League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1062: : Chaos forbidden, Lu Yao!

"Don't tell me, she is here!"

In the eyes of Quan, there is a ridiculous color, and he said to Quantian, his eyes are looking forward. (8) (1) Chinese website Ww%W. %81.Zw. COM

It was a dark black area, from time to time there was a wind that could cut the space, there was a frenzied flame that burned everything, ice that could freeze everything, dark energy that was cold and dark, and so on...

This is the most terrible place for chaos and forbidden land. All the complexes of forbidden places, even ordinary ones, are afraid to step into it!

No one knows why there is such a chaotic area in the chaotic forbidden place, which is not a place for people to wait.

In this kind of place, the general diamonds go in, and even if they are in an instant, they will be torn apart.

"Maybe you don't believe... but that 6 Yao... is indeed here."

Boxing Tianheng said that under the horror of the six people, he took out an extremely expensive demon nucleus and then walked to the chaos.

"Less master, be careful!"

One of them, could not help but remind.

"I am free to advocate."

The boxing sky was faint, and then stopped at a distance of about five meters from the chaos and then reached out and knocked in front of the opposite side.


Obviously, the boxing sky is empty, but there is a kind of knocking sound like a solid.

"This is the barrier set by Master Sunny, in order to prevent me from coming into contact with her. Once I break it, he will know, and then my agreement with him will fall apart."

Quan Tianheng tapped on this transparent barrier while slowly explaining.

"What agreement do you have with him?"

Boxing Hong asked.

The fists of Hengtian’s mouth suddenly evoke a sinister smile. “It’s very simple. He helped me kill a person, and then kept the secret of 6 Yao. I let everyone in the Eastern Region ensure their safety and Before Ye Ye’s return, I’m not moving 6 Yao a hair!”

"Who kills, what secret!?"

The brow of Gonghong has already been wrinkled. He has already vaguely felt that Ye Che and the boxer can't get through, I am afraid that it is not because of the heroic god, but because of his eldest son, Quantian!

"Kill Zhao Wuji!!"

The boxing day constant tone suddenly becomes bigger.

"What, Zao Wou-ki is a sunny kill!?"

A mortal old man couldn't help but scream.

A few months ago, after Zao Wou-ki went out for a trip, he never returned. Although many of the information points to Quan Tianheng, there is no evidence, but it can't be done.

It is too easy for a person to want to destroy a dead body.

"I don't kill him, it's me!" After all, the son of a hero is of great importance. I can only start with a strong hand and make a deal with Master Sunny!"

The sound of Quantian was somewhat calm, but the information revealed at this time made the boxing and the five men in the field a big shock.

"Wait, what do you say, the son of the hero?"

Boxing is incredibly looking at the boxing sky Heng.

"Yes, the son of the hero, this message is my old man named Punch Cream, who reported it to me. At that time, she was heading to the subordinate city pools such as the Eastern Region to host the Heroes of the Peak!"

Speaking of this, the boxing day suddenly turned his head and turned his head to the fist: "Father, sorry, I have concealed you in this matter, I hope you can understand my selfishness..."

"The son of a hero...the son of a hero..."

Boxing Hong seems to have no words of Quantian, and the whole person has already fallen into absolute excitement and has been thinking about words.

After Chen Tianheng re-voiced, he suddenly woke up, but the next second was a screaming laughter, saying: "I understand, naturally understand, after all, the son of the hero is too shocked, once the rest of the forces I know that I am afraid that the whole hero city will not be able to accommodate my boxer! You are doing well, this thing, you are doing very well, hahaha!"

In his heart, he is already excited to the extreme. Boxing Heng only knows some of the role of the son of the hero, and boxing is really understanding, how terrible the son of the hero is!

Because of this, even if Boxing is a homeowner, he can’t control his emotions.

The five mortals, and even the eyes of a boss, were obviously shocked by the message of Quan Tianheng.

The fists of Hengtian’s mouth showed a smile. In order to conceal the son of the hero, he did not even tell the fans, so he had to make this transaction with the clear.

There was no way at the time. Zhao Wuji was just a blind man. It would be easy to calm down when he died. However, the identity of Quantian is not allowed to be chaotic, so he can only promise the conditions of Quantian.

