League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1047: : Who dares to disturb the gods! ?

"Three areas, melting! Gunfire!"

"Black Raven!"

"Kowloon is breaking!!"

A variety of incomparable names, shouted out of their mouths. (8) (1) Δ Chinese Δ network Ww『W. Δ81.Zw. COM

If Ye Chu's fusion skills are not available, those who are onlookers will definitely have two eyes bright and full of face worship.

However, I saw Ye Chu's 1oo% fusion technique, and then looked at the heroic skills that they seemed to be incomprehensible, but they were renamed together. These onlookers could not help but swear.

But even if it is not a true fusion, the strength of the drill I is there. At this time, with the real killing, the sky suddenly bursts into a thrilling sound, and the dense sound of the whole sky almost becomes a piece. In the face of the heroic skills of the power of the position, the sound of the slap in the air, and even the streets above the ground, also burst into turmoil, by this pressure, Qi Qi pressure into a layer.

Then, the heroic skills and fields of the boxers are all with terrible power. The momentum, almost everything that is in front of them, will almost always be destroyed in an instant.

However, under these horrific offensives, the three colors of light are unobstructed and direct, and their size corresponds to those of the tens of meters. In the field of kilometers, although it looks petite, it overflows from it. The power of destruction is a space crack that has brought all the way.

At this time, countless strong people in this area have just arrived.

So just in the eyes of countless horror, the two finally collided, this time, the world is still!

This silence, like everyone's ears, is deaf, and even the light that sprinkles from the sun is solidified at the moment!

The glaring energy glare is like a round of glory, and suddenly appears in the sky.

The strong light, almost instantly reached the level of blindness, the whole boxer is as bright as a moment, extremely glaring and bright.

This kind of radiance is near the end of the sky and the hot days!

The thunder of dozens of fields, like the roar of Thor, is ringing in the sky.

As for those platinum and even diamond I, playing hero skills, and various heroic skills, it was almost annihilated for a moment.

However, the unexpected explosion did not appear, and the three-color heroic technique that has increased by forty times in Ye Che, and the intersection of the drill I drill II strong field, there was a ripple visible to the naked eye. Two extremely terrible energies, in this silent, eroded each other.

With the mutual erosion of the terrible energy under each other, in the face of everyone's stunned face, a crack about half a meter long, slowly cracked in the field of the boxers.

And with the emergence of cracks in these areas, the three-color hero skills are even more powerful, the horror energy that merges together, in the direction of the crack, madly poured down, and finally into the field.


As the blisters burst, some of the fields built by the Boxer Diamond III, in this case, directly collapsed.

"Puff puff!"

A burst of eight vomiting sounds, the boxer's eight diamonds III strong, by the field was broken back, instantly spewed out a blood, the face is like a wax paper is generally pale.

And not finished yet, under the eyes of countless eyes, the three-color hero skills, it seems that this moment has just begun to force!


I saw the three-color hero technique, the force of the ice cold suddenly burst open, and there was a cold air to the extreme atmosphere, sweeping the sky thousands of meters!

Countless ice crystals, like vines, are madly spreading across all areas in the eyes of everyone!

Then, the power of the flames will boil!


The entire sky is like a few hundred thousand tons of wood burning in the air, and the areas bombarded by these boxers are the objects they want to cook.


At this moment, the strong players in the boxing strong have reached the strength of the drill II, and their faces suddenly become red, seemingly enduring what torture.

Soon, this torture reached the tipping point. With the three-color hero technique, the last wind force appeared, finally, "砰砰砰砰", everyone, including those I, and Tang Daohui, one Everyone is struck by lightning, and the subway is stunned by the face, and the breath is extremely wilting.

And their fields have been severely damaged to varying degrees. If it is not for Tang Daohui and others to see the opportunity, I am afraid that the so-called triple field has the possibility of direct collapse!

"You...what are you guys!?"

The tops of the boxers, with their palms licking their chests, asked Ye Jing, who looked at Ye Che’s eyes, just like watching a monster.

"Where is Quantian Heng!?"

Ye Che is a faceless question.

The top members of the boxing team suddenly silenced. They were not stupid. They knew that Ye Che asked about the whereabouts of Quan Tianheng and what he wanted to do.

"Did not say?"

Ye Che's mouth is slightly picking, but his eyes are a condensate, his right arm is a glimpse, and the three-color hero skills that have already had their shadows are once again blasted.

This time, it is even more instantaneous to penetrate the space, and the smashing of the smashing in the crowds of the crowds.

"The sixth floor is really awkward, shuttle space, not good!"

All the boxers have changed their faces.

Especially those who drilled I Diamond II, the face is even more uncomfortable like eating rice. They can avoid it, but what about the platinum diamonds of the boxers around them? Watching them die?

Therefore, you can only bite your teeth.

But they have been countered by the field, and Ye Che’s bombardment, they can’t stop it!


With a scream, countless rumors of vomiting blood screamed in the boxer.

Hearing so many strong men in the boxing, he was repeatedly vomited by a young man, and those who watched the crowd could not help but wipe a cold sweat.

"This young man is terrible!"

"This is simply the strength of one person, picking the whole boxer, the reputation of this young man will be spread throughout the heroic city in just one day!"

"Haha, it’s really awesome. It’s really awkward to hang up this time. It’s such a fierce battle. It’s the most I have seen in my life. This young man, in the diamond, I think it’s invincible!”

"It is said that the domain emperor has a daughter, the actual talent and the degree of cultivation of the stage is amazing. It is the candidate for the next saint. I don’t know how she compares this young man?"

"You are talking about Min Princess? Jokes, Min Princess is the most powerful in the younger generation. This young man has singled out the existence of a boxer, can compare!"

Among the people who are far from the crowd, various arguments have sounded.

"Day... Tianheng Shaozhu is on the front line, has not returned yet..."

Seeing Ye Che seems to have to shoot again, and finally there is a boxer who can't help but say it with horror.

Ye Che got the answer he wanted, and immediately stopped to move towards their footsteps. The body turned sideways and rushed toward the direction of the hero of the boxing hero.

"He... what did he want?"

The strong players of the boxing, including Tang Daohui, screamed at the bottom of their hearts.

Then, one by one, I didn’t know what I was thinking, and my face changed a lot.

"call out!"

Ye Che is like a wind. In just three seconds, it spans several kilometers. Then, a hero statue with a long gun is printed in Ye's eyes.

"The heroic image of Zhao Xin?"

Ye Che speaks to himself, and his whole person, who has directly confronted this heroic image, has captured the past.

"Who dares to disturb the gods!?"

However, at this moment, the sound of a vicissitude of life screamed loudly and deafening.

The next second, the space in front of Ye Che, "哗啦", was suddenly smashed open.

Ps: The last chapter has written more than five or six hundred words, slowed down some time... ask for a ticket.

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