League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 669: Unhappy Shengling

This kind of cry for help is no stranger, Ye Che escaped all the way, can be heard everywhere. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく. √81zW. CoM

But at that time, Ye Che himself was difficult to protect, and naturally could not save them.

However, now that I am almost out of danger, Ye Che can save it, and I plan to rescue it.

The oncoming wind blew Ye Ke's clothes, and he had already flown very fast and flew to the east wall.

The majestic walls of the past are no longer the glory of the past, and the screams and gunfire of human beings make the eyes devastated.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the wind in winter is mixed with chill, which makes it look colder.

At this time, less than ten meters away from Ye Che, a soldier of about 23 years old, fell to the ground, holding a laser gun with both hands, and a frightened death against the demon who wanted to bite.

This demon is not strong, even the body is only slightly larger than humans, it looks a bit like walking a dog.

And the young soldier under his mouth, has already rushed out of tears, the teeth of this demon, only a minute away from his neck.

What is even more frightening is that the torso of the laser gun was bitten by the demon and faintly cracked.

This scene really scared the soldier, the louder the cry for help, but he knew that it was impossible for someone to save himself. Before, he saw several soldiers dying to save, but everyone They are all self-satisfied and unable to save. How can they do nothing to dig their own graves?

However, despite this, the young man is still subconsciously yelling, hoping to attract the attention of others.

Ye Chexin thought about the move, knowing the situation crisis, he planned to shoot directly.

It seems that someone has already taken the lead and saw a silver flash. The soldier’s side suddenly appeared a man in silver.

The man is slender and handsome.

"Assassin shouts!"

The silver-clad man was extremely fast. When he appeared in the back of the demon like a teleport, a silver-colored weapon was thrown into the devil's head.


The blood was thrown out, and the demon scorpion did not scream and fell down.

Then, a dark disc appeared after the demon's disclosure, and was about to fly away. The silver-clad man's eyes flashed coldly, and the blade in his hand flew out of the room.


A crisp sound, the black disc fell directly.

Then the silver-loaded man appeared again strangely next to the black disc, and stepped down with a thick platinum luster.

With a bang, the black disk exploded.

"Oh, it’s him..."

Ye Che looked a little at the side.

I remember that when I returned to the East from the old man of the store, I went to the city with 6 Yao late night, and I met a sneak attack by the sorcerer.

After waking up, the East is being attacked by demons.

When I went to the city wall support, I met a young man who was cheered by thousands of students. The young man was hailed as the first strongest person in the War College, Li Xuan.


Ye Che speaks to himself.

Sheng Ling wiped the blood on the silver blade at this time, and then quickly said to the unsettled soldier: "The city owner has orders, I am one of the commanders, all the soldiers evacuated from the East Wall, and retired to the War College!"

The soldier was eventually trained, and soon after he was out of danger of death, he quickly eased.

Then pant and look at Sheng Ling, the next second face with a surprise color: "Sheng Ling adults! You actually appear here, is the War College's strong people, have come here!?"

Sheng Ling’s face sank and shouted: “Let’s talk less, first evacuate!”

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The soldier nodded quickly, but the eyes were so happy that they could not hide.

At the beginning of the demon invasion, because the communication equipment failed, they were contacted by the English soul helmet armor. However, in this situation, they naturally cannot wear the English soul helmet and armor, so they have lost contact with the high-level for some time.

However, they did not dare to evacuate without authorization. Otherwise, so many gates in the East are unguarded. Once all the demons have entered the city, there will be no room for the entire East.

So most of them didn't dare to escape, but they didn't get new orders, they were desperate.

This is the sorrow of the military and the greatness.

But now, not only can he wait for the rescue of the strongest of the War College, but he can also retreat. How can he not be happy?

"Sheng Ling's position, I heard that I have reached Platinum ii, and even rumors can break through this year and become the peak of Platinum! I can actually get close contact with this kind of character, and he was saved by him. It is really a smoke from the ancestors!"

The soldier’s heart is dark.

At the same time, Sheng Ling has turned around and plans to go to another place.

There are no trainees around him. After all, the four gates of the East are separated by a large distance, and everyone needs to be notified.

Seeing Sheng Ling’s intention to leave, Ye Che’s direct opening is far away: “Sheng Ling’s senior.”


Sheng Ling turned his head and looked at Ye Che.

"It's you!?"

Sheng Ling looked at Ye Che and was a little surprised. Then he said, "You have not been with the city owners!"

It is normal for him to have such doubts. Ye Che’s reputation is obviously a member of the League of Legends. How can this faction be weak, how can it appear at the forefront of the battle.

Because of the communication failure, Sheng Ling did not know that Ye Che had already fought with the diamond-level demon.


Ye Che smiled and asked: "Where are the city owners?"

"It has already retreated to the War College!"

Sheng Ling’s words are not cold or hot. Obviously, the last time the city wall was different, Ye Qi was not cold, and he wanted to turn around and leave.

But in an instant, his face flashed a little hesitation.

Ye Che’s reputation as a League of Legends is already very loud. If he ignores his life and death, if he leaves, he will be known by the city owner once he is told, but it is difficult to do.

Of course, he just thought it was a little difficult.

But now is a very period, it is a good time to build a wonderful work, if you drop this stain, you will be criticized, so Sheng Ling only hesitated for three seconds, then faintly said: "You follow me, I will protect you. War College, but wait for me to complete the task."

"Follow you?"

Ye Che stunned, and immediately browed and subconsciously wrinkled.

Following him, it is a little difficult to do. Now, 6 Yao does not know where, the Tianlan team and other people, I do not know whether it is safe. In this case, following this Sheng Ling to complete the task, it is a waste of time.

"What, you are not willing!?"

Sheng Ling’s face was black, and Ye’s frowning was naturally seen. Suddenly, a very unhappy mood came to his heart.

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