League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1075: : Relatives explosion (fourth more!)

Looking at the body standing on the body of Lu Xi'an, Jess, who was almost full of blood and returned directly to the city, all of them, including the domain of the imperial boxing, were silent. (8) Ω (1) Δ文网WwんW. 『81.Zw. COM

All the boxers are completely stupid, and both eyes are horrified and terrified.

It’s too unexpected, too unexpected. For so long in the front, Jess has always been a cloudless look.

I couldn’t think of just coming out of the spring water, and I gave Lu Xi’an directly to the second.

And let Lu Xi'an even the flashing displacement is too late to open, this is how domineering!


Knife Qing has been in the sky for a long time, and finally has a word.

There is still a sigh of sigh on the face, this is still a drill IV, bold and hot, not worse than the king?

And looking at Ye Che does not push the line, directly go back to the action, the eyes of all others and others have a hint of enlightenment, that Ye Che did not suppress before, let Lu Xi'an safely, I am afraid that it is now.

He wants to prove that even if it is the same equipment, you have not discussed it! ! !

At this time, a feeling of extreme grievances, depression, mad at the bottom of the fist, let him have a feeling like being bitten by a snake.

He is really embarrassed, because I have been eaten by Jess q near the loss, so I have been thinking about how to avoid q.

However, because he is not familiar with Jess, he did not expect to be able to e after the first q.

This kind of first e and then q, can not escape, leading to the total forecast, has become a joke.

This is also a no-brainer. Jess has many skills and low usage rate. Most people can't correctly estimate Jess's explosive damage and strong period, so Boxing is directly affected by seconds.

In addition, Ye Che did not play cards according to common sense, which made him empty with the skills of the peak, but did not wave out.

At this time, in addition to boxing, the anger to the extreme, and the boxing constant.

Because Ye Che has turned his head at this time, he slowly said to him in a spoken language: "bong, under Karaka, relatives explode!"

"Family! This little beast, I don't kill him, I don't want to be a man!"

Chen Tianheng saw this scene, and his heart roared. The original eyes were light and the eyes were already full of haze.

He didn't know what the next Karaka was, but the relative explosion of the relatives is what everyone knows.

But to see the meaning of the domain emperor, but want to protect this small chop, so can kill this little beast, only rely on the old ancestors fist.

Thinking, Quan Tianheng looked at the fists.

However, the horror of his own ancestors is actually full of red light, and his eyes are even brighter.

Looking down the fists of the fist, but now the fist is not yet, actually looking at that Ye Che!

"Damn! It will not be the ancestors of this little beast, have a heart of appreciation!!!"

At this time, the fist does not hold back the excitement of the heart, on the domain of the emperor: "This is not a new adnetbsp; " count! Of course! ”

The domain emperor nodded heavily, and he was shocked by the scene.

The general adc needs to be shaped and strengthened.

Delevin hurts domineering? Will Weien operate sharply?

All must have sufficient level and equipment support to be strong.

But just Jess, they can fully estimate that, by their own skills, they can hang all the adcs in the early stage. After all, there are too many skills. If you have a hard-resistance aid, you can't imagine it!

"I have never had it before, I really can't wait to try it!" The fist is quite excited.

They are all people who love the League of Legends. They have been with them for a lifetime. Now they see the emergence of new adc, just like Napoleon’s new 6 surprise.

Therefore, even the fists are not in the middle, there is a point that can not control their emotions.

Generally, people who are deep and calm are not satisfied with what they care about. Once they meet, they are even more crazy than ordinary people.

"Try? Do you want to bet on the fate of the gods!?" The domain emperor laughed.

When the fist was not in the sun, he showed a hesitant color. Then, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes fell on Ye Che.

If he can teach? Is there a lot of detours?

The two of them are interfering with each other, and the rest of the people, but also their own discussion, endlessly, look at the face, are all excited words on the table.

"Killer! Big killer!"

"Jess hits the adc, which is completely worthy of the superior card. The enemy can't keep up with the defense. The road can be completely cleared!"

"Mom, this is exactly the moment Lu Xi'an, no different from the pure hero."

"And the ability to protect yourself is also strong, repelling in the hand, the shape of the warhammer is meaty, and there is the ability to add it yourself, and what a sudden face is not afraid."

Just as Knife Qing and other people expressed their excitement, Yu Yulin of Yu Jia suddenly said to himself, "The old lady who is watching is wet..."

For a time, the audience was silent.

At this time, Ye Che went home, did not attack the installation, but made up two blue crystals, and then rushed down the road.

"blue crystal???"

"Still two? What do he want to do?"

After seeing Jess’s outfit, the colors of doubt appeared in the eyes of all.

The boxer’s people are trembled and have a bad feeling.

Before the homeowner was slain by the spikes, they let them demise three times, and their faces were pale for a long time. Before the spike, that Jess had always shown that humans and animals were harmless, making them guess wrong.

At this time, when Jess was seen as an alternative, they would not dare to open their mouths again, lest they be beaten up again.

Ye Che went to the line and looked at Lu Xi'an, who was a little messy, but did not dare to approach the line. It was a funny heart.

It seems that this boxing has been moved by his own 8oo+ face, and he is afraid of it.

With Jess playing Lu Xi'an, Ye Che played thousands of times, playing a displacement adc, you need the main q de e, playing a flying adc, such as Wei En is the same, this is an instant explosion, even if there is The displacement is also useless.

And playing ice, Verus this kind of no displacement, the main q deputy, but it is the best choice.

At this time, watching Lu Xi'an, who was like a mouse, and hiding far away, Ye Che showed a hint of playful color, and then did not fill the knife at all, he crossed the line and walked toward Lu Xi'an.


Boxing eyes!

This is his last life, and if he dies, it will count as a failure.

Therefore, he gave himself the final bottom line, that is, he could not die, and he had to support the knife at 15o, so that the face would look good.

It seems that Jess, who is coming from a fist, is at the bottom of his heart, and the rest of the boxing is constant. It is also a matter of fire. This fist is his father. The little animal is so suppressed, but his face is beaten.


Jess was carrying a cannon, swaying on the grass, and the fist of a fist suddenly collapsed. He planned that as soon as this Jess opened, he would run away.


A scorn, the spirit of the dream opens!


Almost at the same moment, Lucian opened the displacement and ran back.

At the same moment of his displacement, the energy wave of light rushed out of the Jess gun. At the same moment, the door was added almost simultaneously before the energy wave, and the two were almost stitched together.

"Electricity shock", "Add the door!"



Under qe, the energy light wave instantly became a class-long long-range missile, and then slammed, and the heavy blasted on Lu Xi'an, who had just moved to the ground. In the meantime, Lu Xi’an was hollowed out, and nearly half of the blood was lost. .

"bong, relatives explode!"

At the same time, Ye Che gave this attack a very considerate addition to the voice.

Ps: Jess hit adc I tried it. Yesterday, the Diamond Bureau played four games. The three games of God mVp, not to show off anything, is to say that this hero can really play adc, with hard anti-assistance is a second, interested , tired of the traditional adc's small partners can try, but under the premise of mastering Jess skills.

The recently played area is the place of ruling, Id: Chess netbsp; you can look at the battle situation, but before the end of a red man-machine view, the 1oo difficulty abused relatives are exploding...

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