League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 641: Demon king physique

The head is again the head. Bayi Chinese Network WwW. 81zW. CoM

Ye Che’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and when he did not know when to change into a virtual sword, he went to the wound left before and smashed again.


The strange magnetic field fluctuations appear in vain.

Ye Che’s body was unstable, and he only had time to protect his head and was once again smashed.

However, with the first experience, Ye Che did not suffer any damage at all, unless the black crocodile used a combo against Ye Che, otherwise it could not harm Ye Che with its current physical attack.

"Four heroes, geniuses in humans, but I like killing geniuses the most!!"

The black crocodile sang the bloodthirsty atmosphere, and when he rushed to Ye Che, he even grabbed a dozen humans and pinched it.

"I will kill you!"

Ye Che looked at this scene, his face was gloomy to the extreme.

"Oh, big words!"

The black crocodile screamed and slammed again to Ye Che, while the magnetic field moved.


Ye Che feels that he is standing unsteady, and the more refined he is in Platinum.

He is sure that as long as he reaches Platinum, he will definitely be dozens of times stronger than now. By then, the power of this magnetic field can be ignored!

But the premise is that the thing was slaughtered first.


Ye Che was smashed and flew up, killing a few demons around him and welcoming them again.

Fly again and fight hard.

Again and again, Ye Che has been smashed at least twenty times, and changed to the average person, even the diamonds. I am afraid that the blood of the mouth has been spurted and the will is chaotic.

But in contrast, Ye Che, the breath is getting stronger and stronger.

The blood of Ye Che’s body is boiling wildly, like the most excellent pipeline in the world, which is the driving force for the whole body.

The gold skeleton is even stronger when it trembles.

The flesh and blood, but in the degree of horror cracked, new, cracked and reborn, everyone is now, this Ye Che's endurance actually passed the abyss demon! !

Even the black crocodile look is dignified.

Its magnetic field strength is not permanent, so when it is played, there will always be time when the mind is exhausted.

Now, it has already felt that the power of its own magnetic field is far less powerful than the control of the human boy on the opposite side.

Ye Che also felt its jealousy, and could not help but sigh.

Although I can't afford to attack it, the cost of my heart is huge. Now, whoever can't support it.

"Stupid big, come again!!!"

Ye Che is tight in the hands of the virtual sword, he knows, it is time.

"Damn bug, die!"

The black crocodile stepped down and splashed countless gravel, but Ye Che flashed easily.

At this point, the power of the magnetic field reappears, but this time Ye Che did not give up the resistance, but the virtual sword in his hand was changed and replaced with a slender sword.


"call out!"

Ye Che has no wind and wind around. If the black crocodile was at the beginning, the wind was afraid that it could not enter, but now, it has come in a little.

But this is enough!

"斩钢flash, 斩钢闪,斩钢flash!!!"

With three swords in a row, Ye Che's left hand protects the left side of the brain, because the black crocodile's punch has already banged over it, while the right hand has already been extremely fast, even the black crocodile's head is three times.

"Puff puff!"

Three smudges of blood, now, the black crocodile's head is bigger than the wheel, there are three potholes.

The black crocodile violently screamed in the mouth of the savage, and the fists that came to the bang were even more powerful.

Ye Che's old power has been used, the new force is not born, and he can't avoid it. He was hit by the black crocodile, and he slammed into the ground, and then fell into a meter.


The black crocodile roared in the sky.

This battle, it is really wrong to beat the extreme!

This human body is too hard, and there is that endurance, it can force the crazy demon.

The key is that the degree is also fast, the body is changeable, and multiple heroes are combined.

If it is an ordinary person, the general gold, no, is the general Platinum peak, look, it is sure that at most, you can shoot him to death.

When the magnetic field is turned on, there is no human resistance below the diamond.

At that time, it was like shooting a fly like a fly, but now, the fly it shoots is made of alloy, not only can't shoot, but it also makes it hurt.

"Damn man, you succeeded in angering me!"

There is a hint of majesty in the eyes of the black crocodile. It does not care about the **** holes in the head, and suddenly greets the sky.

"Devil King's physique, **** tyrant, open!!"


An earth-shattering roar, the black crocodile's body, under the eyes of everyone, screamed.

Then 58 meters ... 59 meters ... 65 meters ... 72 meters ...

In the twinkling of an eye, the black crocodile's body became thicker and stronger, breaking through 7o meters.

Standing there, like a hill!

Not only that, but its original dark body, filled with blood-red filaments, looks very incomparable.

On the back of the tail vertebrae, it is even more sturdy, and the violent momentum of the body underneath it. At this moment, it is full of extremes.

"Sure enough, it really has a demon physique! Devil, and sure enough, there is a huge relationship with the devil!!"

Ye Che's eyes are condensed to the extreme, and the virtual sword in his hand is beginning to change suddenly.

Golden light is getting brighter and brighter.

His eyes stared at the injured side of the black crocodile, here, will be the only flaw in this diamond-level abyss demon.

Ye Che’s only card is Galen’s heroic skill, “Demacia Justice!”

However, under the premise, it is necessary to hit the devil in real life, otherwise it will be blocked by the magnetic force, and Ye Che will be sadly reminded.

So you have to find the most appropriate time to release, in order to cooperate with the sixth layer of real and crit, take it in one fell swoop!

"Hey, turned out?"

In the sky, one of the purple women inadvertently looked down, but now the black crocodile turned and turned.

"Half-step iv strength, even if we need a certain amount of time to kill, this kid is dead."

On the other side, the woman in purple whispered, and then she stopped talking.

Because Ye Che's body is almost completely reborn, they did not feel the familiar atmosphere in Ye Che, otherwise they were afraid to shoot Ye Che.

This world can completely make a face-lift, so they came here only to recognize the breath and not recognize people.

"They actually forced out its transformation, this kid!"

Dong Yibao’s main eyes were stunned, and his face was even a piece of iron.

He is now looking at this leaf.

"Can't wait any longer!"

The owner of Dongyibao thought of it here, and the flame in his hand suddenly went to the ground, just like the power of the ranks was unsustainable.

He and the two middle-aged people are all about v. These two purple women, one of them has reached the half-step drill iv, so they have been playing evenly.

The old woman and the chasing purple woman, but have really stepped into the diamond iv, it is a strong competition.

But now, with the Dongyibao owner deliberately selling a flaw, the deterrent force has been greatly reduced.

"good chance!"

One of the purple women’s eyes lit up, and the squat caught the flaw, and a claw went straight to the middle-aged man who had changed his face on the left.

Below, Ye Che looked at the black crocodile who was strong and suddenly slammed, the virtual sword in his hand, and the dexterous cloak trembled sharply.

This time, it will be the last blow!

The cards on both sides are all out, and the rest is resigned! !

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