League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 631: Dare to escape, kill innocent

Everyone looked silly at the crack at the top, and the whole venue was silent. Bayi Chinese Network WwW★.く8く1√zW. CoM

The Oriental Star Club is a place dedicated to large-scale competitions. The overall structure is mostly composed of polymer alloys. Even the shells are unbroken, but now they are cracked.

Dongfang Jian also saw this scene, and his heart suddenly screamed badly, while looking at the third floor.

At the same time, this crack suddenly expanded, and less than three seconds, it has been expanded into a hole by the crack.

And there are more than one hole in this hole, starting from the top of the club, and even on the side, at least more than twenty have appeared at the same time.

The entire Oriental Star Club began to shake, as if the sky was broken.


I don't know who was screaming in horror. Most of the people in the club screamed and left the seat, then rushed outside.

But when some people have just stepped out of the club's front door, a **** mouth is coming in vain.


One bite, only the bones shattered, at this moment, at least seven or eight people, while being bitten, blood stained the ground.


Many people looked up in shock and saw a monster that was at least 50 meters tall and dark, and was licking the blood of his mouth.

This dark monster is black and bright, and the eyes are like two **** wheels. Especially the darkness of this dark monster is stunned.

This kind of enthusiasm, everyone knows what it is, the power of the essence of the magnetic field after the abyss devil reaches the diamond.

This power can withstand the true effect of human beings and is the enemy of human hero skills!

"Abyss demon with diamond power!"

All those who have just rushed out of the club can't help but see this scene.

No one noticed that there was a small thing like a disc in the back of the head of this black-painted monster, which was shining slightly.

At this time, this black-painted abyss demon, roaring in the sky, but his face is laughing wildly, but also spit out people: "kill, kill them, kill these humans!!!"


With the sound of this diamond demon, in all directions, whether it is the sky or the ground, whether in the distance or near, the roar of the abyss demon is heard.

This moment, like the entire eastern region, was filled with the abyss demon.


Suddenly, the sound of the street rang, and countless people who came out of the club looked down and saw that there were countless flaming shackles on the ground.

On the other side, there are countless ice crystals.

"It’s Gemini, they are thousands of kilometers from the East, how come here!!!!?”

Someone screamed and screamed.

"The strength of Gemini is only silver, but they can blew themselves. The power of self-destruction can completely incinerate or freeze the higher-order people. In this number, this is to destroy the city!"

"Ah, ah!!!!

Countless people were stunned and staring at the twins.

“Fighting and smashing!”

In the distance, the sound of an object flying quickly, and then, close to the Oriental Star Club in a very fast way.

It is a big snake-like bird. They are slender, but they have sharp claws under their bodies, and their wings are five or six meters long.

The wings are unfolded and the diameter is up to ten meters.

"It's a snake terror bird! They are far away from the sea area thousands of miles away. How come you come here!!"

Someone was extremely suspicious, but also took a breath of cold, and the face was gray.

This snake is extremely fierce, and the body and wings need to be lightly rounded, no matter who is going to fall all over the body.

There are diamond abyss demons in front, there are countless twins at the foot, and there are overwhelming snakes and terror birds in the sky. This is completely nowhere to go.

In an instant, everyone was in a cold.

What is this situation? Today, it was a good day for the top 32 of the League of Legends. In the first few minutes, I was ready to enjoy a big feast. In the blink of an eye, I was caught in the abyss of the abyss.

At this moment, everyone is forced.

They stunned, but these abyss demons couldn't hold them. In the back of their heads, the light of the circular disc flashed, and then these abyss demons seemed to be subjected to the most intense stimulation, and they moved in vain.

"Ah, ah, run!"

Countless people screamed in horror, and they didn't have time to think about what it was. They blindly wanted to rush out.

Most of the people watching the game at the Oriental Star Club are not rich and expensive, and many of them are not actual combatants. It is not fluent to meet this situation.

The hundreds of thousands of people are about to collapse. When the scene is in chaos, a thunderous voice suddenly sounds inside the club.

"Melee is blocked at the door, inside the remote station, dare to run, kill innocent!!!"

This voice is like a thunder, with an irresistible momentum, the hundreds of meters of direct earthquakes slamming.

Others were scared by the demon in front of them, and they did not listen to it at all.

In the next second, everyone just felt that the surrounding light was shining, and a dazzling blaze flashed a little.

Then, the dozens of people who rushed out all around were screaming, and the body ignited the blue smoke into a fly ash.


More than 10,000 people rushed out of the door, and the heart suddenly trembled, stopping the body that wanted to run.

In the Oriental Star Club, the third layer exploded in an instant, and three exquisite breaths rose into the sky. One of the old ladies, who was covered in flames, shook the whole club: "Everyone, dare to escape, kill innocent! All with I welcome the enemy!!"

After that, she and the other two people around her volleyed.

But when flying over the corridor, he glanced at the second floor, his eyes, and locked the owner of Dongyibao at a glance.

"No matter what kind of grievances you have, now the abyss demon is present, everyone has a living force, you dare to create chaos and disunity within the human race, that is, the traitor of the Terran, as a traitor to the Terran, you should know what will happen, understand!? ”

The old woman said coldly, never looking at the East One Fort, and flew away from the scene.

The four masters of Dongyibao glanced at each other and gritted their teeth and followed them up.

Outside the situation, they also felt it. Indeed, as the old woman said, now if they are not united, no one can live.

Especially in this case, catching 6 Yao has no effect at all, just like cumbersome.

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