League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1022: : Not satisfied?

"Hey, he became the first of the big chaos. I have nothing to say, but as our captain, I don't accept it, they don't accept it!"

Speaking reverently and arrogantly, but the look is respectful, but the words are full of firmness. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

As the top genius of the chaotic clan, he also saw several times of chaos, so he dared to argue.

"Not satisfied?"

Clowning slightly raised eyebrows.

"Not bad! Don't say anything else, just say that he is a segment, but the area is drilled IV, to the city of the sky, it is completely humiliating to us! This strength, how to live in the field, how to serve the public!?"

I don’t know what to do at this time. Once things are confirmed, he will have no chance.

The position of the captain is of great importance and is related to prestige. It is about whether he can be famous all over the world. Therefore, he must fight for it!

Chaoyun Yunyang, chaos, ice and ice, and other diamonds that have received the help of Ye Xue, and the remaining hundreds of people, are only secretly talking about it, and there is no help.

But the devil ink, Wang Hao, is an immediate postscript, expressing his support for the chaotic views.

After a faint sigh of relief, then turned to look at Ye Che and asked: "As captain, they refused to accept you, what do you do?"

"As captain!?"

The eyes are red, and I feel that the bottom of my heart is full of energy.

Since the first pass, after Ye Che occupied all the original springs, he was screaming with anger, and now he is snarling this sentence, directly making his anger into a real anger.

Can not kill this Ye Che, will cause the younger generation of public anger, but let him call the gap, let him nowhere, is still possible!

At this point, Ye Che heard the snarling question, touched his nose, looked at the chaos and other people, sighed: "I just don't want me to be the captain? It's really blue and thin, mushrooms..."

"Blue thin, mushrooms!? What is messy!"

I smacked Ye Che, and then pretended to be kind, reminding: "No more than the chaos of the sea, we started a big chaos. In the city of the sky, the other two top forces will also observe in the future. If you really serve Captain's words, it is bound to suffer countless martyrdom, your first level and second level is indeed strong, however, it is in the same position as you, but met the drill I or the drill II target? You will be gray face!"

"Nothing, I can appoint you as the vice captain, want to move me, pass you first!"

Ye Che's tone is slightly upright.


More than two hundred people after the chaos, almost laughed and sprayed.

The meaning of Ye Che’s sentence is completely revealed as a shield.


The eyes are cold.


At this time, Jin Lao opened up and said: "The chaos, the city of the sky is not allowed to fight freely, so even if he is killed, most of them are only in the alliance, and his alliance strength..."

Speaking of this, seeing these three hundred people are showing curiosity, Jin Lao continued: "Ye Che's alliance strength can be compared with the king!"


The three hundred geniuses present were all dumbfounded.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but it is a fact."

Kim’s old face, slightly subtle, said: “Ye Che Xiaoyou, who recently became a teammate with me in the death ruling, went straight to the customs, and later forced the foreign forces to be the four kings. Spring water can't be done, so, as the captain, it is deserved!"

"Forcing four kings to be a mortal, can't get out of the spring!?"

There was chaos, and everyone else was stunned.

"He just drilled IV. How can the strength of the league compare to the king? No, he can abuse the spring of the king. Obviously his alliance strength is even over the average king!!"

"But this... too ridiculous, this Ye Che looks like 2o, how can the league battle be so strong!!"

"Gift, true peerless talent, I heard that among foreign forces, there are only a few young people in their twenties. In the same league battle, they have the general strength of the king. This is really enviable to the talent of drooling. what!"

The old words of Jin make the scene boil directly.

Especially the ice moon, looking at Ye Che with a gaze, just like looking at a rarity.

She suddenly remembered that there were thousands of defensive towers in Yeh Ching, and I couldn’t guess it before. Now I think about it. Could it be that he relied on the strength of the alliance and got it! ?

Among the three hundred people, a woman with a red fish on her face has been staring at Ye Che.

This woman is exactly the water!

"Ye Che... It turned out to be him... How could this be possible? He was the first to see him. He was nothing but a waste of whole body, and there was only platinum in the ranks. Now... he is not only trying to become the first, but also to be in chaos. The captain of the top talent in the magic sea! I thought that my adventure was incredible, I did not expect it to compare him, but it is not worth mentioning!"

The otter muttered to himself.

At the same time, with the words of Jin Lao, the face of the chaos is faint and uncertain.

Thinking about the importance of the captain, thinking of himself as a drill I, but to make the drill IV leader shame, he once again said: "Golden old, not that I don't believe you, but this fact is unbelievable, in order to After going to the city of the sky, don't let the power of the magical seas be damaged, I suggest..."

The chaos is still organizing the language, and wants to design Ye Ke to be an interviewer to test the strength of the alliance. He thinks that the blocking of the spring is definitely Ye Ke’s teammates, so he is dressed up.

In the case of God's clothing, anyone in the league can abuse the enemy.

Therefore, chaos in the organization of the language to make Ye Che prototype.

However, before I finished, a voice that was already impatient, passed directly: "Bab is not finished yet? Not satisfied, then it will be dead!"


Hearing this discourse, seeing the person who spoke, everyone present, suddenly lost.

Jin Lao is also a slightly horrified turn, looking at Ye Che, obviously, the person who spoke is him.

"Oh, this is what you said!"

The heart is overwhelmed, but the surface is a bit calm.

Wang Hao is also a quick interface, Shen Sheng said: "When it is, in order to serve the public, let Ye Che and chaos hit a game is not impossible!"

Ye Che stunned Wang Hao, before thinking that this Wang Hao prodigal son turned back, did not expect to be guilty of himself or not, in this case, it is no wonder that he.

"Do you play one?"

Jin Lao and chaos, are slightly frowning.

So1o is no different than the 5V5 League of Legends, or the two are completely different, and this chaos is good at the road, but Ye Che seems to have been playing the road.

In the second level, the basic patch test and the walking test are also used by adnetbsp; therefore, even if it is Jin Lao, it is felt that once it is opened, the outcome is unpredictable.

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