League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1040: : Come, tie me up!

This scene, straight to see the onlookers, stunned. Δ(8)(1) Δ文网Ww『W. Δ81.Zw. COM

Once upon a time, have they seen such a battle?

Not all should be a hero skill, I also put a hero skills, and then compete with the power of the paragraph and the level of hero skills and the power of true power?

But this young man is totally unreasonable. It is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus. Under the random wave, the drill III attack from the field will disappear.

This is simply too strong!

The key point is that his appearance looks so young, even if it is a capital, it is not so exaggerated! ?

"Not yet!!"

The boxing source was anxious, and he saw Ye Che getting closer and closer to him. He thought that before he was dominated by the young man in the college tour, his heart could not help but flash a trace of confusion.

"Directly use the field to kill!"

The sacral man and the red girl, when they look at the situation, are going to use the field directly to kill Ye Che.

The red girl is not mentioning the attack of the bow. She is joking, watching the young and young, and smashing the heroic skills. She does not feel that her heroic skills can affect this young man.


When it was said that it was too late, the six people decided to use the field. These six huge fields were covered with black pressure.

"Where is the field, I have it too!"

"Hero field!"

Ye Che whispered, his head suddenly, there is a space of 600 meters, it appeared,

This space is completely different from that of boxing sources. It has several colors on the surface that pass from time to time. It looks a bit strange, but from the outside to the inside, it is a blur, just like a chaos, it is not clear at all. specific.

"Oh, in the area of ​​a few hundred meters in size, you dare to come out to the enemy, find death! First break your field, and then let you try to be crushed!"

After the boxing source saw the size of the Ye Che field, there was absolute confidence in the eyes.

Ye Che did not answer, a faceless expression, straight into the boxing source.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Che’s field has already collided with the six diamond III fields!

The boxing source and other people sneered, and the onlookers sighed and dared not look again.

However, at the moment of the collision, the scene of countless people appeared stunned. Only in the field of the youth, suddenly the endless light, the blue wind, the red flame, the blue ice, the golden energy, And the sudden change of cards, bursting out in a flash.


Six humming sounds, the six large and small fields with a size of two or three kilometers were violently trembled, and then split directly in the staring sight of everyone.


In these six fields, the six people who suddenly split open, the boxing source and so on only felt that the chest was hit with something, and it directly blew a blood from the boss.

"how is this possible!!!!"

The source of the fists did not rub the blood on his mouth, but he looked at the junction of the two fields with disbelief.

I saw my own field, the cracks were overflowing and dull.

Not only his own, but also the red girl, the shin man and other five diamonds III.

In front of these six fields, the area is only 600 meters in size, but it is parked there, and it doesn't move, it just shines, it looks dull.

Seeing this scene, all six people brushed up and took a breath.

Six people, their faces will be pale in an instant, and they suddenly became terrified to get the identity of this young man.

At these ages, the ability to press three diamonds III, and not the usual drill III, is simply incredible.

Six people are still staying, and Ye Che’s figure is almost the fastest. When he is hundreds of meters away from the boxing source, it is a flash.

"Be careful!!!"

One of them drilled III.

However, it was slow, and only heard a loud noise. Ye Che had already banged his fist on the chest of the boxing source.

For a moment, the source of the fists flew up, the whole piece of sternum collapsed, suffered a terrible heavy blow, and the sternum was almost completely broken. His whole person, even more screaming, fell from the air.

Flash again!


One foot stepped on the chest of the boxing source, and the sound of the percussion came, and the two men had fallen wildly with the gravity of the descending gravity and the force of the position attached to Ye Che.

Less than a second, they banged and the two fell to the ground at the same time.

The smoke dissipated, and everyone saw it coldly. The source of the fist was already stepped into the slate by this foot. The whole body was recessed, and the blood was spit with a big mouth.

"This, this is really a bunker!"

"Hey, one person is hard to smash six diamonds III. Who is this young man?? So strong, even if it is the stronger of the older generation, it is not much worse!?"

Many good-looking onlookers can't help but say with amazement.

“How about the hard diamonds III? I have to know that in the frontline battlefield, the drill III is just a general role. The diamond II with the dual field and above is the backbone! The field is good, the dual field is extremely difficult. Need great opportunities and talents!"

"It's a good talk. If the youth has a great background, there is no background to offend the boxer, and he has such a strong talent. In order to avoid the trouble, he will die!"

Some people have argued.

At the same time, when Ye Che intends to directly produce the boxing source of the vicious color in this gaze, a slap in the face is passed.

At the same time, Ye Che only felt that his shoulder was sinking and he was suppressed by an extremely heavy force field.

The strength of this force field, Ye Che is very familiar, it is the deputy director Tang Daohui, but who is who is drinking himself! ?

Ye Che thought, turning his head, he saw a team of people wearing law enforcement uniforms, violently rushed over, for a strong eyebrows, a knife with a strong man.

"Dare to make trouble in the area under my jurisdiction, come and bind me!"

When the brawny came to the scene, his eyes would directly lock Ye Che, and he would catch Ye Che from the hand.

Ye Che’s eyes sank. When the brawny arrived, he couldn’t care, and he directly captured himself. As you can imagine, the law enforcement team’s people were completely biased towards the boxer.

"call out!"

A trace of cold wind rang, and soon there was an old man who appeared slowly.

This person is Tang Daohui.

As soon as Tang Daohui appeared, he faintly said to the people of this group of law enforcement teams: "This is a street that wants to be murderous, and also demolished public restaurants. People have evidence of possession, and Captain Wang, you don't want to smuggle the law!"

"The adults say that the area that I am under the jurisdiction of Wang Lei, this kind of flying cockroaches, when the street is a murderer, I will definitely impose strict punishment!"

After that, Wang Lei waved his hand again and said: "Tied up, take away!"

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