League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1593: The toughest road!

"It’s so hard..."

Ye Che squeezed his fingers and frowned at the introduction of these genres. Eight? One Chinese W? W? W (a). ?8?1 (eight) Z?W?. ?C?O?M

Control flow, suitable for playing in the group arena, special copy and other places with the summoner, the second kill stream is suitable for pushing the copy, the phantom flow is suitable for the operational summoner, Ye Chu also considers the meat shield flow, after all, there is naturally The value of Ye Che will not be underestimated.

The rest of the genre seems to be good.

"If this is so difficult, then forget it... I will all!"

Ye Che suddenly slammed his mouth and then immediately confirmed it on several skills.

"Frauded Orb", "Bandage Traction", "Broken", "Wild Scream", "Thinking (Change Sheep)", "Rolling Wine Barrel", "**** Shock", "Fracture Ball" "Magic Shadow", "Lava Shield!".

Ten, full of ten Master skills, Ye Che is almost closed eye skills, ten Master skills directly selected, at the same time, Ye Che's killing point balance has also dropped to the lowest point, only ten points left, It must be said that as the skill increases, the number of killing points required is also multiplied.

It’s just that these ten skills seem to be somewhat inexplicable, just like a hodgepodge. If you let the master see it, you must be scornful.

"ok, get it!"

Ye Che smiled slightly and turned his back and walked out.

Just this time, I have been caught in a misunderstanding, why should I spend a lot of brains to choose a genre? As long as I learn all the skills, and then practice crazy, then any genre can be converted freely!

There are more than one hundred and thirty heroes, five or six hundred skills, others may not be able to do it, Ye Che does not have the freedom to grasp 1oo%, but in the League of Legends, the more challenging things, Ye The more he likes to try, the more he is excited about his own.

Of course, Ye Che did not want to be so special. After all, the grasp is not big, and the main reason is the problem of killing points.

Other summoners are not stupid, nor lack of enchanting, but also want to master all the skills, but why not have a versatile genre, because the killing point is too rare, this is more than 20 skills, just learning is spent More than 20,000 killing points.

Not to mention later, and to upgrade, the killing point required is almost immeasurable.

So no one wants to think about it in this way. Maybe there is a madman who wants to spend a lifetime to accumulate killing points and try some, but the skills of five or six hundred, to practice, to achieve integration, and to achieve great results, this is again A big problem.

Therefore, looking at the League of Legends in ancient and modern times, there is no such genre at all, because it is too difficult and too difficult.

However, Ye Xue suddenly thought of the blood of the soul, which made him have this idea.

If, because of the relationship between the soul and the blood, you can often open a copy of the plot, then the acquisition of killing points should be much faster than the average person, a copy of the plot, it is estimated that you can purchase six or seven skills, even after the increase in the number of skills And if the price increases, at least one or two can be bought.

Coupled with the special copy of the team's battle, it is estimated that it will take too long to get all the skills of a profession! In this way, Ye Che has a bottom in the face of any challenge.

Of course, even so, the variables are still very large, but think of the future to face the heroic ontology, Ye Che did not hesitate, chose the most difficult road!

After walking out of the professional church, Ye Che took a deep look at the ten new skills added in his three-dimensional space, and then the face must be, went straight to the place agreed with Roland and others.

The profession is fixed, the skills are fixed, and now it is the problem of the team.

After a month's regular team game, he has to prepare in advance. The first one to prepare is naturally to have a good understanding of the regular team game. Then, the Roland team is a good news acquisition.

Soon, Ye Che came to the station of the Roland team.

It is said to be a resident. In fact, it is also a private training room. From the outside, it is not very large. It is also a hundred square meters, on a slightly remote oblique road.

"Ye brother, are you here?"

As soon as Ye Chegang approached the private training room, a man greeted him, the man who had joined the bubble before.

Ye Che smiled and said: "Roland bubble enters them?"

"I am waiting inside, haha, you come with me."

The man said, and led Ye Che into it.

The size of the room and the leaf are estimated to be good, and it is about a hundred square feet. There is a small platform in the center. The girl named Xiaolan is practicing the skill combination.

In front of her, there is a special target, and every time there is an attack, there will be blood on it.

Under the stage, several people in Roland were watching bored. After hearing the footsteps, they couldn’t help but turn their heads. At first sight, Ye Che, the bubble entered the first one and greeted him. “Haha, this time, Lie to you, Dong Ge really agreed, I immediately pulled you into the team!"

After that, it was a team invited to Ye Che.

Roland also strode forward and observed Ye Che, then said: "Your second career will not really choose the Master?"

Ye Che is actually a bit embarrassed. After all, he has already created a team, so naturally he can't join the Roland team, so he ignores the words of the bubble marching. He said to Roland: "Is there any problem with the second professional elector?"

His counter-question was a little slow, and he could drag on for some time, then he said sorry for the bubble marching: "Sorry, I have already created the team myself, so the Roland team, I can't add it."


The bubble entered the battle.

Roland’s heart was also screaming, and she couldn’t help but sneak into the bubble. She guessed that it was definitely the initial rejection of the bubble, which made Ye Che annoyed.

But they haven't spoken yet, Ye Che has continued: "But I can't join your team, but we can join the league!"

"Alliance?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yes, I don't know if there is any alliance in the League of Legends team, but if we don't have it, we can also help the private league. Help each other." Ye Che smiled.

Roland sighed and looked at Ye Che and didn't know what to say.

She actually looked at Ye Che step by step, from the initial ignorance and ignorance of the League of Legends, to the miracle of 3 days 1o level, and on the regional announcement, originally wanted to put Ye Chela as a team, but did not Only a few days after thinking of this, he himself created a team of his own.

Bubbles into the heart of the heart is also a bit of a taste, if you first encountered Ye Che does not take the rules, perhaps now is a family, where is the need for alliance.

Thinking of the alliance, the bubble went into the bottom of my heart but I couldn’t help but look at Ye Xue and asked: "Since you propose the alliance, I don’t know if you can help us with the Roland team. You have to know that our Roland team is an old team. Although your talent is really good, but now, the help of our team is definitely much bigger than what you gave us?"

"Bubble!" Roland took a bubble and glanced at it. Frankly speaking, she didn't want to have a relationship with Ye Che.

"Lan sister, I am good for our team." Bubble entered the booth, and when it comes to the team, he has no hippie smile.


Ye Che smiled at Roland and then marched into the bubble: "When it comes to help, it's really there, I don't know if you can't eat it!"

(End of this chapter)

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