League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 925: Gold old selection lineup

"Cough and cough..."

The book of Clouds on the side didn't come up in one breath, almost suffocating. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

The thick eyebrows of the domain emperor are even more vertical.

"Ha ha ha, the domain emperor is not angry, this kid is also very funny, hang up? I have not heard of the old age, I really miss it."

Kim Lao was teased by Ye Che’s words, and the sky and the book of the cloud were also somewhat tolerant.

Only the domain emperor's face did not get better, obviously he did not like to joke.

"Well, since you are all familiar with it, then you will start to choose a hero."

Yunkong said, and then asked Ye Che, "Where are you playing?"

"The four predecessors are the first choice."

Ye Che said politely.

"In this way, I am the main helper, and you only have diamonds. For the most limited containment of weak points, you and I have to make a way... adc you should have a good hand?"

After the cloud was slightly sinking, he said.

"Yes, let him and the empty city master hit the road, very stable."

Cloud Book Interface said.

The other two also nod and agreed.

However, Ye Che did not immediately agree, but suddenly asked: "What are the connections between the four predecessors and the destiny values ​​that you mentioned?"

Ye Che did not directly ask how the abandoned people came into being. From the swearing of Jin Lao, they were afraid that they were not so easy to tell themselves. Therefore, Ye Che only asked what the relationship between the two was.

The four people heard the words, there was no change in the look, it seems that I have already expected that Ye Che will have this question.

"The relationship between the fate value and the two, when you accomplish anything, you will naturally know, and now it is the key to win this game first."

Said the cloud.

"Yes, this game won, you will be promoted to become a mortal, once you reach the mortal, you naturally understand."

Jin Lao also interfaced.

Ye Che shook his head and said: "The younger generation wants to know now, otherwise they will always feel a little restless, which will affect the swing."

He also decided how these four people would not dare to deal with themselves. After all, from their previous performance, the value of this day is very important to them.

"Ye Che is, are you threatening us?"

The emperor's face was heavy, and an invisible pressure came out.

"The younger generation does not dare."

Ye Che's face remained unchanged and arched his hand.

"Forget it... this way, if you perform well in this game, I will tell you in advance, how?"

Yunkong didn't want Ye Che to hold up with dissatisfaction, so he thought of a compromise.

Ye Che knows that his own move has actually been excessive. This is because he is going to play the game right away. He has scruples. Otherwise, if in reality, I am afraid that the domain emperor has already slapped himself.

"it is good!"

So Ye Che immediately responded.

"His identity should be no problem. After so long delays, he did not show a little anxious color. Obviously it is not the embodiment of "they". This game can be played!"

The domain's emperor's lips did not move, but the sound rang in the ears of the three people waiting in the sky.

In the tone, there is no sigh of relief, and the tone is deep and deep.

"Well, if it is the incarnation of "they", it is inevitable that we can't wait to choose a hero, so that we can keep our body from collapsing, and this Ye Che, not only listened to me saying so much, but also asked Dong to ask the West, and this kid, etc. After knowing the identity of the emperor, he also glanced at him without revealing his voice. It seems that the domain emperor did not seem to have offended him before."

The sky of the clouds smiled, the sound was silky, and fell into the ears of the other three, but Ye Che could not hear anything.

" offended him?"

The domain emperor smiled and said nothing.

What is his identity, even if he offended the diamonds of the whole world, how can he behave.

The conversation between the four people, Ye Che did not know, he has followed the four people at this time, and came to the statue of more than one hundred heroes.

Yunkong looked at the altar of the summoner, the time in the upper left corner, and then said: "We still have a minute to prepare, Ye Che, the enemy, is the force outside of China, and it is also one of the best in foreign powers, if Lose, you just died the death ruling, and we lost the fate value, maybe you think that losing a little life value is no big deal, then I tell you now, for the king above the rank, a little destiny value, value a city !"

"A little bit of life, worth a city!?"

Ye Cheyi, this is what the value of the destiny is a slap in the end, too special gold expensive.

"For all, a little bit of life value is not so much, but it is also precious, so remember to go all out!"

The sky is serious.

"I try my best……"

Ye Che glanced at the domain emperor.

With Ye Che's words, Yunkong has activated the summoner's altar.


Summon the altar of the sorcerer, and began to spin up, and an indifferent voice rang from the summoning altar.

"Death ruling, start!"

With the voice, the summoner's altar suddenly began to tremble slowly.

In the next second, Ye Che only felt the eyes sway, and then the summoner altar suddenly trembled, and another altar of the summoner, who was about the same size, had already been in contact with Ye Che.

At the same time, the five-way vague, sly figure, from the altar of the summoner, was printed in Ye's eyes.

Surprisingly, the top of these five figures can't see the id.

This also means that it is impossible to arrange the lineup by the identity of the other party.

However, the domain emperor, Jin Lao, Yun Zhikong and Yunzhishu obviously know this, and there is no accident.

After Kim’s appearance at the altar of another summoner, the voice said a little hoarsely: “The four of us have also cooperated three or four times, and this time we don’t have to change it, or the lineup.”

Saying, a smile on his face, said to Ye Che, who was frowning at the altar of another summoner: "Don't be nervous, our lineup is very powerful at the end, so you only need good education, defense and support. Give it to us."

"Okay, I don't know what the lineup is?"

Ye Che's eyes flashed a hint of curiosity, see Jin Lao said so confident, natural heart is very interested.

"On the single dog head, in the single card, playing wild dragon turtle, if you go down the road, then you can play adc, anyway, adc can be considered a big late, but there is displacement or control the best, auxiliary words, the empty city owner Will play the nurse."

After Jin Lao finished speaking, he looked at Ye Che with great interest and waited for his inquiry.

I want Ye Che and reveal the color of doubt, but nodded straight and replied: "Good!"

"You don't ask where is the focus?"

Golden Road.

"The focus is on the dog's head, the choice of the single card, and the choice of the dragon turtle. They should all be played around the dog's head. It is better to catch the opposite side. One card controls the dragon turtle to control, and most of the wilderness is over. The key is that the engine power is too strong. If the card is followed by a transmission, the main insurance is on the road..."

Ye Cheli said of course.

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