chaoyun Yang, Mo Liang, Wang Yu, Bei Jiang, Leng Ming, Chaos and the public drill I have been generally in the 69th battle, to about 70 wars It is. Bayi Chinese ★ Net W√wW. ★8★1zW★. ★CoM

They are slightly tired and cautious. Although the degree is very important, once they are defeated, they have to stay for 1 minute before they can continue.

Therefore, those who were in the first group did not enter the next level after the battle, but began to adjust their interest for a few minutes before moving on.

However, some people, biting their teeth, continue to move forward without stopping.

Spring water, the ranking and figure above the light curtain layer, began to change rapidly.

Some of them were originally in the 627th place, only a little rest for a dozen seconds, then they have now plummeted and dropped directly to 800.

So I didn't take a break. I bite my teeth and started fighting again.

Ye Che also came to the 65th battle at this time, but the lowest of the thousands of rankings, there are records of 67 battles, so Ye Che is still not on the list.

As the enemy grows stronger, the "source forest" takes the time of the inexplicable energy, and the longer it takes, from the previous ten seconds to more than thirty seconds, then one minute, two minutes, three minutes.

However, Ye Che is not in a hurry, the battle behind will become more and more difficult, he can slowly catch up.

Finally, in the sixty-fifth battle, Ye Che also passed, and waited for five minutes. After the helmet of “source forest”, after drinking and drinking, Ye Che stepped out and then habitually ranked on the spring water. Look.

Ye Che did not look at the top dozens of rankings, after all, there will be no major changes in the eyes.

He looked at the last of the rankings. However, as soon as his gaze fell on it, a figure jumped and jumped directly to the thousandth place.

This figure is soft, but the eyes are full of tenacity and confidence.

"This is... otter?"

Ye Che stayed a little.

Then I subconsciously looked at the position of the otter, and it was Platinum I!

"It seems that this sister paper is not a small opportunity. She was born with a different talent. When I tested it, without my words, I definitely took the lead. Now I am in the rankings, and it is normal..."

Ye Che nodded and his eyes continued to move up. Until the twenty-eighth, a familiar figure was printed.

"The chaos in the wind and thunder sea..."

Ye Che touched his chin, and his impression of this smoldering was actually good. After all, the first time I saw someone dare to be a hard-hitting thunder.

"It's still in the sixty-fifth battle!? It turns out that you have this degree, spicy chicken!"

Just as Ye Che looked at the leaderboard, Bei Jiang’s irritating voice was once again passed.

Ye Che turned his head and looked at the past, and now this Beijiang is already at the door of the 70th battle!

If it is the previous battle, such as from the fifth battle to the ninth battle, I am afraid that it will take less than one minute to pass.

However, now every battle takes three to four minutes. This is a fifteen-six-minute gap. Beijiang naturally enjoys itself.

In addition, the ranking of Beijiang has already reached the eleventh, and it will soon enter the top ten, while Ye Che has not even listed, and Beijiang’s heart is even more contemptuous.

"The 70th battle, small garbage, grandfather is waiting for you in the spring!"

Bei Jiang saw Ye Qing silent, but could not help but become more mad.

In the sea of ​​chaos, most of them are actual combatants. They fight all the year round and their temper is very violent.

Speak well, reasoning about such temperament, rarely seen in them.

Beijiang is naturally the same, what is in mind, it is directly revealed.

"Is it a genius, why not go to the Nine?"

Ye Che fainted a look at Bei Jiang, leaving a sentence, and directly into the sixty-sixth battle.

"Is it a genius, why not go to Jiuyi? What the hell?"

Bei Jiang was a bit embarrassed, exhausted all his life, and did not think that this is a meaning.

Many people who heard Ye Che’s words are also frowning. If they don’t understand, they just think that Ye Che is guilty.

Still, the lean man, some of them can’t stand it, cough, and reminded: “If I didn’t guess wrong... This sentence means... You are so powerful, can’t you go to heaven?”


"Ha ha ha ha, 666666!"

"This kid is not a dirty word, haha!"

After hearing the interpretations of lean men, many of them couldn’t help but get up, just to dispel some of their tired energy.

Even the chaos of Yunyang, the magic and other people, but also turned around, weird look at Beijiang a look, straight to Beijiang look black as the bottom of the pot, only turned around.

"This **** stuff..."

Bei Jiang stared at Ye Chu’s virtual shadow channel, and the killing in his eyes did not hide it.

However, after all, he was able to distinguish the primary and secondary, knowing that he was in the top ten, so he took a deep breath and entered the 70th battle.

"The Battle of the Seventy Wars is activated in the 70th Battle. You will face the Alliance Wheel Battle. There are a total of five enemies. You need to defeat them one by one to get through!"

Listening to the words of this voice, Beijiang’s heart snorted, five enemies, one by one, this will cost a lot of effort to rise in geometry!

It is no wonder that the top three enchanting players also took nearly ten minutes to pass, which is simply to squeeze people out!

By the time of the 71st war, Beijiang’s face was already very ugly, because the strength reached the enemy of Drill II, and two appeared at once!

1V2, with the strength that he could actually fight, can do it.

But now, it’s just the seventy-one war. Then there are two enemies of the same rank. After the end, the actual enemy is not three, four or five! ?

The power of the segment that needs to be spent will increase geometrically!

"This is a battle alliance, it seems to have to play..."

Bei Jiang took a deep breath, suddenly, and his eyes flashed a sneer, even he felt a little tricky, the kid was afraid of scared scalp.


In the sixty-sixth battle, Ye Che's footsteps did not move, and even the power of the paragraph was not wasted. The arm was only pulled around. The enemy's seemingly tough fleshy bones were directly broken and broken.

Because "source forest" has been wasting a lot of time, Ye Che has been a battle.

The projection masters of these humans are simpler than the murderous hybrids. After all, their bodies are too weak for Ye Che.

At this time, the time taken by the “source forest” to extract energy has reached nearly ten minutes.

However, this time Ye Che took sixty-sixth battles, but it was a glimpse, because the ranking of the first group actually rose only one battle, reaching seventy-one battles.

Although the top ten, all of them have begun to challenge the 72nd battle, but it has only risen once.

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