League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 653: Landing seconds? Air seconds


A sigh, the void walker was dizzy. √八一中文★网WwW. 81zW. CoM

Then the "universal card" of the card flew over, two skills, one third of the void was gone.

At this time, the void also saw the golden exclamation mark on the top of the head, and the madness flashed.

Only the vertigo of the card was not over, and a horrible roar suddenly sounded, and a fang lion rushed down from the air.

He is immersed in cherry blossoms, which is the result of the spirit of the dream.

The poodle has just come to the empty body, and the blood of the void is madly exploding with exaggeration.

Then land, the empty walker's blood is empty!

"My grass!"

The Voidwalker is simply arrogant, although he is not full of blood, but the poodle damage is too exaggerated.

A little bit of the poodle's equipment, the poodle is not even in the wild dress, but the dream and Tiamat are in hand.

The equipment of the poodle is the best in the audience. After all, he has taken several people on the road.

"Mom, the labor is actually being landed for seconds!"

The void is a bitter smile.

At the same time, the hammer stone and the small gun have been in place.

A sound like a smashing steel came out, and the hammering stone's big move, "The Jail of the Nether", suddenly opened.

In this case, the card does not want to waste the flash at all.

He can actually flash out of the hammer stone, but it will inevitably be caught in the small gun, and then a dead word.

In this case, there is no need to waste the flash.

The poodle also expressed love for the card.

His set of skills has been finished. If he doesn't go, he may become the target of the small cannon and the hammer stone.

With the current injury of the small gun and the ignition of the hammer stone, he could not escape.

Through the spirit of the dream, the poodle began to flee quickly.

Ye Che is also not interested in the poodle, because the poodle has not been reduced by the hammer stone, open it yourself, if the poodle has flashed, neither of them can kill.

e skills "explosive spark!"

q skills "emergency shooting!"

Ye Che two skills open, relying on the flat a, the card's blood volume is drastically reduced, and the card eats a set of skills, the blood volume is not satisfied, e burst, the card's blood Only one-third of the volume is left.

"Rocket jump!"

In this case, Ye Che will open directly, even if the card flash has escaped, a big move can second him.

However, the cards did not cross the flash, but began to quickly pick the cards.

The card is betting, and the small gun house is not willing to waste a big move.

If you don't want to, skip it and just flat a, then directly a yellow card to settle, then flash again, complete a wave of extreme anti-kill!

However, it is obvious that the card thinks too much. After all, he can think of such an escape. How could Ye Che not think of it? At this time, when he controlled the small cannon to jump in the air, the big move has already blasted out.


Card blood volume is cleared.

The head is taken down by a small gun!

The two sides exchanged 1:1 heads, but the purple side was removed by the hammer stone and the small gun.

"It's decisive enough, I thought you couldn't afford to waste big tricks."

The cold wind laughed.

"In the case of an enemy flashing, it is still good."

Ye Che said, after brushing a few waves of the wild, back to the city.

For the double-repair cannon, the most important thing is the cooling reduction.

If the cooling of the small gun is reduced to 4o, the full level is only 8 seconds!

In other words, jumping over, ea a few times, it will only cool down in three or four seconds.

Even if you don't kill, then it is used for killing and escaping.

As for the so-called double repair, it is natural to have the same attack as the angel, and it is like a small law, and it bursts instantly! !

Buying Yaoguang, buying bright shoes, Ye Che's small cannon at this time, minus netbsp; but Ye Che's small cannon, in the early stage or in an instant burst all the way, so there is no sheep knife, after all, like the opposite Panson, card The card, the hero of the poodle, is too late for a.

Ye Che is controlling the small cannon. When he goes to the Xiaolong, he is close to the wild area on the road, and suddenly there is a scream.

The bear was caught dead.

"what's the situation?"

The cold wind asked while doing the eye.

"Panson jumped up and worked with the poodle to do me..."

The sound of the bear cub, as a bear, was killed in the passive situation, and he did not face.


Ye Che looked across the face of Pan Sen's outfit, which is the kind of black cut dream.

In the early stage of Pansen's big advantage, it is natural to extend the advantage to the maximum, the heap output, a set can directly hit Raven to the dead.

Just with the poodle, igniting a deal, the bear can not run naturally.

"Dog, you call again!? Continue to pile up my meat, your so-called teammates, wait for me to see one, landing one second!!!"

The poodle spoke up, and Panson even made a few words.

This kind of momentum is not a spurt, but a major earthquake.

Ye Che’s eyes glanced at it, and it’s true that Levin, who is now on the road, has a domineering style.

This is already emboldened! ! !

"Falling seconds..."

Ye Che's mouth evokes a smile, maybe this poodle, I haven't seen it, empty seconds?

Empty seconds, the so-called people are still in the air, the enemy will die.

Compared to the landing time of the poodle, it is also a high-end grade.

Thinking of this, Ye Che said to the bear: "You and the hammer stone go down the road to protect him, now, I am coming to gank!"

A little bit of a bear, I didn’t think much about it: "Well, but you have to be careful, the opposite of the poodle is very ugly!"

"rest assured."

After Ye Che finished, after buying a real eye, he went out.

And the object, or the card!

However, this wave, Ye Che's purpose is not a card, but aiming at the poodle!

But Ye Che is not ready to take the initiative, but intends to start a small group battle!

"Reven, wait for you to send, sell yourself to the tower to kill, remember, after the poodle comes out, you both convert firepower, output the poodle!" Ye Chedao.

"no problem!"

Raven quickly said, he has been dead four or five times anyway, it is worthless, and it doesn't matter if it is sold.

After cleaning up a few waves of wilderness, the big move was finished, and the small cannon of Ye Ye began to move closer to the middle road, and the atmosphere began to wonder.

This wave, won, will officially become the take-off time of the small cannon.

"The middle road is down, and Raven is gone."

Pansen spoke casually, but it was just a reminder as usual.

This kind of almost ruined Raven is not very lethal.

Ye Che did not follow the vision of this wave, but stood behind a tower in the middle of the road, waiting for the void and Raven first.

"Yes, Raven sends!"

Seeing that the card has been handed over, q also took out the Qing soldiers, and Ye Che gave a low voice.

At that time, the scarlet beam was lit up in the grass at the corner of the purple square.

Ps: On this kind of ap attack and explosion of the small cannon, I recorded the video in the group, into the group of small partners, you can look at it, as well as the scorpion's belt displacement and so on, I will upload, only live 2 groups are not full, group number 484o58948, and finally, this card is not voted. .

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