League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1133: : Foreign emperor!

Although this is like a "rocket" aircraft, the degree of direct rush and the reverse thrust are extremely amazing, but there are people in the place who have the power of the position, no discomfort. (8) Ω (1) Δ文网WwんW. 『81.Zw. COM

Those who are, are not moving.

It’s just that the water is a little bit, but some of her face is white. She is the person with the lowest position in the field, and she can’t fly, and she rises in vain, making her a little embarrassed.

"I will pass through the runes, and there may be some bumps."

Speaking casually, everyone at the scene knew that he was reminding him of the water.

At this point, his voice fell, Ye Che felt that the "rocket" aircraft trembled abruptly, and the surrounding sounds had a moment of cohesion.

Ye Che looked out of the window and saw the snow and white clouds that had been flying down. It was fixed in vain, and the space seemed to be slightly distorted, and the color was dull.

But the next moment, suddenly clear, and then, the sight of the shocking eyes, appeared outside the window.

"this is……"

The water scorpion has big eyes, and Ye Che is also a pupil tightening.

And the ice and ice of the Phoenix clan also showed the shocking color.

They saw the window, and there were hundreds of millions of runes that floated in the air.

These rune lines are like the essence. At first glance, they are almost endless, all lingering on countless white clouds.

And these white clouds, as if they were locked, are fixed there, and they are motionless.

Ye Che can see that in the farther places, there are faint buildings, standing on top of this white cloud.


At this time, the "rocket" aircraft trembled and stopped flying.

Ye Che and others, suddenly came down.

"Don't worry about it, there will naturally be people to clean up, we will go directly to the city of the sky."

Knife Qing Cang seems to have seen Ye Che look back at the "rocket" aircraft's eyes, could not help but say.

Nodded, Ye Che slightly moved the power of the segment, vacated the magnificent building in the distance, flew over, and everyone else followed.

Jian Qingyang saw Ye Che's arbitrariness, and some wanted to say something, but looked at the 20 people who followed closely behind Ye Che, could not help but swallow the words.

Flying on a white cloud, especially in the absence of an aircraft or the like, is really refreshing, and the sun does not need to look up, as close as possible.

The group was extremely fast and soon came outside this magnificent building.

This is a snow-white huge city, which is suspended above the white clouds. Although under its seat, there are countless white clouds locked in by the power of the rune lines, but there are also some one or two meters of white clouds, which are free. status.

From time to time, they pass through the gates of the city and pass through the walls, making them like a fairyland.

On the wall of the City of Sky, there are all kinds of strange forms of demons, or angels, above the walls, and from time to time you can see the soldiers holding the shields.

Ye Che stood in a few hundred meters away from the city wall, and his eyes were shocked and appreciated.

In addition to him, the ice and the ice, and the water, are also fixed.

"The first time I came to the city of the sky? Hey, this is the four official forces. It is directly bordered by foreign forces. If you want to go to other countries, you must pass the city of the sky to arrive. Otherwise, in order to prevent the mixed mixture of humans and demons. Other places are not allowed to pass!"

Zhao Xiu’s mouth provoked slightly and said.

After that, the eyes flashed a strange color, and continued: "In addition to this, the quality of women in the city of the sky is also the highest in China. Whether it is appearance or segment, it is a first-class one. This is even more attractive. The arrival of a large number of strong people, against the bishop of Ye, are you still single?"

Ye Che’s face flashed a touch of sly color, but after seeing the eyes of everyone, the face could not help but a correct, said: "League of Legends, do not need a girlfriend!"

Then, in order to avoid Zhao Xiu from continuing to chase, he directly lifted his foot and went to the city of the sky.

"Is it single?"

The otter looked at Ye Che's back, and for some reason, suddenly asked himself a sentence, but the heart was inexplicably sighing.

At this time, Ye Che has come to the gate of the city in the process of kicking through the clouds from time to time.

At the gate of the city, from time to time, strong people flew from far away and then fell.

Then, after paying a certain amount of military exploits, you can enter the city.

Originally this was a harmony, but as Ye Che approached, there seemed to be a quarrel there.

"Hey, there is a good show!"

Zhao Xiu, who followed Ye Che, immediately lit his eyes.

At this time, the sword Qingyang, chaos, chaos Yunyang, Shuiyuer and other people, have also come over, there are hundreds of people around the city gate.

Beside these dozens of people, there is a beast that is more than 50 meters tall and is snoring.

Ye Che turned his head and looked at the beast. The neck was full of scales, and the head was similar to the unicorn, but at both ends of the body, there was a fleshy wing.

Ye Che's gaze swept away from the back of the beast, but there were still two people sitting on it.

Sitting in front is a woman who has a gold, a small nose, a straight nose, and a full-bodied.

Behind this woman is a handsome guy who also has gold.

The man was wearing a black suit, although it was a suit, but it was very different from the suit that Ye Che was seven hundred years ago. It was thin and tight, and the golden figure of the handsome guy was completely revealed.

"Sure enough, it is the first force in China. When I first came here, I saw people from foreign powers."

Ye Che secretly said.

"Adults, because now is the stage of the intercontinental war, the beasts can't really enter the city. After all, there are too many people in this period. The size of the beasts is too large, which will occupy a large place and cause confusion. So..."

At the center of the hundreds of people, a female guardian wearing a uniform, wearing a thin white armor and holding a tall sword, was patiently explaining to a few people in front of him.

These people did not listen to the explanation of the female guardian. Barabara, a foreign language, burst out of his mouth.

Although it is not in the heroic fantasy world, there is no translation, but Ye Che has played so many international competitions in the past, and naturally understands.

The general meaning is that the man sitting on the beast seems to be a prince, walking into the city has a share.

But the female guardian has the responsibility to be in the body, naturally it will not be released because of this, so it is here.

However, the identity of this prince played a big role. The female guardian was completely full of faces, and the other onlookers, the ones that were out of the spot were not snoring.

"They don't waste time?"

Ye Che slammed, obviously, entering the city is in need of inspection, but this thing has not been processed, the rest can not enter the city, so this makes Ye Che curious, why many of these people reach the diamond strong And one by one, not at all?

Soon, time passed nearly five minutes!

When Ye Che’s patience was running out, the golden-haired man on the beast seemed to be angry.

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