League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 647: You have collapsed

"gogogogogo!!ban hero, cold wind god, what is this bureau?"

The teammates standing on the first floor of the array asked excitedly. Bayi Chinese Network W★w★W. 81zW. CoM

There are two great gods in this game. How can he not be excited?

However, the cold wind has not yet opened, Ye Che has said: "Wheel mother, Moganna gave ban, the rest is free."

"Wheel mom, Moganna?"

The teammates stunned, and the cold wind also wondered: "Now this version, Wheel Mom and Moganna are not strong?"

Ye Che squinted at the corner of his mouth and looked at another altar of the summoner who was flashing in the distance. He said: "Cold wind, this game, we will make a routine, let them explode in the early stage, the wheel mother's blocking skills and Mogana's magic. Free of shield, it affects us to kill."


When the cold wind eyes lit up, I suddenly remembered that when Ye Che was robbed, the scene of learning the dead scorpion at the first level was intended to be re-applied.

"Yes, this game of your talents and runes, you have to change, summoner skills with flashing ignited, with my adc, no accident will take a blood."

Said, Ye Che said the idea.

The more you say, the brighter the eyes of the cold wind, and in the end, you will not hesitate to change the talent runes.

"Playing wild, this game will grieve you in the early stage."

Ye Che looked at the teammates on the 3rd.

"No problem!! As long as the opposite side of the road is blown up, it will reduce the pressure on me to fight the wild, and the area will be a little wronged in the early stage!"

The teammates on the 3rd place are very excited.

"Ok, that's it, start picking people."

After the completion of the speech, the No. 1 platoon, who has helped the teammates of the No. 3 platoon, locked the wild roar, that is, the bear.

Then the second and third floors have chosen heroes, only Ye Che and cold wind have chosen.


Ye Che looked at one of the petite, muzzling heroes, with a flash of nostalgia in his eyes.

Merlin gunner, Cristina.

It is a small cannon, she is positioned in the adc, but in fact, before the s5, her magic bonus is awesome.

Therefore, it is entirely possible to play in a single ap. The key is not to force the mid-single, but to be the main team that can enter the middle.

Damage is magic bonus, e skill consumes magic bonus, and the magic bonus of big move also reaches a terrible point.

General exhibition, the return to the city casually out of the ap installed, level 6 can be instantaneous seconds opposite adnetbsp; but later was cut, especially the main consumption skills e, directly completely removed, resulting in no one used her to ap out Installed.

The main point is that e-skills need to rely on level a to make high-injury, but if you open e in the middle and dare to die, you will also suffer terrible damage, which is not worth the loss.

Before changing it, just throw an e directly, just like the crow's q, automatically drop blood every second, two e and two flat a, opposite ap half blood is gone.

Then e can ignite a wave to take away.

But now, if you make a way down...



"Have you fallen? Did you collapse?"

The sound of the child's ear and the sound of the child's voice entered Ye's ear, and the small cannon was confirmed by him.

The cold wind did not hesitate, locking the hammer stone.

The opposite road is the 徳 徳 文 和 and the thorns of the Xing 婕 pull, this combination, in fact, a fierce b, but also look at the strength of the operator.


As the choices of both sides were completed, the summoner altar began to tremble.

Numerous colorful brilliance flows, and then the space begins to distort and the line of sight begins to blur.

Half dreaming and half awakening, a dazzling light, printed into Ye Che's eyes.

Open your eyes and feel the familiar atmosphere.


Ye Che turned back, the huge spring water behind him, the tireless energy of life, the tall base, even more shocking.

“It’s really fascinating...”

Ye Che squinted and muttered to himself.

"Hey God, it's time to go."

The bear reminded me.

Ye Che nodded, and after controlling the small gun to buy Dolan Sword, he followed the four teammates.

However, just after leaving the spring, Ye Che smiled and asked the bear: "Talk about it, how is this plan going to win?"

"Hey, this big **** said it is domineering! It’s a matter of course to say that it’s the same thing..."

The bear was secretly screaming, but he still replied quickly: "Of course, this is going to rely on you to go down the road to Kerry. We just want to fight soy sauce, and fight for your injuries."

There is a level of self-talking, and the bears smile at the bottom of his heart.

"No, no, not enough."

Ye Che said, looking at the look of the bear and other people, continued to ask: "Do you know that as a meat, what is the most important thing?"

"Out of the meat, anti-harm, or else?"

Everyone, even the cold wind, is inexplicable and does not understand the meaning of Ye Che.

"The most important point of the team's tm is to attract enough hatred! For example, in this game, we have decided to play violent play, then we must mobilize the opposite killing, otherwise the opposite is the kind. If we don’t move the mountain, we want to defeat the defense, so it’s difficult..."

Having said that, Ye Che’s eyes swept over the bears, and the more she smiled.

Ye Che this trick is based on the skills of online games, such as the mountain giants in World of Warcraft, there is a trick called taunting skills, forcing the enemy to attack themselves, the rest of the output of the era of safe output.

At this time, the bear was inexplicably stunned, but he still couldn't understand the meaning, but he always felt that Ye Che's smile made him a little uneasy.

Only the cold wind reveals the color of thought, saying: "What do you mean by saying, want the bear to sneer at the opposite side and mobilize the opposite killing!?"

Ye Che accidentally looked at the cold wind and said: "Yes, this is the case. When the position is low, you can always meet your teammates and ridicule the opposite, but this is all dead, unless it is already a crushing bureau, otherwise it is true. The fire is burning, especially for adc or ap, if the anger of the five people is provoked, the days of the two will be very bad! So even if it is ridicule, we must have planning, organization, purposeful get on."

Ye Che said that it was not salty or not, but it caused four teammates to have a cold.

However, the bears suddenly realized the general situation, and laughed loudly: "Haha, great god, I understand, I was originally meat, and I was going to attract the firepower on the opposite side, so the more ridiculous, the more targeted the fight against me, But this is just right in my heart, the more I hit me, the more cool I am, the wonderful, the wonderful!!!!"

The bears are excited and say a few words, just like the words of Ye Che, which opened a new tm door for him.

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