League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 671: Absolute spike


The one-eyed king lion just roared, and the blood of his forehead drove the magnetic field to the maximum. These shells did not even break their defenses. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

"Booming rumble!"

In order to save Ye Che, this tens of meters of soldiers, almost all aimed at the one-eyed king lion.

So in just two seconds, the number of shells hitting it has reached dozens, resulting in this place, all surrounded by the dust of the city wall splashing.

Looking at Ye Che's figure, and the one-eyed king lion were covered by dust ash at the same time, all the faces were bitter.

They know that when the dust disappears, the young man who has just been so beautiful will appear in front of himself.

Maybe there will be no residual limbs.

What is the founder of Guangrui, what genius, will be turned into fly ash.

But at this moment, in vain, in this big wave of dust, suddenly there was a terrible scream.

Accompanied by it is the sound of some kind of bone bursting.

"What the hell, this screams, it seems... is the one-eyed king lion? And this bone cracking!!!"

Everyone glimpsed, but still did not respond, the next second mouth has become an o-shaped, eyes, even a sluggish.

I saw that in the big dust, a huge body screamed and slammed out of the volley, but flew into the air and suddenly became silent.

Looking closely, I saw a black hole in the neck of this huge body, as if there was something, it was hard to wear its neck.


The dust was flying, the huge body was squatting on the ground, and the entire wall of the temple seemed to vibrate.

Everyone and even the demons, this moment seems to be still, looking at the body of this huge body.

The blood is still flowing from the neck of the huge body, and the sputum flows out. Its arms are placed at a strange angle. It seems to be broken by what is hard. It has a rounded eyes and has lost its vitality.

This corpse is the one-eyed king lion! !


Sheng Ling swallowed his mouth, and the next second seemed to think of something. He quickly pointed his eyes at the dusty sky and saw a young man with a good face. He slowly came out from the inside.

The young man’s face is calm and the atmosphere is stable. If not everyone sees the dust in the dust, only this young man and the one-eyed king lion are not convinced that this is a harmless young man. He just slaughtered a platinum peak at the fingertips. One-eyed king lion!

"Leaf... Ye Che adults... this one-eyed king lion..."

Some soldiers had a red tide and a cautious opening.

"Yes, I killed it..."

Ye Che opens, this one-eyed king lion has the power of the magnetic field. If you don't use the micro-field, it will take a lot of effort.

But in the case of a field that resists the power of its magnetic field, this platinum-level demon can indeed achieve the degree of spike.

See Ye Che personally admitted that the scene was silent, and then it was an earth-shattering cheer.

"Hanging cranes! Really hangs!"

"That is the demon of Platinum Peak. My God, I can sneak my presence with a sneeze, and I was killed by Ye Che adults!"

"The enchanting, real enchanting, just 2o years old, has created Raven's level skills, and the actual combat ability has reached such a terrible realm. I am afraid that Li Xuan, the number one hero of the War College, is not comparable to him!"

" Nonsense, Li Xuan has just arrived in Platinum i this year, can and can kill the one-eyed Wang Shi Ye Chu than!"

The soldiers boiled out, and the demons seemed to know that there was an unappealing presence here, and under the control of the black discs, they all began to move away.

Sheng Ling looked at countless people who praised Ye Che, who did not care about it, and could not help but laugh.

At this moment, although he was jealous, he did not have a bit of hatred.

No way, the gap is too big. He even has a difference between Li Xuan and Ye Qi, who can kill Platinum Peak. He can't afford this kind of ridiculous hatred.


Ye Che suddenly made a noise, and then used the power of the paragraph to loudly: "The city owner has orders, retreat to the War College!"

The voice, thousands of soldiers nearby, heard it.

This kind of shouting Sheng Ling will also, but he just needs to save people from the devil's mouth, shouting has no meaning.

Now, because the demons in the vicinity of the kilometer have been evacuated, there is no need to save, and the task is completed directly.

If there is no Tianlan team, Qin Tiansong, the scene and others, Ye Che may directly convene this piece of tens of thousands of meters of walls.

But he is a mortal, and a mortal has a selfish heart.

So there is no delay. Seeing that the soldiers nearby have begun to organize and evacuate, Ye Che will speak to Sheng Ling: "Let's go..."

"Oh... well..."

Sheng Ling was slightly awkward, but soon he slowed down and began to run the power of the paragraph.

Before he started a big move, in order to save Ye Che and gliding a distance, the power of the position is somewhat unsatisfactory, so now I plan to save some points.

"and many more."

Ye Che’s voice rang again when he was just running a dozen meters.

A moment later, Sheng Ling suddenly looked back and forth a few steps, this Ye Che, actually did not know when silently came to his back.

This degree is terrible to the extreme.

At the same time as Sheng Ling was cold, the weak one asked: "How... what?"

"You are too slow, I will take you..."

Ye Cheyu finished, directly put his hand on Sheng Ling's shoulder.

"Take me? Take me to run together?"

Sheng Ling a glimpse, still not finished, suddenly only felt that the body is light, the whole person actually volleyed.


The violent wind poured into his mouth, and Sheng Ling almost bit his tongue.

But he can't take care of his tongue now. At this time, his eyes are bigger than the brass bells, and his face is full of horror.

"Fly... I am actually flying!!!"

Sheng Ling stunned and bowed, and he saw the wall of the eastern domain, which had already fallen a hundred meters away from his feet.

Not gliding, not stagnation, but real flying! !

"Oh... this Ye Che..."

Sheng Ling suddenly turned his head and saw Ye Che's calm expression. The breath was not in a messy manner, and it was extremely fast. In just a few dozen seconds, it was already a few kilometers away from the East Wall.

"He... won't reach the diamond!!!! 2o year old diamond..."

Sheng Ling thought, only felt a scalp.

Because Ye Che relies on the micro-field to fly, the force of the segment is directly transmitted into it, so Sheng Ling can't see it at all, which causes Sheng Ling to have this misunderstanding.


Ye Che began to mention again, and soon, the beautiful campus of the War College appeared in front of Ye Che.

The entire war college was covered by a sky-blue curtain, forming a circle of protection.

However, Ye Che is now, this sky blue curtain seems to be broken soon.

Ps: Little cute, ask for everything.

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