League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 614: Perfect skill connection

"This Ye Che's courage is really big. When a person is there, the cat is there. Don't be afraid to give a treasured vision or insert an eye!"

"With the purple means of retaining people, it is extremely difficult for the blind scorpion to be ran away. The advantage that has just been played is no longer there. I have to say that the savvy people are daring!"

Ye Che's blind cockroach, at this time nest in the circular arc wall inside the f4, if there is an eye inside, then the empire eq big, big light, excavator displacement, female police displacement, etc., pure output blind There is no way to escape. After all, he has already made a flash. Bayi Chinese Network WくwW√. 81√zW. CoM

But the blind man has been quietly squatting in the f4, as if he is one of them, let the four of the other party, walked one by one from the front of themselves! !

Indifferent, not afraid!

On the blind body, the strips are like the muscles of a python. As the breath rises and falls, it is like dozens of pythons that are twisted together. When you spit on the letter, you feel the enemy. His toes clasp the ground and give people a kind of Feel the feeling of getting out of the hand at any time.

Under the light curtain, everyone’s heart was raised.

At this time Ye Che's teammates, there are more than 2,000 yards away from the blind, if you are chased, the blue party hero's motivation, no time to support, and Pan Sen can open a big chat to comfort.

From the light curtain, from the perspective of blindness, everyone watching the battle can clearly see that the blind man stood there and actually took a group of enemies that he almost passed by as a cloud, and changed it to others. Hiding far away, after all, being accidentally seen, it is a word to die!

One...two...three..., the blind man stood on the edge of f4 and watched the enemy walk by him in front of him.

I did not see the beasts, but I can imagine that the beasts should be lurking in another wilderness area and did not show up.

Finally, the purple policewoman passed by the blind spot from the last position.


The blind right foot was slightly forward, and there was a soft sound from the grass. Ye Che was going to shoot.

At the same moment, Luo Jinxu's finger is pressed on the light button of r.


The blind screamed and slammed, and the arm stretched out like a tiger's arm. The white and powerful force suddenly came out of it, and then the wall smashed into the policewoman.

When it was said that it was fast, it was almost synchronous, and a green and fake eye was blindly inserted with the strength.

With the eye movement, the blind right foot burst into the ground.


The air whistling, blindly with the eye position and the first paragraph q skills at the same time to reach the policewoman.

At this moment, everyone seems to be able to feel the stun of the policewoman’s eyes.

Hex Technology prototype belt o1, start!


At this moment, there is no flash, why not, blind blinds do not need to adjust the position, the grass under his feet, with the start of the belt, suddenly ignited the red color, but the whole flipped over.

The blind squat, in a lateral traverse, has come to the policewoman with this displacement.


This foot was so strong that it was unmatched, and the bones of the policewoman’s body all came to the fore.


Three times in a row, the female police officer was blindly hit by the foot and flew in front of the dawn and fire man.

Everyone in the purple party was shocked, and the only one who could move the ball immediately slammed, and had already slammed the face with the "big dragon impact."

On the other side of the wild area, there is also an energy light, and the next second is a purple body, rushing through the wall.

This is a hollow beast, she can't stand it.

But blindly, the current set of tricks is not what they can lock.

Blind 僧 first q first hand, the second operation is to insert the eye, the third and fourth operation is the belt displacement big move kicking female police!

Therefore, in the hands of blind people, there is still one skill left unused.

That is, the second paragraph q!


As soon as the policewoman was smashed, the blind scorpion suddenly started the second q skill.

So the gorgeous scene appeared, this policewoman is like a blind open road machine, directly for the blind smashed fly in front of the Twilight goddess and fire man, with a blind all the way to fly out.


"This is to fly with you, the policewoman is blind and true love!"

The audience was exclaimed.


The policewoman landed, but it seemed that she was forced to be blinded by the big tricks, and the head of the dizzy could not move at all.

There is nothing polite at the moment, and with a bang, the loop of the Hydra's red fire exploded, and the policewoman was instantly stunned.

Almost at the same moment, Pansen’s big move also sat down, and then went straight to the fire!

The person who specializes in blindness in the field, seeing the eyes, is full of horror.

This kind of operation can be done if you give them a period of time, then in a quiet environment, and adjust the mood.

But the kind of stressful environment just now, they really do not have this kind of control.

"This belt is really easy to use. It is especially suitable for this type of sneak attack. Even if there is no flash, there is such a small range of displacement. As long as the hand is fast, it can be moved to the back of the adc or ap, and after the flash, it is Invincible, whoever wants to kick, who will kick!"

"Don't go directly to the qq belt and move around, then fly away, perfect!"

"q belt rq, handsome!"

A lot of people screamed, after all, this skill is connected, it is too perfect!

Well, Panson also works well.

Ye Che also accidentally glanced at Luo Jinxu. Before he decided to take the shot, he did not remind Pan Sen, but he did not realize that he actually knew his own thoughts.

A really powerful master, not only to predict the opponent's skill release and position.

And to have a pre-judgment against your teammates, so that you can play a perfect match.

Just like the current wave, if it is a passer-by, if the blind is out of the meat, can not kill the policewoman, even if you kicked such a perfect foot, it does not make much use.

In addition to cheering and cheering, teammates reacted to pick up skills, which was late.

Especially if there is a delay like Pansen, the enemy will definitely react when the policewoman is on the ground.

But this Luo Luoxu performance is indeed good, the policewoman has just been kicked off, his big has collapsed.


The collective was reduced, and the fire man became the target of Pan Sen’s lock.

Then Nami's big move, the dead song directly in the original big move, and the mouse that has already sneaked in the past, crazy began to output.

The fire man was second in the first time, followed by the Twilight goddess who would rather die than to block the damage for his teammates.

"Great, Snow sister, like this kind of blind man with multiple displacements, it's really too hard to prevent!"

Zhou Xin of the Sky Blue team said with amazement.

She is playing adc, and naturally feels the deepest to this assassin. If she is to face this blindness, unless there is no water to escape, there will be no flash.

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