League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 942: Life expectancy

Pope St. Gun Ranger, everyone: "2o17 is it, I remember you..."

"So killing, 2o17, the Devil's Monastery wrote down today!"

"Oh, you better not step out of the Huaxia District!!!"

"I said that this year's intercontinental war, you can get a place in Chinatown, I will eat from here!"

Five people in the blue square, one by one very gloomy information. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

In particular, the last sentence of Bobby, with a deep hatred of the bone marrow.

Then, not waiting for Ye Che to return, one by one, surrendered.

After so long, it was finally 2o minutes, and they finally got out of torture.

However, they are too small Ye Er's hand, almost they just surrendered, and a line that made them want to spurt blood has already appeared on the interface.

2o17 glory execution officer, everyone: "Intercontinental war? This can be, young, I just continue to abuse the spring."

The pope and other people almost squirted a bit of old blood. Is this a rock-scissing slap on their own feet? Before it was black, the Levin was too young to lose five kills. This Levin was too young to run against them.

However, full of anger, they have nowhere to release, with the surrender, the face of the ten people has begun to blur, and soon, they returned to the summoner's altar.

Only this time, it is not Ye Che who is on the altar of the summoner, but all five!

"Ha ha ha ha, cool, I haven’t been so cool for a long time! Every time I go with the pope, I will be despised by us. We have no one in China. This time it was a big sigh!"

The domain emperor laughed.

The other three are also flushed.

The last scene of blocking the killing of spring water has indeed brought them an unparalleled impact.

What kind of courage should this be, and then dare to abuse the spring of the king.

Only after the music is finished, the old man’s brow is slightly wrinkled, and he said to Ye: "You should pay attention to it later. After you reach the ordinary, the ordinary ranking and the devil, have already been against you. In the slightest help, only the destiny value can enhance your strength, and by then they will definitely arrange people to attack you."

"Destiny value?"

Ye Che reveals the color of doubt.

"Your death ruling is successful, and you must have reached it. After you went out, you will naturally know it, but we will tell you that it will be a lot more detailed and will make you take fewer detours."

The empty interface of the cloud, paused, and saw Ye Che revealing the color of listening, and continued: "When the stage reaches the end, people will change from the essence of the vitality field. Generally speaking, it is the unconventional, every move, Can lead to real vibration, not exactly comparable to diamonds! In this case, the killing of the devil to obtain the original force, as well as the life value, can not improve the strength, only the fate value, in order to make the master and the strongest king, once again evolution!"

"Where is the fate of the fate, it is natural to make a death ruling. For the following, the death ruling that will appear in the promotion of the big paragraph is commonplace, as long as the power of the body is saved to the full state. Can open directly, win, you can get a little destiny value, lose, then lose a little destiny value, and it takes a long time to restore the power of the segment, open again! But the time of death ruling is different from reality So even if you have a death ruling in a dozen or twenty days in reality, it will only take a few minutes in the death ruling. This is what I said you will be attacked by them!"

"In addition to the death ruling, you can also obtain the qualification to directly open the death ruling by killing the demon, but this is extremely difficult. Any devil, whether strength or wisdom, is not weaker than the master's human being, even Some of the wisdom of the devil is completely human imagination."

When I heard this, Ye Che’s eyes flashed and asked: “Besides these two points, there should be other...”


The face of the sky was sunk, and the rest of the old, the emperor, and the face of the book of the cloud were extremely bad.

"The last point, in fact, you are not currently in contact with it. Only after you become a king can you use it..."

The voice of the domain emperor at this time was somewhat different, but he looked at Ye Che and sighed, and then said: "But with your talent, to reach the king sooner or later, now know nothing, this, and you The reference to the abandoned people is also related to the source of the king’s strength."

“Sure enough, it’s an abandoned person!”

Ye Qing heart micro-shock.

"Where the master, the day's life value reaches 1oo, and then through the inheritance test, you can become one of the strongest players in the planet, and have the title of the strongest king! But the strongest king of 1oo point of destiny is only The weakest, though this is the case, even the weakest and strongest king is simply unmatched by the masters. This is the glory of supreme, and the level of the life of countless powerful men! But they don’t know, The strongest king is not eternal. After reaching the strongest king, every 5o point of life is a level, that is to say, the strongest king of 1oo is the opponent of the 15o point king!"

"The problem then comes. The power of the segment will naturally recover. It cannot be suppressed at all. If the point of filling is reached, the death ruling will be carried out. If the death ruling is lost, it will lower the fate of the fate, and every month, It will automatically drop three points. Once it loses below 15o, the strength will drop by one step. This is fine. Once it falls below 1oo, it will not only regain its strength, but will also be countered by inheritance. For a long time, I can't be promoted to be the strongest king again."

"The king of Huaxia District, do not ask the world, I do not know how many seclusion, but on the door, full of counts, the total number is only nine! Once one is missing, it will cause extremely terrible turmoil! Whether it is the devil's opportunity Movement, or the embarrassment of other foreign forces, can not afford the Chinese people, so we only have to do everything we can, the way is, ordinary life."

The domain emperor said here, his eyes glanced and said: "In fact, it is very simple. It only needs the full value of 10,000 human black irons. It can condense a little destiny value. In order to maintain the king's position, it will not fall. In recent years, the whole Huaxia has almost a million black irons, and even bronze, which contributes all the lives."

Hearing here, Ye Che finally understood, but the moment he understood, the whole body could not restrain the trembling.

In order to maintain the position of the strongest king, these people actually draw on the human life, knowing that the life value can be equivalent to the life value!

The value of life slowly drops, and you can't see anything, you can recover.

But all of them were directly absorbed. This is simply absorbing the life of almost everyone. The abandoned land has more and more abandoned people. It was born.

"You are so life-giving, what is the difference with the devil!?"

Ye Che's voice, this moment the ice is cold to the extreme.

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