Finally, after about a dozen seconds or so, a trace of gray energy, scattered from the heart of the sea magic. Eight ★ one Chinese text network Wwく W ★.く81√z√W★.くCoM

it has started……

Ye Che's eyes condensed, very quickly, a very subtle, but as if in the human ear, the sound of the gongs and drums sounded low, and listened carefully, the sound was originally from Ye Che body!

Soon after this strange sound came out, Ye Che was like a stump-like body, but it was like an electric shock. It suddenly trembled, and immediately there was a strange ruddy on the face.

Of course, the change is not just the appearance of the point, the changes in its body, but it is even greater, when it is rushing, it is the force of the sudden disappearance of the body!


In the body, the power of countless segments began to stir, and the heart of the sea devil, under the force of the power of the segment, began to melt and disintegrate very quickly.

Then, turned into countless shares of the gray position of the force, crazy against the power of Ye Che's position, merged away.

At this time, the power of the segment itself in Ye Che, like a bottomless pit, began to absorb these gray energy greedily.

"Good... a lot!"

Ye Che is flushed, but my heart is overjoyed.

Never, never get so many pieces of force in one go! ! !

The heart of the sea magic, is worthy of thousands of the same level of demon nuclear refining, 1ooo battle, value!

Platinum iv6o... Platinum iv7o...

The force of the segment in Ye Che began to fill more and filled the air around Ye Che.

Platinum iv82!

During the sudden, when the power of the position is sufficient to around 82, the energy transmitted from the heart of the sea devil is suddenly weak.

"Do you want this, 1ooo battle, only let me improve the saturation of 3o!?"

Ye Che smiled, he originally, breaking through the power of Platinum iii, has been saturated more than half, I did not expect that a sea magic heart, but only let him more than 3o of the power of the paragraph.

"Well, there are gains and losses. The strength of my position is ten times thicker than that of ordinary people. It is normal for promotion to be non-human."

Ye Che thought, his finger moved, and it was a sea magic heart, which was put into the mouth.

In an instant, the power of the stage that just started to silence, began to boil again.

This time, not only the power of the paragraph, silent, and the sudden sound of "咔咔咔" came from Ye Che, and he listened carefully from his thigh.

Quietly, a glimmer of platinum white light blew from Ye Che's right leg.

"it has started……"

Ye Che's face is awe-inspiring, waiting for the changes in the body.

At the chest, at the legs, and at the back of the skeleton, under the nourishment of the new segment, the sound of “噼里啪啦” began to appear as if it were growing.

This feeling is like there are countless ants crawling in the body, but this feeling, for the current Ye Che, it is naturally easy to endure.

The force saturation of the segment starts to grow again, 85...92...96...1oo!


As soon as he reached 1oo, Ye Che felt that there was a thunderous sound in the body, and the whole body of the direct shock was slightly numb.

Just waiting for Ye Che to break through to Platinum iii, the power of the body's position suddenly stunned, as if it was restricted by what rules, and the hard life was calm.

In the right leg, on the gold skeleton, just a glimpse of a white gold color, but also in vain.

"Sure enough... to eat this stuff, it is impossible to advance directly..."

Ye Che smiled, although there was a trace of mistake in his eyes, but he also took it for granted. After all, Wu Heng had already reminded himself.

With a finger movement, the English soul helmet that had already been prepared was taken up by Ye Che and then worn on the head.

The virtual cursor, as well as the light key, appeared in front of Ye Che at the same moment.

When Ye Che’s palm was just holding the light mouse, he felt that the palm of his hand was starting to heat slightly.

"In the authentication process... the certification is complete..."

"Detecting the current area, the chaos battlefield will automatically match the same player in the chaos battlefield."

With this message, the next second, an interface, has appeared in front of Ye Che.

Id, or the first domain of the East.

Ye Che's id, in fact, is also three, one is the "East First Raven" of the real soul helmet, the second is the "sleeping you numb" in the arena of the War College, the last one, that is "2o17" in the heroic fantasy world.

Only since Ye Che began to pay attention to actual combat, he rarely performed qualifying unless it was a mandatory death ruling.

"East First Raven... It’s really missed..."

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a glimpse of memory, remembering the novelty and alertness of the first day when he first arrived in the East, but now even the East is destroyed.

"Evil spirits..."

Ye Chemo meditated, then looked at the start icon on the League of Legends interface and clicked in.

Then select, the ranking begins.

Looking at the countdown, Ye Che took the time to look at the life and the position, and it really shows the platinum iv and the value of 1oo.


Soon, about five or six seconds or so, the interface suddenly jumped, the familiar ban selection interface appeared in front of Ye Che.

Just as soon as I jumped in, there was information.

The mad devil is my grandson: "51 is not assisted, the rest is free, thank you."

Relatives of the mad devil: "Hey, 51, it's you!!!"

The mad devil is my grandson: "Oh, sb."

Looking at the information of these two people, Ye Cheyi.

This has not been opened yet, it will start to spray, quite seven hundred years ago.

To be honest, this is the first time that Ye Che has come to see a spray that has been sprayed for a hundred years.

However, it seems that these two people seem to know each other.

Ye Che was still feeling his chin, and one of the other two teammates suddenly got a message.

Brother has a war **** order: "I am going, relatives and my grandson!!!"

However, the two did not care about him at all.

Relatives of the mad devil: "Old rules, who takes a blood, who is oh!!"

The mad devil is my grandson: "I was originally awkward, why bother?"

Relatives of the mad devil: "Grass Nyima, have the ability to come to the clouds, and fight the battle for three hundred rounds!"

The mad devil is my grandson: "Oh, now is the League of Legends, you are playing with me, this game is over, whoever has more people, who is what!"

Relatives of the mad devil: "Good! Grandma, you are waiting to scream!"

The mad devil is my grandson: "wait and see!"

Shallow fog: "All the stops, disturbed my promotion, delete friends!"

Relatives of the mad devil: "Hey, misty sister, rest assured, I will lead the team, guaranteed to pass!"

The mad devil is my grandson: "Fog sister, how can you pull this grandson together, pull me!"

At this time, people have begun to ban.

Ye Che looked at the icon and banned a Galen.

What do you think, just ban, you will see a message from the relatives of the mad devil. "Fog sister is optimistic, look at my big Galen, kill one step at a time!!"

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