League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1420: Spotted fly

(There are some small partners who say that these starry beasts are too big. I want to say that these are only pediatric level. Would it be more incomprehensible to calculate the starry beasts in the light years? The universe is infinitely unknown. Only when we really let go of our own thinking can we understand the beauty. Otherwise, did the people of the millennium know the huge galaxies like hundreds of billions of light years? And I am not completely fabricated, according to some scientists. Presumably, the entire Galaxy is actually a huge living body! Above. ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W.COM)

Ye Che did not ask why, when the body moved, it was low.

Then, looking up and looking forward, I saw a huge black shadow, which quickly climbed past and splashed countless rocks.

"It's a madness, it's extremely difficult. Once it's eyed, it's easy for us to be seen by St. Albert!"

Shengyan whispered.

Ye Che nodded, and when he looked at it, he saw the people of St. Bert, and he also carefully sneaked. At present, he did not dare to fly with great fanfare.

"The starry beasts of these ending constellations, some of which can be said to be the nightmare of all our summoners. There have been several stars and beasts in the past, led by those powerful starry beasts, and will rush out like a madman' Ending the constellation', flying into the stars, they destroy the planet engulfed by the way, it is a real disaster!"

Shengyan said here, some chilling, think of countless large-scale starry monsters, black pressure to cover the sky, in the universe, especially if there is a black torrent, sweeping all the way, engulfing the planet, destroying the soul, then The scene is just like the end of the universe.

Although Ye Che has not seen it, it is also vaguely conceivable.

Shengyan continued: "Of course, in general, these powerful starry beasts will not leave the 'end star group' at random. The residual energy here is enough for them to swallow, so as long as our summoner does not specifically come here to provoke them, They will not easily leave here to enter the starry universe."

"No wonder they are so jealous. If this is the case, let's move in the same direction. Try not to fight with them before finding the Protoss."

Ye Che said.

"Good! I will first sense the position of the Protoss!"

Saying, St. Philip took out a metal headset with a pan-blue shape, and then put it on his head. "Through it, you can roughly sense the energy fluctuations of the Protoss!"

Ye Che sees that St. Yan began to discern the direction, but he did not bother him. Instead, he swayed twice on one side. If he suddenly felt back, he did not know when, about a kilometer behind his own, There was a huge black shadow standing silently.

This shadow, quietly lying there, about 10,000 meters high, the length reached a kilometer, the shape is somewhat like a huge imaginary flies, four pairs of segmented giant fork-like limbs, colorful wings gathered Together, the body is covered with colorful hard-shell armor. At this moment, it is quietly squatting there, and the compound eyes made up of countless eyeballs are staring at Ye Che and Shengyan.

It seems that it is also looking at these two guests, thinking about the "end of the constellation", how can there be two such small creatures.

This shape is like a monster like a fly, quietly squatting there, St. Research even still unaware of the strange headphones, listening and scrutinizing the position.

Ye Che licked his lips, this monster appeared silently within a kilometer, and he did not even sense it, so he could guess the horror of this monster.

"St. Research, on this end of the constellation, is there a kind of starry beast with a look like a fly, but with armor?"

Ye Che asked with a word.

"It looks like a fly, wearing armor? Hey, you still pray that we don't touch this thing..." said the sneer of St.

Ye Che smiled: "No need to pray, let's go!"

St. Yan turned his head and couldn't help but exclaim. At this time, he noticed that the mountain was like a giant "fly!"

"Spotted fly!? Escape!"

Shengyan snorted.

However, his exclamation caused the waves of the air, and the "spotted flies" that had been standing still and silently finally moved.

Really quiet as a mountain, moving like lightning, its strong and powerful wings, the rock suddenly smashed like tofu, and huge as the same plane "spotted flies", the volley flew up to tens of thousands of meters Then suddenly fell!

It sucked the cold pipe in front of the mouth, and the tearing air came out of the thorns of Ye Che and Sheng Yan, and did not give them a chance to escape.

With the strength of Shengyan, I couldn’t react at all for a moment. Seeing that he was only going to be stabbed in this moment, he was blasted into a mass of meat sauce and allowed to fill in the teeth. When I beat the tooth festival, it was in this shackle, and there were countless thunder and lightning, which exploded from Ye Che’s body.

Ye Che realized that it was not good when the wings of the starry beast were supported, but he never expected that the monster would be so terrible and horrible.

"Block me!"

Ye Che whispered, Raytheon elements like the tide of the sea, all over his body, and then based on the power of the hero, violently blocked in front of the spotted fly.

Ye Che finally knows why St. Yan’s prayers don’t touch this thing. Just as his Raytheon element has just exploded on the spotted fly, this time, the rustling sound of “shasha” has already sounded, one by one. The spotted fly, from the ground 6 continued to emerge.

These spotted flies live in the ground!

"That's too abnormal!"

Ye Che couldn't help but whispered, but at this moment, he could see that among the spotted flies that came out from all directions, there were three tens of thousands of meters in shape, and they looked at them. It’s not too weak to be blocked by myself. It’s just too abnormal.


The power of the hero is mixed with the elements of Raytheon, and the heavy bombardment is on the spotted fly in front of it. However, the nearby rocks are only shaking, and the small petrified mountains are crushed, but the mountain has no effect at all.

"Damn! Die!"

St. Research is also a roar, the element of life turned into a death particle, thousands of wolf heads, biting the past against it.


Ye Che said quietly, Shengyan no longer hesitated, the two men rushed up, did not want to just rushed to less than 10,000 meters, the next horrible roar, followed by, St. Research, boring, even straight It fell.

Ye Che also felt a strange shock wave, and the heavy bombardment on his own star embryo.

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