League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1318: The second black hole dark element!

Ye Che admits that his heart has been touched by the glass. He feels that this glass abandoned by the light feels that he has always been in the dark world. I don’t know how many millions of years have passed. Ye Chu suddenly wants to do something for him. What, if... just a story that makes him feel interesting. Eight? One Chinese network?? W ≥ W = W ≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

And the time here is just a glimpse of the Rune Star, so Ye Che is not worried about wasting time.

"Yeah, that's interesting!!!!!!"

Ye Che’s voice just fell, and the message of the glass came with strong fluctuations. “It turns out... It turns out that there is still such a beautiful world. Then, what can I see there?”

Ye Che smiled and his heart was very soft. This glass is like a white piece of raw paper. He doesn't understand anything and is purer than a baby.

"You can see the flowers..." Ye Che said.


"Yes, flowers come in many colors, red, blue, purple..."

"What is red, blue, and purple?"

"It's another form of light, just like where we are now, the color is black, the red is another color, the blue is one, the purple is one, and the orange, green ... a variety of things, you can use colorful, colorful to describe."

The more intense the fluctuation of the glass message, he said excitedly: "Colorful, colorful, listening to feel beautiful... really interesting! Che, you... can you continue to talk about it? Your imagination is really It’s so rich, it’s more interesting than me!”

Ye Che smiled slightly. He thought he was made up, but he also understood that after all, glass never left the darkness.

"There are trees, water, mountains, blue skies, white clouds, grass, all kinds of delicious food... sweet, salty..."

"What is the tree?"

“It’s a plant with lots of green leaves on it.”

"Great, what about the water?"

"The water is clear..."

In this way, the glass asked curiously, Ye Che answered, telling him all things in heaven and earth, and the structure of life.

I do not know why, Ye Che did not feel the slightest bored, but for fear that the explanation is not clear enough, perhaps it is not here at this time, or it may have been too long and not so peaceful, he only felt that the heart has never been stable.

Because it is the state of the soul, Ye Che did not feel the slightest tiredness. In this way, I don’t know how long it took. After he finished the basic structure of everything in the world, he began to talk about some very interesting things.

I have to say that the memory of the glass is really powerful. It may be trained in a long ball, so I can understand some of the interesting things that Ye Che said.

"Ce... you just said that people have men and women, why is there such a difference? There is no difference in my ball, exactly the same." Glass doubts.

"This one……"

Ye Cheyi, this kind of thing is difficult to open.

However, after he was only a moment of sorrow, he thought of an idea and said: "I will tell you a story... Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, of which Liang Shanbo is a man, Zhu Yingtai is a woman... Later, Zhu Yingtai female Dress up as a man..."

In the dark, the glass's message fluctuated drastically, and he seemed to be very excited.

"In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a woman named Zhu Yingtai who was very eager to learn... Learn, learn, just like you just did, she didn't know anything, she needed to learn knowledge, she..."

In this way, Ye Che understands the meaning of many words while helping the glass.

"That's it... Liang Shanbo was shackled, and Zhu Yingtai was forced to marry. Before the detour, he went to the tomb of Liang Shanbo to pay homage... Then the two became butterflies and danced in the world..."

After Ye Che finished, he sighed.

This time, the glass did not open for a long time. After a while, he said: "Ce... I don't know why... I can't breathe now... well... so uncomfortable..."

"Now I know that I am uncomfortable... I haven’t been uncomfortable in this black hole." Ye Che laughed.

At this time, the glass continued: "Then you, are you male...or female?"

"Of course I am a man, well, what about you?" Ye Che asked casually.


I don’t know why the words are a word, an inexplicable mood, and then the fluctuations of his message are a little fine, saying: "You... I... I will tell you next time."

"Oh." Ye Che nodded and said: "Okay, the story is finished, I have to start taking a break, you are free."


After the story was heard, for the first time, his heart was filled with something he couldn’t understand at the moment, so that his original excitement or uncomfortable mood was all suppressed by this kind of shackles. Come down.

With the silence of Ye Jing, this black hole area suddenly felt silent.

In the dark, Ye Che began to use the original black hole dark elements as a guide line, and began to communicate the dark elements around. Each of these black hole dark elements contains the power of horror, so he dare not have any slack.

Soon, his consciousness linked a black hole dark element, this dark element has not been conquered by Ye Che, the power of engulfing it is very violent.

As Ye Che wants to control it, this violent feeling is more intense.

"The difficulty of manipulating the dark elements of black holes is harder than the ordinary dark elements. It seems that it takes a lot of time to control one more."

Ye Che secretly said, but although he did not know how long it took, he was very excited.

He has already seen the power of dark elements in black holes. If you can have one more, your strength will be doubled!

Time passed... I don’t know how long it’s been...

In the looming, Ye Che felt the fluctuation of the dark elements around the glass. This kind of fluctuation was very constant and maintained at a frequency of almost one second.

"He started counting the ball again..."

Ye Che smiled slightly and took advantage of this opportunity. He let the glass control the dark elements of the black hole. As for the first time, he rushed into his body once, but the dark elements of the black hole could not enter the body.

Slightly sighed, and understood that there is no shortcut to go, Ye Che re-settled, began to fully understand the trajectory of the dark elements of this black hole, and then fit it.

In the darkness, there are only leaves that are frowning from time to time after encountering obstacles, and the constant fluctuation of the number of **** in the glass.

Finally, in the constant fluctuation of the glass, reaching about 750,000 times, Ye Che was shocked, and the color of joy appeared in his eyes. Just now, he felt the black hole dark element in his own control. Next, I finally moved to the position I wanted.

"To be successful!"

Ye Che took a breath.

After more than 300,000 ball times, in the dark, a dark, dark particle slammed into the body.

"Ha!" Ye Che couldn't help but laugh, more than one million ball times, that is, more than half a month, he finally had a second black hole dark element!

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