League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 649: Murder, now

At this moment, both sides seem to be desperately fighting a small soldier, and the purple side of the Levin, two people, want to get to the next step, 2, can be suppressed earlier. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW. 81zW. CoM

Sometimes the chance of victory is accumulated from bit by bit.

Only because they are desperately a small soldier, there is no need to observe the attribute data and outfit of the hammer stone.

After all, what is the combination of the next road, in addition to adc Dolan sword, and auxiliary salary equipment, how?

But this negligence is enough to make them deadly!

On the attacking bar of Hammer Stone, there is an attack of 86!

At this point, the soldiers on both sides began to die, a small soldier... the second **** soldier...

This is the last one! !

At the moment when Ye Qingping went out, he dropped the blood bottle.

徳Lie Wen and Jura saw the small cannon to drink medicine, a slight glimpse, this is silly, the blood volume is more than half, the station is also very safe, which is a waste of blood?

But they didn't know, just at this moment, the blue side of the cold wind has burst into a burst: "Level 2, kill!!!"

At that time, a hot and dazzling light, from the hammer stone, spewed out.

Hammer stone, level 2!

Kill the machine, now! ! !

"My grass!"

When Levin and Jura’s eyes widened, a sense of extreme crisis came out of their hearts.

But one was planning for a long time, and the other was to only pay attention to the Qing troops. Therefore, Lai Wen did not react at all. Even his position, he walked to the place where his axe fell.

"call out!"

Jin Guangbo, the hammer stone opened the flash.

"Ignition, flat a doom pendulum and then flat a!"

The flash of the hammer stone and the e-skill almost opened simultaneously. The 徳 文 文 直 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉 拉It is a seamless connection.

At the same moment, with the "bang", a woman armed with artillery, descending from the sky, directly squatted on Levin.

Before, Lai Wen also secretly laughed at the small cannon. Why did he not learn e at level 1, and now he has suffered bitter fruit.

In his heart, the alarm bell is crazy, but at this time, Lai Wen only has only one level. There is no addition, no e-skill pushes the enemy, and there are only two roads left, either flashing away or fighting!

"Try a hair, help the weak!"

Lai Wen screamed, but although he was anxious, he was not flustered. When the small cannon came down, he opened the flash, and Jura gave the weakness to the small cannon.

However, before Levin, he and the small guns had a wave, and the blood volume was not full. The two flat ae of the hammer stone, and then the flat a of the small gun, actually turned his blood into a blood.

"My God, what the **** hurts!"

Lai Wen took a breath of cold air, and at the same time he flashed the treatment, because he knew that the flash of the small cannon was not handed over.

However, because the hammer stone is ignited in the body, the level 1 treatment does not return much blood.

"Spiral position!"

Levi is worthy of being a diamond. He is still twisting his body at this moment. He knows that the hook of the hammer stone has not yet been shot! !

However, after the hammer and stone two flat and a skills were released, they did not look at him at all, but left the eyes full of killing on the body.

Just kidding, playing this routine doesn't take a double kill, he is embarrassed to play again.


The hook of the hammer stone fell on the body of the squat, and the awkward sound of a, just three times, the squat actually lost nearly two-fifths of the blood.

"Nima, this is not scientific!"

After pulling out the e-skill "root of the entanglement" and locking the hammer stone, I looked at the hammer stone property very quickly.

After seeing the hammer stone rise to level 2, the 9o attack directly scared the eye.

At the same time, the small cannon flashed, not only escaped the winding skills of the Gala, but also has shoulder-to-shoulder with the sun, hey, it is Lai Wenping Qi Qi!

Before, Ye Che made a small detail. Before he wanted to fight, he had already moved closer to Levin, so this jump, while in the middle of Laiwen, actually relied on the rear position of Levin. Just like the hammer stone sandwiches Lai Wen in the middle.

Therefore, although it was weak, but after the flash, the distance of Levin was not opened at all.

徳莱文开开, the small cannon is also open!

徳Levwen looked impatient, playing, certainly can not beat, the axe, has been interrupted by the hammer stone e, only an axe can be a battle, but it is bloody.


The small gun gorgeous walk a began, a moment, walked the pace, the level 1 徳 Levin in addition to the axe, almost no operation at all, directly hard to be killed in the vicinity of the defensive tower 1oo multi-code.

No way, this line is too long, they push the line a little deep, completely unable to open the distance of the small gun attack.


Small cannon, take a blood!

When the small cannon and Levin were killed, there was nowhere to escape.

The roots of her entanglement did bind the hammer stone, but the hook of the hammer stone could not be shot yet. Seeing the hook of the hammer stone hit it, it had to flash out.

But just flashed, I saw the turn of the body, straight hook to look at his own small cannon.

"Nima, being riddled!"

Lala screamed at the bottom of his heart.


The cannon's artillery was very textured and hit on the body. Although he knew that he was dead, but he did not want the enemy to get the head easily.

The pace is a firm and powerful move toward the defensive tower. Perhaps, there will be miracles.



After the murder, the skill of the small cannon refreshed and sat down again.

Reduce the damage and attack!

"doub1eki11 double kill!"

A loud double kill, resounding throughout the summoner canyon.

While Ye Che cheered, the purple side frowned.

"What is the situation under the road, how long has it been on the line? I have just reached level 2 in the middle of the road. You are actually being killed by the road!!!"

"It’s awesome, start with a double kill, are you really a diamond? At the very least, you can get rid of one!?"

"I just just got rid of the red buff, I am going to go on the road gank, I didn't expect you to go down..."

The pony dog ​​finally added a sentence.

They are not smashing, but they are too outrageous, they can't speak.

"Being riddled, this hammered out ad, and it is estimated that playing wild has given him experience, so once I went online, I ate two small soldiers and upgraded, and I guess..."

Said here, in the eyes of Jura, a hint of unspeakable surprise continued: "This hammer stone is estimated to have come down the road, but has been hiding behind the defensive tower, just to wait for us to push the line, and then Good to kill us!"


All the teammates are stunned, and there are some cool behind them. This hammer stone is a good calculation! !

Then I put myself in the ground and thought that this routine is really terrible. After all, there is a wilderness level 1 to help the wild monsters, so this is too difficult to prevent.

Ps: Another chapter before seven o'clock.

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