Yao Li, Su Yun and Su Chen are all looking at Ye Xue as if they were watching monsters. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく. √81zW. CoM

It is also understandable to resist the chariot. After all, it is not directly hit, it is blocked by the hand.

And throwing up the chariot can also be said to be only a big force, but now, without using the hero skills, it’s horrible, it’s horrible, it represents Ye Che’s strength, far high. At the eye!

The three men were dumb, and the eyebrows had quietly put away their palms. He had already predicted the potential of Ye Che’s future horror, and if he offended such a person, he was stupid.

Since you can't offend and can't kill, there is only one possibility, make it! !

"Strong horror, but not humble, although the move just broke into the door is a bit arrogant, but it is normal, this is the domineering of the strong!"

When I think of it, the tone of the eye teacher’s words is softened.

"Well, the old words are counted, this will fix it for you!"

The eye-teacher said, pointing at a groove in the center of the room, and said: "The weapon will be there."

Ye Che was slightly surprised. He thought that the eye teacher would make a fuss about the time of repair. After all, he said that he promised to fix it, but did not say when to fix it for you.

But now it seems that this eye-teacher is not bothered to do so.

"That would be a troublesome eye!"

Ye Che smiled and did not see the trend, but the arm swayed and the broken "virtual sword" appeared in the air.


When the eye teacher stays, in general, this heroic weapon is most damaged, but it is very difficult to break.

Want to break the heroic weapon, unless the attacker's attack power has reached the level of awkwardness.

However, the eye teacher naturally does not ask more questions on this kind of thing, but takes a broken "virtual sword" and looks at it.

"Sure enough, it broke instantly..."

The eyebrows snorted, but he felt the level of "virtual sword", only one level. This level of heroic weapons is not a problem for him.

"Your weapon has not reached the level of the present, you need to continue to output the power of the segment for about half an hour, can you hold it?"

The eyebrows took the "virtual sword" and went to the groove while asking.

"No problem, you can't do it!"

Ye Che is very confident about the intensity of the power of the segment, which is naturally no problem.

After that, Ye Che was already curious and stood next to the eye-teacher, intending to watch how he repaired the "virtual sword".

The eye-teacher didn't care too much. If you just look at how to fix the hero weapon, you can learn the doorway. The Rune Forge is too worthless!

"You are a hero weapon, because it is instantaneously broken, and the surrounding is not damaged, but it is better to repair some!"

The eye teacher said, with a loose hand, the "virtual sword" of the exercise began to fall into the blue sky.

But just halfway down, there was a miraculous force that dragged it, making it slowly floating.

Then, the eyebrows of the eyebrows swung in and out like an elf, and the next point was above the "virtual sword" of exercise.

Su Yun and Su Chen and Yao Li, both came over at this time, and then they all looked at this scene with a look of surprise.

They don't understand the significance of this kind of action by the eye, but the power of the rune that has some differences from the power of the ranks, they can still feel it.

Ye Che also said nothing, using all the perceptions to understand the movements of the eye.

Especially at the intersection of the power of the eye-stroke rune and the "virtual sword", Ye Che used the sixth layer of true dimension to feel.

However, despite this, it seems that there is still a layer of gauze that covers the confluence of the power of the rune and the weapon, so that Ye Che can't see the concrete.

It is as if the power of this rune is a system that seems to be outside the sixth dimension.

"Unable to observe... I don't know if this eyebrow will be a ghost..."

Ye Che's face changed slightly.

At this point, the eye teacher is already planning to shoot!

Ye Che has no choice. The "virtual sword" is of great importance. If the eyes are secretly moved by the eye, it will have a certain impact in times of crisis. This kind of influence may even become an opportunity for the enemy to turn over, so Ye Che Will not make this hidden danger.

A bite of teeth, Ye Che's power of the paragraph, suddenly rushed to the blood of the colorful soul of the chest.

Nowadays, only if you look at the blood of the British soul, can you have any miracles?

Before, Ye Che also used the power of the segment to stimulate the soul of the soul for countless times, and there was no reaction at all.

Ye Che recalls that every activation of the soul blood seems to be related to the external stimulation. The first time is the bone change, then the force of the segment and the blood changes, all related to the double stimulus. Now there is the power of new energy runes. Ye Che is going to try it!


The force of the segment hits the blood of the soul, making it slosh.

At the same time, the second finger of the eye teacher has just fallen, the power of the rune flashed!

At this time, the soul of the British soul has been awakened by the power of the position, and then seems to feel something, suddenly shocked!

Then, a drop of blue blood, separated inside, and then straight into the eyes of Ye Che.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ye Che only felt that the "virtual sword" was infinitely magnified in his own eyes, and the power of the rune was also presented in front of his own eyes.

The flow of the power of the rune, the movement of each finger of the eye, is clearly seen by Ye Che.

"Sure enough, as long as something new happens, this soul blood may be activated!"

Ye Che’s heart is overjoyed, but I don’t know, there is something new in this era that can activate it.

"Take it up!"

The eye of the eye is now connected to the "virtual sword" for a while. With each click, there is a small circle of blue rune power, which is integrated into it.

After about a dozen times, the color of the rune force turned into khaki, and then golden.

In this way, it lasted for about ten minutes, and the lines were very weak and shining, and the links from the "virtual sword" were linked.

"The first step to raise the device, it became!"

The eye-setter sighed and dropped his fingers, fingers, and the power of the runes of various colors, slowly disappearing.

Then, a careless turn, but saw Ye Che fingers holding his chin, a look of contemplation.

The eye teacher was happy, and he said to Ye Xue: "Is there anything I see?"

In fact, he also asks casually. The system of Rune Forge is completely different from the power of the ranks. It belongs to the kind that you can't use even if you tell the principle.

This young man who is only 2 years old, even if he is allowed to watch the whole day, it is estimated to be in the fog.

But where can I think, the voice of the eye-teacher has just fallen, Ye Che said with a slight indulgence: "3oo refers to the power of runes, among which 298 of the rune powers correspond at the ends of the broken sword. Why are there two pairs that do not correspond?"

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