League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 622: Absolute terror


The chest of the blood sword, as well as the sound of the ribs and the fractures of the chest bones on both sides, continued to sound, as if being crushed by the bulldozer, his mouth spurted blood. Bayi Chinese Network W★wくW. ★8√1くz√Wく. CoM

In the next second, his bones were all broken, and the blood in his eyes and eyes was ejected. Under this crit, he broke all the vitality!

Ye Che's hand was turned over again, and the **** sword's strong body floated like a goose feather. It flew to the wall more than ten meters away, and collapsed a large piece of decorative material!

In an instant, the blood sword was broken, thrown up, and died.

Ye Che's ordinary blow can be inconsistent with the peak of Platinum, not to mention the double attack, the blood sword has no power at all.

When the blood sword was blown and the whole body ruptured and smashed, blood was sprayed, and the body was thrown up and hit on the wall more than ten meters away, the sound of the scene suddenly became abnormally silent.

Everyone at the scene was open-minded, and Huang Chi used the first time to know Ye Che’s expression and watched.

In his mind, he always thought that Ye Che is also a good league of heroes, but now he is only now, this Ye Che's actual level of combat, and the League of Legends as perverted.

Yin Qijing is even more ruined. He knows that today I am afraid that I will die. This Ye Chelian can be spiked with the blood sword of Platinum II. Even if the owner is a Platinum peak, what is the worst? Drop it.

Ye Che did not look at the **** sword lying on the ground and had no breath. The one step was already next to Yin Qijing. This time, he stopped using his hand, but he took it with great decisiveness.


Yin Qijing screamed in horror.

"Are you circumventing those who are unarmed and have no power to bind the chickens? The murderers will kill them!"

Ye Che said, no more to say, directly mention the pan-gold right leg, and then step down.

"Do not!!!!!!!!!!"

Yin Qijing bungeely, suddenly turned back in the last second, looking at the owner of the dead.

However, he is now, the eyes of the owner, but have been staring at Ye Che, seemingly thinking about what is generally, simply ignore his life and death.

"I hate it!"

Yin Qijing screamed and screamed, and then only felt that his chest was black, and consciousness was forever in the dark.

Ye Che slowly lifted the right foot of the blood drop, and the heart sighed. At this point, the old man was finally avenged, but unfortunately, Ye Che did not know what, but still not happy.

Slightly looking up, Ye Che facelessly sweeps the people around him.

Among these people, there are men and women, all of whom are all powerful and full of killing.

But now, looking at Ye Che's gaze, it is full of panic, obviously, they are shocked by Ye Che's strength.

"What, still want to stop me?"

Ye Che was cold and cold, then stepped on them.

These people are actually taking a step back and joking, this person is the person who kills their blood swords in front of them, they can not lift the courage to stop.

For a time, they all looked at the owner.

The owner’s expression at this time was a bit strange. He seemed to have met something that couldn’t be understood, but he also felt the change of his hand and said directly: “All are scattered...”

The appearance of this sentence, for them, naturally can not be asked, and quickly flicked one by one.

The culprit is dead, and Ye Che does not want to kill more. Seeing the owner of the fortress knows this, he will move and step outside.

However, just moving a body, an indifferent voice, has slowly sounded: "I let you go?"

This voice is the owner of the fortress.

Ye Che's brow slightly wrinkled, turned slightly, and glanced at the main seat of the fortress, slowly stood up.

Yes, I have been fighting until now. The owner of the Nether Castle is sitting still. At this time, I stand up for the first time.

At this time, his face was indifferent, and he did not look at the dead blood sword and Yin Qijing. He said to Ye Che: "You killed me as a bodyguard, killing Yin Qijing and making me lose my credibility. I have imprisoned you for ten years, but not a share! Even if you go to the city government office, Dongfang Jian has nothing to say."

At the same time as the owner of the fort said, the corner of his mouth was already sneer.

"What do you mean? Are you deliberately letting me kill them!?"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a glimpse of surprise, and the owner of the castle seemed to be strange.

"Yes, right... so stay here!"

The tone of the Lord’s Lord fell, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly changed.

"This kid can kill the blood sword of Platinum II. The strength is definitely the peak of Platinum. The Fortress is so self-trusted!"

Some people were surprised to say that, but the eyes were full of excitement. Obviously, they could watch a dragon fight.

But in the next second, everyone screamed out, because there was a layer of incomparable brilliance on the body of the fort.

Like the crystal of the enamel crystal, the force of the crystal clear segment is shining, the sun is shining through, and the master of the moment is printed like a god! !

"Diamond, the owner of the house, has become a diamond!!!!!!"

In addition to Ye Che, everyone is ecstatic.

And Ye Che’s heart suddenly slammed into the bottom of the valley.

Diamond, this fortress is actually a diamond, he has such strength, why not save the blood sword, why let Yin Qijing die! ?

Immediately, Ye Xu suddenly thought of what the Lord had said, he deliberately did this to avoid the city owner to ask people! ?

Do you really want to imprison yourself for ten years! ?

No, it can't be that simple. Does he have something to do from himself and want to get it! ?

At this point, Ye Che's scalp was somewhat fried.


Ye Che did not dare to fight with diamonds, because as far as he knows, why diamonds can be a big watershed from the peak of Platinum, because diamonds have fields! ! !

It can be said that pinching yourself is as easy as pinching an ant.

"I want to run, ridiculous!"

The owner of the castle smiled awkwardly, his arms stretched out in vain, and his mouth was even more chanting: "Welcome, my fire field!"

Suddenly, Ye Che only felt a twist in front of him, and he was shrouded in a hot breath, and then he suddenly woke up.

Then, there was a bang in the ear, and Ye Che suddenly looked up, and suddenly the eyes were shocked.

Red, a fiery red color.

At first glance, Ye Che is simply in an area of ​​flames.

This area is full of hundreds of meters. Within a few hundred meters, countless flames are roaring in the boiling. If people step in, there is absolutely no residue left.

Wherein the steel is here, and there is not even the chance of being a metal.

A hot, and absolutely repressed atmosphere immediately swept the audience.

After Ye Che’s body, the fifty or sixty people who surrounded him and Huang Chi were also covered by the whole owner.

These people looked at the scene like hell, swallowed their mouths, and then looked at the owner of the castle, I wonder why the owner of the castle also brought them into the field of diamonds.

"Sorry, you know what you shouldn't know..."

The themselves commonly grinned, and then waved their hands under the horror and horror of these fifty or sixty people.

"Booming and banging and banging!"

Numerous magma flames rose into the sky, and then turned into a cylindrical flame cylinder, directly under the body of the fifty-six people and Huang Chi, straight into the air.

At this moment, there was no screaming, no mourning, no less than 1 second, and these fifty or sixty people were all turned into fly ash, without the power of rebellion.

This skill, Ye Che is very familiar, obviously the "flame column" of the revenge soul fireman, and is more than 30 "flame pillar" even!

These so-called elites are all spiked, like... ants...

"Now, you have killed more than 60 elite members of the Nether Castle and the deputy fortune, who can't keep you!"

The owner said, he looked at Ye Che's look, the more strange.

"In a second, even more than 30 heroes, how does Nima play!!!!!"

Ye Che dumbfounded, he is really drunk at this moment, in this case, the true high, the gold bone is strong, there are eggs! ?

Dozens of heroes of hundreds of heroes come to the fore! ! ! ?

This is the absolute fire of the main diamond-level fire field! ! ! !

Ps: This chapter has more than 500 words as compensation, cough, and happy Dragon Boat Festival.

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