League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1049: : 100 times increase VS Raptors

Now that I am locked, there is no possibility of avoiding it. Unless it is flashing out the range of "Tianyin Wave\/Echo Sound", but now the space is sealed...


Ye Che only had time to protect his head, and the whole person had been shot by the ancients of the boxing. (8) (1) Δ』中文网Ww%W.ん81.Zw. COM

The white gold bones in the body split open, giving Ye Xue, who is still flying in the air, a painful heart.


Ye Che heavy ground, directly squirting a blood, a flush on his face.

But he flipped his body in an instant, and he squatted from the ground with one hand.

"It’s not awkward. Before we joined forces, we couldn’t move him. The ancient master just shot it at random, and he couldn’t take care of himself.”

The diamond powerhouses of the boxers, the secret voice, the higher the desire for the heart, the higher.

"The old thief, I have killed me with the ability, otherwise, he will splash your boxer!"

Ye Che was half-squatting on the ground, wiped the blood of a corner of his mouth, and after a dry cough, stared at the ancient cold channel.

"Blood splashes my boxer? Hehe..."

The laughter of the ancient fist, some of them are cold.

Immediately, standing in the same place, suddenly disappeared, pulling out a series of afterimages.

"Pray for the forces behind you, because you just said that today is not only that you are going to die, your loved ones, your parents, will go down with you after you die! Raptors sway!"

After the ancient cold sounds, the body suddenly slams and the right leg expands a thousand times. At this moment, it actually turns into a dragon's tail, with fierce and overbearing energy, straight to Ye Xue. The brain is pumping!

The space, under the leg of the ancient fist, is directly broken like a mirror.

On both sides of the right leg, countless spaces collapsed, revealing a smudged black crack.

This is simply the end of a real dragon, with a length of kilometers and sweeping energy aftershocks, so that those who are onlookers of gold and white are directly overwhelmed by the ground.

"Well, this ancient head actually went directly to the killer and opened the big move!"

"I just told the family to come to the rescue, but unfortunately late, late!"

"Clear God..."

Many diamond masters, looking at this scene, this facet is gray.

Ye Che at this moment, but his face is expressionless, his face is indifferent, but the boxing ancient can feel that the space in front of the youth is also beginning to shake.


At that time, three heroic skills with completely different attributes appeared in front of Ye Che, and then merged directly with the degree that the naked eye could not see clearly.

"It’s ridiculous, I still want to come to this trick? The fusion of heroes in the district is just a matter of death!"

The fist sneer, the tail of the kilometer dragon that was transformed into the right leg, has been swept across the three-color hero skills.

At this moment, Ye Che grinned, and the power of the hero of the golden silk red disappeared instantly from his body and merged into the three-color hero skills.

"Three-color hero skills, a hundred times increase!!!"


Almost in the meantime, the three-color hero technique is like a hormone, which is a thousand times more powerful. Its volume is not weaker than the violent tail of the ancient boxing.

The energy fluctuations contained in it have reached a terrible degree in an instant.

Both of them, directly in the eyes of everyone's horror, suddenly collided.


At that moment, the heavens and the earth were shocked, just like the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded, one, and then shrink.

Then, a large spherical spherical shock wave of a kilometer is produced out of thin air. Immediately, the spatial shock wave of this spherical shape bursts open, as if the water ripples are generally scattered in all directions.


The ground of the entire boxer was almost overturned, but even the existence of any gravel could not be felt. They were all under this shock wave and turned into real powder.

But the most tragic thing is the ordinary silver gold that is thousands of meters away. These people were looking at this scene with a stunned look. However, the ones that were swept by the shock wave all slammed into blood and died. Can't die anymore.


More than a hundred meters away, the building of a boxer broke open directly and then collapsed.

The walls on all sides collapsed into powder.

Seeing this scene, those onlookers, as well as the boxing diamonds I, II, are completely dumbfounded.

Because the role of force is mutual, in order to produce such a shock, the attack power of these two people should be quite good.

In other words, even if the boxing strikes a big blow after the big move, it is only a match with the young man who is not a drill IV.

"Halloween... enchanting... it’s a peerless enchanting!!"

"Nima, it turned out that when he confronted us, he did not do his best!"

"Less master... what kind of existence is there? He is only drilling IV. If you reach drill III, drill I, or even... you are not the strongest king, you can’t sanction him. Already?"

"If...he has set foot on the strongest king?"

Thought of this, everyone in the boxing, all scalp, cold hands and feet.

Above the sky, the face of Quan Gu is a piece of iron blue, but in the iron and blue, there is a hint of undetectable surprise.

There is even a chill, and it flashes away.

At the same time, Ye Che feels that the body is weak, and the internal organs are even more discomfort.

Juggernaut’s head said that once a hundred-fold increase is used, it will surely enter a very severe period of weakness.

However, Ye Che is now awkward, and his heart is moving, and it is the power of the hero of the golden-red color. From the helmet, he was pulled out, and then he was crazy about the three-color hero skills that had just gathered in front of him. Go in.

"Come on!! This kid, where is the power of so many paragraphs to support such energy heroes!!!"

Everyone is very upset, and his face is full of incredible colors.

The attack of that level is completely comparable to the original. They originally thought that this was the blow of the young man who had forgotten his life. Now, now, his attack can be repeated.

This is simply non-human! ! !

"Old man, don't you say that I am an ant? Isn't it going to kill my family, come!"

Ye Che Li sighed, his face, there is no blood, the blood on the lips that had been beaten by the punches before, all the blood that has dried up.

After all, in the sharp eyes of the ancient boxing, this group has expanded to a huge three-color heroic skill, directly directed by Ye Che to Tang Daohui and others.


The boxing roared and screamed, and the space in front of him was directly torn open.

And he stepped in instantly, and then, like a teleport, appeared in front of a kilometer, Tang Daohui and others, wanting to block this blow for them.

But in the next second, he changed his face.

"Old man, hero god, I have to fix it!"

With Ye Che's words, he flashed his body, and then his palm, already on the heroic image of Zhao Xin, printed on the past.

Ps: Four chapters tomorrow, there is a plot that has not been straightened out.

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