League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1386: Black gold male (the twenty-third)

These are not clear, because every time the test of the gods, in addition to the most basic rules, there are some hidden test content, which is unknown.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

"Do you know clearly? Let's run away, hahahaha!"

The man, sneer, looked at the sky, just like watching the little sheep that was about to escape.


Cang Ye made a speech and then laughed and said: "Good!"

Then, the situation is about to leave, and then, the power of a hero who is embarrassed, rises from his body.

"Ha ha ha, interesting, you know that you have to come here again, seal!"

The man laughed and laughed, and then his body shook. The half-gold and half-black flame sign on his forehead actually exploded, and then turned into a huge black gold flame pattern of 100,000 meters, covering the sky.

Under the astounding gaze of Ye Che, the Summoner's Canyon, which had just appeared, was like a lost target, and it collapsed directly from midair.

"This black gold flame pattern..."

Ye Che's gaze suddenly locked on it. From this, he sensed a contradiction and a strange blend of breath. He knew for the first time that the Summoner Canyon would be shielded!

Ye Che felt that the environment of 100,000 meters in the vicinity, space and the like gave him a feeling of being in the universe.

This black gold flame pattern can actually simulate the environment of the universe, forcing the summoner canyon to come!

At this time, I saw the Summoner's Canyon disappearing, and the enthusiasm in the eyes of the singer, and then dimmed down.

But he did not escape. After a few times, he already knew that he couldn’t escape. The man’s sorrow could sense his age, and he was two or three years older than himself, but his strength was better than himself. More than two grades.

If you put him in this test of the gods, I am afraid that it can fully impact the ranking of the top ten.

The gap is too big.

So Cang Ye, I don’t want to escape any more.

Moreover, he has a glimmer of hope for Ye Che, Ye Che should be repaired in three series, facing this man, may be able to protect himself? This is why Cangye came to Sauron.

"Hey, don't you plan to escape? There is a kind! Then I will break your bones and see if you can't escape!"

The black gold man said, a red temperament bursting from him, these red enthusiasm filled his body, Ye Che knows, this is the force of blood under the element of life.

Ye Che was also seen in Pablo's body.

"Ha ha ha, break your bones!" The man laughed.


A red light that was many times stronger than Pablo's innumerable times, its diffused area reached a total of 70,000 to 30,000 meters, and only a little, it rushed out of the black gold pattern.

The red light attached to this blood smothered Ye Che.


The qi and blood muscle cells in Ye Che's body trembled a little, but he was just a thought, belonging to the powerful hero of the ten-star senior summoner Yu Feng, and immediately suppressed it.

But Cangye is not so lucky, he was originally a serious injury.

The power of the hero is ten times worse than Ye Che. In the face of this force that can make the blood vessels burst, the green swells on the face of Cang Ye are just like to explode.


The man laughed and slammed the ground. The 10,000-meter ground was completely split. Without the summoner's canyon limit, he was completely unscrupulous and waved his own strength. It was just a foot. This hardness is more than ten times that of the Earth. There have been countless cracks.


The man dubbed himself, and he hadn’t slammed into the body of Cang Ye. He spit out a roaring voice in his mouth. He dared to be so big, naturally he had absolute confidence in himself.

In the face of this blow that was enough to smash his own body, Cang Ye finally lost his calm and calmness. He screamed, and there were eleven fires in his body that came out immediately, than when he fought with Ye Che. There is one more.

Obviously, he has made progress in these nine months.

The eleven fire smelting has just appeared, and it is in the face of the smelting body with the turbulent element of fire.

Then, there is a transparent thick wall composed of a layer of right-light elements, standing in front of Cangye!

Obviously, what he can do now is only defense.

"Ha ha ha, beautiful turtle shell! But all is rubbish, the essence of the fire elements add up, less than two thousand, how do you block!?"

The man said, the fist carrying the blood and red light has been bluntly bombarded on the wall of the transparent light element of Cangye. At that time, like a huge copper column hitting the golden bell and making a huge sound!

This fierce voice, 传 传 传 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几 几


Cang Ye gritted his teeth and tried to infuse his heroic power. The light element, under his urging, rushed to the wall.

However, the black gold man’s fist just touched it, and the more terrifying attack has not yet arrived.

"The appetizer is over!"

The black gold man sneered, the next second, that filled the red blood of 70,000 meters away, like a curtain, madly condensed on the black gold man's fist,

At the moment of cohesion, Cangye only felt the flowers and trees around tens of thousands of meters, including the mountains and rivers, and the time was disordered. The flowers and trees began to wither, and the mountains and rivers began to collapse and dry, just like being sucked up.

"A terrible element of life!"

Cangye’s face was full of fear and sorrow. When he was seriously injured, he was defeated under this trick.

This black gold man, relying on the elements of life, can not only lead to the instability of the enemy's breath, but also use the vitality of other creatures to increase his own attacks.

"Give me, break!"

The black gold man drank, at this moment, the red blood was completely concentrated on his fist.


As all the qi and blood are condensed by the elements of life, there is no suspense at all, and the light wall constructed by Cangye is instantly crushed and broken.

Not only that, but the eleven people who were in front of Cangye’s fire were like clouds and smoke, and they were directly smashed by the ash.

The gap is too big.

"Ha ha ha ha, since you don't escape, I will abolish you, to seduce other prey, this is a big hunting ground!!!"

The black gold man laughed, his fist, missed his head, and he would fall on the belly of Cangye.

But in vain, he only felt a flower in front of him, and Cangye actually disappeared from his fist.


The black gold man glanced at it and didn't know what he felt. He turned around quickly and saw the teenager who was sitting thousands of meters away. I didn't know when he was standing 100 meters away.

And in his hand, he is clutching the arm of Cang Ye.

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