League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 918: Inheritance, easy

These are the big forces of all parties. In order to meet the arrogance of their own forces, they have been waiting here, fearing that when they are out of the Holy Forest, they will be robbed of treasures and accidents. Bayi Chinese Network W★w★W. 81zW. CoM

They are wondering why their own arrogant people, when they came out so early, they saw a very shocking scene.

I saw that the hundreds of millions of people who came out of this room were surrounded by the huge vortex, and they bowed and bowed a big gift.

"What exactly is going on?"

All the old monsters of the big forces are stunned.

This hundreds of millions of people have been keeping this action for a full minute.

Why is it so solemn, in fact, there is nothing, that is, hundreds of millions of people owe a life called Che Shen.

First, throwing God's clothes without hesitation, and then preferring to die immediately does not violate their own principles. These two points are what most of them can't do.

So even if it is a person who is higher than the top, this moment is not to be respected.

As the hundreds of millions of people were all popped up, the vortex was quickly flattened, and the huge tree shadow suspended in it was slowly disappearing.

These hundreds of millions of people know that with the destruction of the ancient trees, this holy forest world is no longer there.

The crowd, after standing still for a while, finally began to disperse.

I don't know how long it took, this sea area has returned to the original wave.

However, the hundreds of millions of people who have received Ye Jing's benefits, but silently remembered the word of the gods, and died in the bottom of my heart.


At this time, within the world of Shenglin, as hundreds of millions of people were popped up, the destruction of ancient trees was still born as always.

However, in the old trees, Ye Che’s resounding voice has never stopped.

He held his head in his hands, slammed into the ground, and the helmet on his head screamed at the ground.

But even if the ground has been smashed, the helmet does not appear with a white mark.


Ye Che couldn’t stop it because he was so painful that the helmet was like a hard squeeze into his head.

Look... two times... ten times... twenty times...

The impact of the times makes the ground next to Ye Che devastated, but such a sharp impact can alleviate the pain of Ye Che.

He didn't know how long the pain had to last. He only knew that if he stopped the impact, he might have a life-threatening death.


A ray of platinum blasted from Ye Che.

The numerous bark that covered him was instantly cracked, but immediately there was a new bark that was placed on him.

Ye Che did not care so much, he now only hopes that there is a way to suppress his pain.

The pain of the helmet squeezed, the pain of the countless memories in my mind, so that Ye Che has a feeling of life is not as good as death.


The violent crash was submerged in the broken sound of the old trees.

However, as the old tree shattered, the blue hood that enveloped the other six pieces of equipment began to swell eagerly, and then disappeared completely.

Seal, disappeared!

Then, these six pieces of equipment, like what was pulled, slammed in one direction and galloped away.

There, it is the location where Ye Che is.


Six metal roars, Ye Che did not react at all, and he was all equipped with this gray-black metal and wrapped up.

Heavy... it’s too heavy.

Only one moment, Ye Che was crushed on the ground, only to feel the whole body of platinum bones, are out of the burden.

"Awful, hateful!"

Ye Che’s hands were on the ground and he wanted to stand up.

However, he just moved, these six pieces of metal equipment wrapped around his arms, legs, and head, suddenly sharply tightened.

There is no difference between the extent of the austerity and the helmet on his head.

In an instant, the pain that is about to burst, the doubling of the beginning began to increase.

"How come... How could this be... The source is not dead, why, why this thing will exclude me!!"

Ye Che’s heart was at the end of the day, and at this time, he poured into his head a memory, and suddenly it was clear.

That is, it is easy to wear these seven pieces of equipment for the first time.

"Don't you have to be a Juggernaut to be able to wear!"

Ye Che Ling light flashed.

Thinking of the way of life, Ye Che immediately forced himself to sink all his mind, and the experience of death and death began to remember the memory that poured into his head.

At first glance, these memories are all the fighting skills of Juggernaut and various heroic skills.

From the Alpha raids, to meditation, to the Promise Kendo, and to the high-altitude pedigrees, all are clearly printed in their minds.

This... actually more clear and more comprehensive than the various inheritances accepted in the heroic fantasy world!

This is all the understanding of Juggernaut on his kendo! !

After Ye Che knows this, he is naturally ecstatic, but what he wants now is to control the equipment of the source. Therefore, he must calm himself down.

"First, Alpha raid!"

Ye Qingyu's bite, he has been unable to move, so he can only grasp all the pain to comprehend.

I have to say that this feeling of being smashed is too painful. If Ye Che does not feel that he is beckoning to be alive, he is afraid that he has given up.

At the same time, as Ye Che began to understand the memory of Juggernaut, countless use techniques for Alpha raids, as well as sincerity, began to imprint in his heart.

And as he began to assimilate the memory of Juggernaut, the seven pieces of metal equipment that had been tightening, finally did not rush, and even had a slight relaxation.

This time, Ye Xue began to try his best to comprehend.

I don't know how long it took. The seven pieces of equipment that were covered in Ye Che began to glow with the glow of the sun. The impact of the destruction of the Holy Forest world was broken. When it fell on Ye Che, it was directly annihilated by the Xiaguang.

At the same time, Ye Che was shrouded in the sky, and the numerous bark that had fallen down had not fallen on Ye Che, and they turned into powder.

The destruction of ancient trees is getting bigger and bigger, and almost seven out of ten places have already broken.

At this moment, a little bit of painful suffocation suddenly rang.

That is because the old tree broke, and Xiaoqing fell from the ancient tree wall.

"I... I didn't die?"

Xiaoqing opened her eyes with tired eyes, and looked around the next second, but she screamed out. "St. Lin... Is the Holy Forest destroyed?"

This now makes her stand up in disregard of her soreness.

But in the next second, Ye Che, who was shrouded in the glow of the sky, appeared.

Immediately, Xiaoqing ran to the glow of the sun.

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