At this time, with the percussion sound of Quantian Heng stopped, there was unusual fluctuation in the chaos and the forbidden land.


It seems that the wind is ringing.

"She is coming……"

Quantian reminded me.

Immediately, Boxing and the five men looked at the chaos in the chaos.

In the meantime, it seems that I saw a crystal clear green light, passing through this chaotic forbidden land.

In the next second, the green light became more and more bright, and then accompanied by the "squeaky" sound, a girl with bare feet and a green light on her body appeared in the chaos.

The girl's face is sweet, the silk is emerald green, and the eyeballs are even a touch of pale gold. This silky pale gold immediately turns her from sweet temperament to noble.

She couldn't see any expression on her face. It seemed that she had completely turned a blind eye to Quan Hong and others. Her eyes were only looking at the fists.


Suddenly, on the gray-black and decaying ground under her feet, there was a bubble of hot air, and there was a black and purple bubble that was incomparable, and the "咕噜噜" came out.

In an instant, the land was smashed, and a group of black gas surged out.

Anyone who sees this scene will only be shocked.

Among the boxers, in addition to Quan Tianheng, even if it is boxing, it is also a shock to the bottom of my heart.

However, at this time, the green light on the girl's feet is only a faint flash, which can completely melt the chaotic energy of the diamond strong, as if the winter snow meets the yang, the sudden melting.


At this moment, even if the boxing and other people are far away, they feel the horrible breath of life!

This breath of life, fists and dare to be sure, can be completely fleshy bones, live dead!

At this time, until the girl walked through this gorgeous land, what was left was an endless fragrance.

Even a little flowers, from the ground she walked through, grew wildly, and the difference was extreme!

In the sky, as well as her side, all the chaotic energy disappeared, and then there were countless flowers and trees illusions that appeared, and these illusions carried a strong force of life, making countless dark and turbid breaths. , an instant collapse.

Under her feet, there seems to be a crystal green lotus phantom bloom, holding her all the way.


Boxing Hong and even the five people, instantly sucking a sigh of gas, in front of the scene, they are sure, even if it is the main department of treatment, absolutely can not do it! ! !

"This...this...she is 6 Yao...the son of a hero!?"

A mortal, stuttering asked.

"Yes, and it is the son of the hero who has reached the activation level of 1o%! But even so, her current strength is no worse than any one of the drill II! Plus the speciality of the son of the hero, I am afraid to drill Can't keep her!"

Quantian said triumphantly.

"How do I see her as if she is completely ignoring us, is it only you?"

Another singular question.

"It's very simple. Over the past few months, I secretly summoned some of the strengths of the drillers who infused the ranks every day, and finally activated the attributes of the heroes in her body. I believe you also know that after you activate the attributes of the heroes, you will Inheritance memory, in about three years, this inheritance memory will always suppress the memory of the hero's son, that is, she will lose her memory in three years! So in order to prevent her from being out of control, she enters the chaos When I continued to open the power of the Son of Heroes, I incorporated the atmosphere of the demon that she gave her every week, so when she came out, she would at least believe what I said and would not treat me as a stranger!"

Quan Tianheng smiled and smiled.

"It turns out!"

All the people nodded.

"The son of the hero... It turned out that the little beast was for her!"

Boxing Hong sighed and looked at the whole body, surrounded by green light, slowly coming to the 6 Yao, but the eyes flashed a trace.

"Father, wake up! The son of the hero is important again, and can you compare it to the mother?"

Boxing Tian Heng frowned.

Boxing is blinking and no longer speaking. He knows that Quantian does not know how terrible a son of a fully activated hero is.

"Absolutely can't change... I have to find another way. It seems that the plan is ahead of schedule!"

The fist of the heart of the fist is a secret.

At this time, 6 Yao pale gold scorpion flashed slightly, looking at the boxing outside the barrier, such as Quan Tianheng, revealing a touch of doubt.

However, he did not say anything. In the light of the green light, he directly rolled up the demon under the barrier and then got it in his own hands.

Then the green silk was light, and she slowly turned around, and she planned to re-enter the chaos.

Ps: If you do group management, there are 30 people who can recommend it together. Finally, thank you for your support and reward comments as always. Thank you, kiss.

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