League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 911: Entering the seal

The city of extinction, the city is full of various magical ornaments, as well as medieval buildings such as European and American style. Bayi Chinese network W ★ wW ★. ★8√1z★W.くCoM

The attack of the ruined city master is mainly caused by magical damage.

The active skills of the perfect gold-capped hat are even more terrifying.

But Ye Che's attributes are too comprehensive, and there is no difference between the endless city owners, just less than ten seconds, this ruined city owner, then stepped on the footsteps of the endless city owners.

Then the city of the Blades, the City of Guardian, the City of Langton, the City of Hurricane, kill one by one, every time the announcement of the Holy Forest world, less than ten minutes apart.

This horrible killing of the enemy makes everyone in the world of Sanlin not dare to have any luck.

Even the chaotic Yunyang and others immediately disbanded their respective battle groups and then joined the main gods.

After Ye Che solved the last hurricane city master, the number of his main gods finally broke 100 million!

The battle group leaderboard looked at the past, only the only one battle group, the main god!

Seeing this scene, everyone is silent for a while, this is the absolute power to crush, no one has resisted.

Any intrigue, under absolute power, seems so insignificant.

In the city of Hurricane, Ye Che looked at the slowly falling hurricane city figure, slowly relieved a sigh of relief, he knows that with the establishment of his first battle group, the last scene of the holy forest world, I am afraid that it will come soon It is.

The rest know this too, and now the trials of the entire Holy Forest world are united.

If you don't guess wrong, the last scene is about to come.

Time... one minute and one second...

Soon, it was more than an hour passed.

The degree of information in the main gods has been almost reached, and all are the ones who ask what to do next.

At this moment, Ye Che only heard a ringing bell, and the long-lost tone finally sounded.

But this time, it just rang in his ear.

Congratulations on the unification of the Holy Forest world, the activation of the seal, please open the group to send the mission to the seal land!

"Do you send the group?"

Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly, his eyes glanced in the panel of the leader. Sure enough, in the upper left corner of the control panel, he saw a group-printed array.

I don't know why, when I saw this imprint, I felt a sense of uneasiness at the bottom of Ye.

"I hope I think more..."

Ye Che snorted and then pressed his fingers to the group and pressed the past.


A crisp snoring, this moment, as if any organs were activated, the group's voicing array actually began to spin.

At the same time, a blue brilliance, shot from above, straight cover on Ye Che's body.

Ye Che’s chance of not responding at all, only felt that the surrounding space was suddenly distorted, and he had disappeared entirely in place.

At the same time, the entire Sanlin world is lit up with light, as long as it is a trial of the Lord God, all of them are shrouded in this blue light, and then disappear with them. In the same place.


Ye Che fell heavily on the ground, because the power of the segment was sealed, so Ye Che directly fell into the ground with some wolverine.

However, afterwards, the same heavy objects landed, and the snoring sound appeared behind Ye Che.

"What's the situation? How come it's inexplicable, is it here?"

"Hey, bear big brother, are you here too?"

"Where is this?"

Numerous alarming sounds, from the back of Ye Che, followed by a growing variety of voices, more and more embarrassing.

When Ye Che looked behind him, he saw that the endless trials of the infinitely tempered people were slowly getting up from the ground and could not see the side.

These people are too many. If Ye Che did not guess wrong, I am afraid that the trials of the entire Shenglin world will be transmitted by the group of the war group.

It’s just because there are so many people, it’s really noisy, and all kinds of voices come together, like hundreds of millions of mosquitoes, ringing in the ear.

When Ye's brows wrinkled up, suddenly, among the countless trials, there was a loud scream, and then the trials, one by one, looked up and looked at Ye’s direction. The eyes are sluggish.

Ye Cheyi stunned, and quickly looked back, eyes, but also in vain.

I saw that not far away, a huge tree with a height of tens of thousands of meters and a few kilometers in diameter, is standing there.

This old tree looks like the spine of the world, giving a visual impact, too big.

Make everyone on the scene, exclaimed.

"This... Is it the distortion of the tree, the body of Maokai!?"

Ye Che has a shock at the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, a familiar voice rang in Ye Er's ear, and the sound was filled with a long, quaint texture.

"Humans, don't delay, bring your members in quickly, the source is inside, crush the seal, you can get the great credit!"

This voice is the "Mao Kai" that Ye Che had met before.

At the same moment, the voice of this "Mao Kai" sounded in everyone's ears. "Welcome the trials, come to the level of the last scene of the Holy Forest world, the opportunity of Tianda is inside, not going at this time, When to wait!"

As soon as the words fell, a treasure of light, from the inside of this giant ancient tree, lit up.

These rays are tens of thousands of words, the lowest is gold, and then there is a colorful light.

"Good... a lot of perfect gold, there is an unknown color!"

"Fast, grab the gods!"

At this moment, there is no need for Ye Che to lead the way. The trials of hundreds of millions of people behind him have all been mad, facing the interior of the old tree and rushing in.

Ye Che was slightly indulged and walked in quickly.

The interior of the ancient tree is as big as a world. All the trials, after thinking that they came in, will have countless costumes, but now, the old tree is empty and there is nothing.

Oh, it’s not that there is nothing. There are seven places that are covered by a blue hood. The place is three meters above the ground, floating and sinking.

Looking at these seven pieces of unknown equipment, many people swallowed.

The equipment that can appear in this mysterious place is obviously not a product, so it is lagging behind, and one by one is crazy, and rushing toward these seven pieces of equipment.

"Dare to block me, die!"

"God dress is mine, as long as I get it, out of the world of Shenglin, I can definitely shake it and give it to me!"

"As long as I get one of them, no one will dare to ignore me and kill!"

At this moment, thousands of the most advanced people were all crazy. In the moment when they ran towards the seven pieces of equipment, they blinked one by one.

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