League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1283: Peerless genius!

"It's really interesting. Your body is rejecting the small ball, but it doesn't matter, there is still a small ball going in. August 1 Chinese W.W≠W=.=8=1≥Z≠W≥.≈C≤O ≥M≈” Unknown creature is quite happy.

Ye Che is also in a good mood, and finally no longer has to endure the self-talking of this creature.

His thoughts condensed on the dark element, manipulating it close to the body surface, and then a wave of information.

Suddenly, this dark element trembled a bit, and the message went through the other dark elements attached to the surface of the leaf skin, and then turned into continuous fluctuations, which were introduced into the ear of the unknown creature. ,"who are you?"

In the dark space, it was silent for a few seconds, and then the unknown creature took a trace of hesitation: "I... I seem to be calling... force... no... it’s glass... it should be... from birth, this word It’s blurred in my mind... You, do you have a name?”


Ye Che brows wrinkled, since the soul of the British soul brought himself here, obviously related to the hero, but all the heroes, there is no glass word inside, right?

"You can call me Che... what about your parents?" Ye Che asked.

"Chee? Nice, you are the only name I know except myself..."

Say, the glass continues: "What is the parents? Are you talking about small balls? It’s really interesting. The original ball name is called parents..."

In her words, she revealed a feeling of utter dismay.

Ye Che suddenly silenced, he understood it, there are probably two possibilities for the appearance of glass.

One may be that he was born in the dark, but it is impossible. After all, he will have human language and human palms, and he will think of the words in his mind after birth, apparently being instilled.

The second point is that he is being ... either an enemy or a parent who has abandoned or banished here.

Thinking of this, Ye Che has some pity for him to rise. It is no wonder that he feels interesting about everything. After all, he has been living in a black hole. Besides being with the eternal darkness, he has never seen anything new.

"But the word "glass" seems to be feminine..." Ye Che's thoughts suddenly turned to this point.

But at this time, see Ye Che did not speak, the glass seems to be anxious, said: "Cure... you can't talk? I... I will give you the ball, you can talk to me." ?"

Say, Ye Che imitation feels like the whole black hole trembles, more than a thousand times more than a thousand times of dark elements appear in an instant.

"stop and stop! I can speak."

Ye Che was busy, but he was even more pitiful to him. Obviously this guy has been lonely for too long.

"You can talk very well, then let's go and watch it together, I will divide it into half of you." Glass said, suddenly reaching out, pulling Ye Che to the silver hooks drifted over.

"Really soft... Does a man have such a soft palm?" Ye Che is quite a shout.

At this point, Ye Che and the glass have stopped under the silver hook.

"You see, is it very interesting, it is so lucky, can be seen... If I can be seen, then it will be fine..." Glass said happily.

"Can you be seen, even if you are lucky? Good cheap desire..."

Ye Che’s heart sighed slightly, he was thinking of returning, but his eyes were condensed. On this silver hook, he actually showed a small line of small words!

Very strange, the text that exists above, he actually knows!

"The square inch...between...not seen...the bottom..."

Ye Che squinted, carefully looking at the text above, and read it out in a word.

Then almost at the time of reading, Ye Che only felt a blur in front of him, the silver fish hook on this moment seems to bloom infinite silver, the darkness of the surrounding began to twist, and everything began to blur.

In the end, there is only one ethereal but abyssal volatility, which sounds in Ye Che’s mind. “Chou...you...do you want to be seen by me...clery?”

Then, Ye Che only felt that the picture disappeared, and when he opened his eyes, he had already returned to the slayer of the Summoner's Tower!

"I am this..."

Ye Che opened his eyes in amazement and squeezed his arm. It was a real touch. From the black hole, he returned to the Summoner's Tower! ?

"It took so long to go, just come back between the fingers... What is this?" Ye Che was shocked, subconsciously explored the inside of the hourglass, but now the colorful soul blood, just right Stay there.

And feeling the power of the hero in the body is a emptiness, no different from the time when the hourglass was absorbed before the start.

"It seems... this heroic blood is more mysterious than I thought... This kind of thought spans countless light years, I am afraid that only people's thoughts can be done... right!"

Ye Che's eyes suddenly lit up and said to himself: "Soul, is it to some extent, can be confused with thoughts? I was in a state of soul, because I have not been to a black hole, so I need a lot of time, but when I come back Because I have the position of the Summoner's Tower in my thoughts, I can come back in an instant, but even then... I didn't have the idea to come back at the time... so this thing is still with the blood of the soul and the silver fish. Hook, there is a big relationship!"

Thinking, Ye Che stood up and began to pace, his mouth whispered: "Between the square inch ... deep bottomless... What does this mean? There is glass, what kind of existence is there... It seems After waiting for the power of my hero to recover, I can still try the black hole again."

Thinking about this, I don’t know how long it took, Ye Che suddenly stood up, and the eyes flashed in surprise. He suddenly said that he is now in the dark. Now he does not feel any boredom, but has a sense of enjoyment in the light. .

"Isn't it..." Ye Che seems to think of something, and quickly scans his body, and soon he has a dark and extreme particle that is ups and downs in the body. Of course, it is too small and too small, and it is smaller than anything in Ye Che, and only Ye Che can perceive it.

This is a dark element, a dark element born in the universe's black holes! !

"It actually came with me! Could it be that I feel comfortable with the darkness because of it!?"

Ye Che was surprised at the bottom of her heart, and then thought about it, and planned to take this dark element out to see it.

Soon, under the control of Ye Che, this dark element slowly moved out of Ye Che's body, but Ye Che was too late to feel it. He was stunned in the next second, and then his scalp was numb. A scene has appeared!


The sound of a piece of paper being torn was printed in Ye Er'er ear.

Then, with the dark elements of the black hole as the center, there are suddenly a lot of dark particles in the banned land. They are dark, they are all black elements that make up the dark!

Ye Che knows that there is no element in the land of ban, there are still dark elements in it! ! !

At this time, with countless dark elements appearing, they are like a pilgrimage, and they go forward to the dark elements of the black hole, and the space is “rumbling” and the darkness is split.

The dark elements of Ye Che and Black Hole, like a small black hole, began to devour everything around you!

Ye Che's body is also like the darkness, which is unfathomable.

Almost at the same moment, the tower of the Savior's Tower is on the top of the 100,000th floor. The space here is very unstable. It is like a mirage, and the energy projected from every tremor is enough to cause a crack in the space.

At each point of the tremor, all the old people who were sitting on the plate were covered in black.

Every old man keeps exactly the same movement, sitting on the old plate, as if he is drawing something in the space.

Suddenly, one of the old people seemed to feel something, and suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, the sun and the moon were dull, and all the light around him was swallowed up by his eyes.

At the next moment, he suddenly got up. At the same moment, the rest of the nine old people who were sitting in the room disappeared and merged into his body. These old practitioners are actually his avatars!

"Dark... I feel the darkness, hahahahaha, for more than a thousand years, finally... In the tower of the Summoner No. 3, there is finally a peerless genius who can sense the dark elements!!! Hahaha !"

In the laughter, the room suddenly became dark, and he had disappeared into the black paint.

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