League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1280: Super light speed!

"Is it wrong? Is my use of the hourglass in the wrong way? After all, Ai Xi was already a serious injury... But at that time, it can greatly reverse the time around me. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight).? 8?1 (one) ZW.COM"

Ye Che is still thinking, but it is not happening. As the colorful spirits appear on the blood, there is a slight wave of fluctuations. It seems to be awakened, and it slowly trembles.

The degree of vibration is slow, but the frequency is extremely fast!

The speed of the frequency is objectively speaking, it can be regarded as another level. For example, when you swing up and down quickly, you will leave a phantom in the air.

But, if you can wave a hundred times a second, how many times?

At that time, your hand will disappear! The disappearance here is that the naked eye can no longer see!

This is the case. As the frequency of the blood of the colorful spirits is getting faster and faster, the degree is getting more and more horrible. After reaching a certain limit, it suddenly slams and disappears.

It happened that Ye Che just returned from meditation at this moment, but now the colorful soul blood disappeared!

But the perception, but can feel the blood of the colorful spirit, is in the original place.

"What is the situation?" Ye Che was shocked.

But he did not wait for him to be horrified for too long. This colorful blood of the imperial spirit suddenly burst out, and the target is the pineal gland in Ye's mind. Here, also known as the soul of the human soul. ! !


There was no chance to respond to Ye Che, and the blood of the colorful English soul had already hit it.

No pain, no dizziness, Ye Che only feels a light body, this moment seems to float.

"God, this heroic blood is a ghost!"

Ye Che’s heart is big, but it’s the pineal gland. Once it’s destroyed, it’s a vegetative person if you don’t die. However, it seems that only the sense of floating, my consciousness still exists.

But the next second, even if Ye Che's heart is stronger, it will not be trembled.

Because of this moment, suddenly a trace of light appeared in his sight, and then the light is getting bigger and bigger, Ye Che is now, and he has already floated away from the land of forbidden magic, and is going to the sky with great speed. Go up.

He seems to think of something, and quickly looked at himself, but now he is actually transparent, and in his transparent body, the blood of the blood of the water, still trembles at a terrible frequency.

"I became transparent. Didn't I become a soul!?"

Ye Che was shocked.

At this time, under the impetus of the British soul blood, Ye Che began to rise infinitely with an extremely fast degree.

Soon, he had seen the whole picture of the tower of the Summoner, and even felt a horrible and terrible energy, which escaped from the high-rise tower from time to time.

Then, the so-called Summoner's House, all fell into Ye Che's eyes.

It is so varied that if he lives in the sky, the summoner's house makes him secretly scream.

Then there is the appearance of the entire rune star. The ground is full of taupe, smoke is everywhere, and the crust is split from time to time, and the extreme energy is sprayed.

Ye Che knows that the environment of Rune Star is so bad.

Soon, he was already at a height of a million meters, and then separated from the gravitational force of the Rune Star, the soul of consciousness came to the universe! As Ye Che traveled rapidly in the universe under the impetus of the British soul, the whole picture of the great rune star was also revealed.

This is a gray-black planet with few green belts. The outer ring of the rune star is filled with hundreds of millions of meteorites, forming a graceful star-light band. Obviously these meteorites are all powerful by the rune star. Captured.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s heart glimpsed, and he seemed to see a shadow that had disappeared from a rock.

He is sure that this will never be a phantom!

"On these meteorites, are there creatures living? I don’t know if they are humans or aliens..."

Ye Che was secretly scared.

After that, his conscious soul has left the meteorite belt and truly entered the universe. Almost at this moment, Ye Che only felt that a huge celestial body flickered around and the whole was drawn into an elliptical shape.

This seems to be an introduction, and the next few stars are drawn into ellipses, passing by on both sides of Ye Che's conscious soul!

The space around it began to madly twist!

"Is it..."

Ye Che's eyes are full of shocking colors. If he didn't guess wrong, he is definitely starting to light up and move forward! ! !

You know, every star is separated by a long distance. You may see the star, but the distance between you and the distance is only a few tens of light years away, even hundreds of light years away. . (1 light year = the distance traveled by light in a year, the light per second is 30,000 kilometers, faster in the universe, and the distance traveled in a year is about 946 billion kilometers! )

Such a long distance, even if Ye Che’s degree is light at this time, the surrounding scenery seems to be still. After all, every star is so far, even if it is light, it will take several years to arrive, so it will not Like a science fiction movie, the stars flashed on both sides.

However, the stars around Ye Che at this time, but no matter how far away, all are flashing away!

This is, light! ! !

Ye Che has been shocked and completely unable to speak. This colorful English soul blood has such a terrible power. It is no wonder that the consciousness of the former source of the gods was swallowed up by it, but I don’t know the blood of the soul now. What do you do yourself.

Time flies by, and Ye Che, who is advancing fast, has no idea how many hundred or tens of light years away from the rune star. It is surrounded by coldness. There is only eternal darkness in the universe. Only a few stars rely on the fusion of their own energy, mysterious. bright.

Under the protection of the soul of the British soul, Ye Che could not feel the cold and felt unwell. He stared eagerly at the stars that had been hurried along the way. This kind of scene is too difficult to see.

Feeling the darkness of the universe, and the light that flashed from time to time, Ye Che’s originally nervous and anxious heart suddenly calmed down. Suddenly, he has a heartfelt understanding of the darkness. The true darkness should be a very peaceful and inclusive state. For example, the starry universe, silence and silence are its essence, and it follows the principle of balance.

The true darkness is not degenerate and decadent. Stupid people will think of darkness in such a way that they will fall into the darkness that they have woven.

With Ye Che's heart's understanding of the darkness, a grain of black particles suddenly emerged from the enchanted land, and began to slowly float around his body.

At the same time, the conscious body of the universe suddenly felt the degree slowly slowed down.

After a while, he felt that a pulling force came from the front, and when Ye Che looked up, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the distance, a dark hole that occupies the entire universe appears in front of him.

There is no trace of light in the deep hole, and all the light along the way is swallowed by it. The place where it is is the eternal absolute darkness!

It is... black hole!

Any matter and radiation that enters the horizon (critical point) of the black hole can no longer escape, and even the light cannot escape! ! ! This is a levelless bottomless black hole!

"Cosmic black hole!"

Ye Che has a big eyes, and if he can sweat now, he is afraid that he is already wet.

Ye Che is not afraid not to do it, because this **** soul blood is pushing him into the cosmic black hole and pushing the past! ! !

Ps: Let's dig a hole again, welcome friends to enter the pit. Seek your head and care.

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