League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 655: How does Nima fight?

"Rely! It’s a villain!"

Levin screamed, and whenever the bears used a small gun to mock them, he felt the heart pound. Bayi Chinese Network WくwW√. 81√zW. CoM

If it is not the way out of the road, how can this small can take off.

However, there is no way. It can be said that from the moment when the bears gave the wild to the auxiliary hammer stone, all of them entered the rhythm of the small cannon and the hammer stone.

"There is no way at present. The small gun is now bursting. It is no more than me. You can only be careful first. If you play the group, the card's big move will be abolished, and the small guns will kill people. It is not good to play the group. And let Panson make another big piece, let's find another chance to open the group!"

The poodle said, the resurrection made up a warhammer that reduced cd, and then rushed to the road.

Others can only nod and plan to breed for a while.

The card is intended to make a golden body first, so as not to be targeted by the Voidwalker and the Cannon.

Produced this idea, the card is really a bitter smile, I have only heard of adc, but now I am afraid that it is targeted by the opposite adc, oh no, maybe called apenbsp; when the purple party is finished, Ye Che has already enjoyed it. Hehe upgraded the killing ring to the killing book.

Then bought two 435 increase books, killing books, bright shoes, Yaoguang, Nash's teeth, um, 6 gods installed.

"Go, hammer stone, we will go off the road!"

Ye Che said, driving down the road.

The cd of the small gun has already been full 4o. At this time, after brushing the stone man on the way, and the river crab, the big move has cooled down.

The bears saw the small guns coming, and in order not to scare away Levin and Jura, they immediately retreated to the back.

"Hammerstone, you know."

Ye Che controlled the small cannon, and just came to the line with a sway, it whispered.


Before the cold wind, I saw the smashing of the small artillery. It was already difficult to hesitate. At this time, the small cannon was just on the line, and Levin and Jura were too late to evacuate. His hook had already come out.

Straight, he took a small soldier in the purple side and threw a lantern back.

Levin and Jura didn’t even have to think about it, madly fleeing behind.

"The root of the entanglement!!!"

"Strangle the vine!"

Levin's "bloody sprint!"

The skills of the two are mad, but they are meaningless and have no meaning at all.

With the lantern of the hammer stone, the small gun has been directly adjacent to the 徳 婕 婕 婕 不到 3 3 3 3 3 3 ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常 通常Don't look at it, after the rocket jump is turned on, all over.


The middle road card was shocked.

If this small cannon is normal adc, etc., he can certainly support it.

After all, the kind of small guns have to pick up the flat a to kill.

Adc small cannons, do not dare to open, or just a life-like life-saving skills, if the initiative to open, maybe saved the opposite, after all, is ap bonus, no ap installed, the injury is not enough to see .

Therefore, in many cases, it is used as a skill to limit the heroes on the opposite side.

Such a small cannon wants to rely solely on the general attack and killing, it is going to be late, which is why the small cannon is positioned and the late hero.

But now, this apentabsp; "Hey!!"

Both Jura and Levin are flashing.

"Adc has no treatment aid and is not weak."

Hammerstone reminded that when he was fighting in the middle of the road, he cooperated with the bears and played the treatment of Lai Wen and the weakness of the Lala.

"That's it, then you have to say it."

Ye Che smiled slightly, and the moment he sat down, the e-skills were already hung on the 徳文文.

The distance that the small artillery jumped was too far away. Even if they flashed, they did not leave the scope of the small artillery.

"Emergency Shooting" is on!

Look, two times, three times!


The fourth is directly replaced by a big move "Destruction Shooting".

Hearing a deafening sound, Levin's e-skills flew into the air, and the whole man had been smashed, while the small artillery e-expansion exploded with the big move, and the blood was swept away.

"I... I am grass!!!"

As a drill, I was stunned by the damage of a small cannon.

This Nima is still sitting on the body without sitting on the body. If you don't need a flat a, you can kill yourself.

At the bottom of my heart, I also trembled, and stepped up the pace of escape.


"call out!"

The small gun leaped again and again, and as he killed Levin, his refreshed again.


This sitting, directly took the squat and took a real fight.

Directly, half of the blood is gone.

婕拉的er, has been released before, flashing weakness is gone, can only resist and want to escape.

But if it is a simple ap small cannon, a set of skills is finished, there is no harm.

But this small cannon is the tooth of the Nash, the output of the flat a is growing with the law, with the strength of the small cannon now, with the teeth of the Ashi, a big pain.

At least, it was resisted by five or six, and even after it was just finished, it fell to the ground.

Again, double kill! ! !

This wave, the murder book of the small gun, went straight to the 18th floor! !

Law strong, there are also nearly 4oo points.

"Little gunner, rarely worrying about the fireworks around."

The small cannon sang a song, and slammed back and forth, calmly began to fill the knife.

It is as if the murder incident has nothing to do with him.

"How does Nima fight?"

The purple party is dumbfounded.

This small cannon did not sit in the middle of Levin, and Levin was killed, if it was sitting...

Thinking of this, the faces of everyone on the purple side are extremely difficult to look at.

"Can't go on like this, play a group to fight the group!!! Set fire to kill the small gun!!!"

Pansen said that he did not intend to push down the second tower of Ruiwenfang on the road, but instead came to the middle road and planned to play the group.

With this outfit of the small gun, he had no time to support it.

The card is also, waiting for him to go down the road and fly over, the small cannon has been a second person, and returned.

Now I can only find flaws from the group battle.

"This...the small artillery god, the play that you play out is really a slap in the face, and I think that if the middle road is robbery or Yasuo, if the order is also an ad hero such as Raven, you can use it completely. The small gun came to the road, and the late is not afraid of the chopper team."

The bear eyes are golden.

Ye Che smiled and said: "This is really perfect, even if it is late, there is a banshee waiting for you, you can't have a set of seconds, you can also get the teeth, sheep knife, wisdom blade to continue The output is very round."

Everyone thinks, the more they feel good, these platinum, even the cold wind, have an idea that can't wait to try.

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