‘Since you used the whole game three-pointers as soon as you came on the court, it seems that you were stimulated by Ziyuan last time and decided to beat you completely? Cheng Rin. Takao was a little surprised to see this, but being with Midorima often showed him how terrible the term ‘Age of Miracles’ was.

Midorima just started the game, directly went all out, and the rest of the players from Hidetoku High School were also very cooperative, directly passing all the ball to Midorima, and they were assisting and letting Midorima score with three-pointers.

At the end of the first quarter, no one could stop Midorima from directly doubling the scoreline, 13:25

“It seems that the little green boy is planning to solve them all at once!” When Ziyuan saw this, he yawned a little and said, “Sure enough! The last time I won against Huang Zai, it was entirely because Huang Zai was too underestimating the enemy! ”

Is this the ‘Age of Miracles’? Alex looked at Midorima’s full-court three-pointers and was secretly surprised that although some players in the United States can do this kind of ball, Midorima is just a high school student.

And the distance and accuracy of this shot are too strong! It’s totally out of the ordinary.

Everyone in the city was now sitting on the bench with a dejected face, and no one spoke, and Reiko Aida looked at the score and secretly said in her heart: ‘It’s too strong, it’s really not easy to beat them, if the score is pulled apart like this, it will become like Yangquan and Kaitoko.’ ’

Reiko Aita looked at Kuroko and Vulcan two people, whether they can defeat Hidetoku, or it depends on the two of them, but looking at everyone looking completely unenergetic, after all, the last match was played by Zhengbang, who was already tired enough, suddenly blushed, plucked up the courage and said: “That, everyone, if, if you win Hidetoku, I will…”

“Kiss, please be respectful, coach.” Hinata Shunpei said a little helplessly.

Reiko Aida was slightly stunned when she heard this, and she didn’t expect that Hinata Shunpei knew what she wanted to say since she knew.

Hinata Shunpei said with some complaints: “Let’s be honest! That guy in Midorima shot him bull, hey…”

Hinata Shunpei looked a little helpless and thought, ‘I really can’t feel the dawn of victory!’ How can I defeat that monster! ’

Vulcan suddenly said at this time: “That, coach, the next game, Midorima’s words, just leave it to me.” ”

“You, do you really have no problem?” Riko Aida looked at the Vulcan and said with some doubt.

“Well, I’ll guard against him.”

Reiko Aita thought about the last time Haichang and Yangquan practiced, Haichang’s strength was not weak at all, but in the face of Yangquan, it was completely suppressed from beginning to end, and this time it was also the era of face, if the difference widened, there would be no recovery at all.

“Well, don’t hold back, Kuroko, God, this time it’s up to you two to play.”

On Xiude’s side, Xiude’s thought a little and said: “In the second quarter of the game, they should defend the green room first, and then it is very likely that they will use a two-person joint defense for the green room is a three-person joint defense, but in this case, if he prevents the green room, he can’t prevent others, just keep playing like this.” ”

Midorima said at this time: “The second quarter of the ball, let me all come, I will use three points to defeat them.” ”

“I said you’re too independent!” Takao immediately said a little excited when he heard Midorima’s words.

“Hey, hey, coach, can I beat him up?” When Miyaji Qingshi heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Coach Xiude listened and thought for a while, and agreed: “Okay, the number of times you have been willful today has reached three times, Daping, you will try to assist Midorima, and let Midorima play well in the first half of the game.” ”

In the next game, Hidetoku’s side all passed the ball directly to Midorima, and the game suddenly became an ace showdown between Vulcan and Midorima.

Midorima sneered, a fake action shot, Vulcan immediately jumped up when he saw it, and exclaimed: ‘Since it is, fake action, since it is so good. ’

The ice room looked at it and exclaimed: “It’s so powerful, it’s very good at dribbling!” Said that the ice room looked at Ziyuan with some doubt, before Ziyuan also said that the weakness of the green room when dribbling over, where is this weak!

Ziyuan looked at the eyes of the ice chamber and said a little softly: “It’s much worse than your dribbling, but Green Boy is also very good at feints.” ”

Midorima immediately broke through and dribbled to the half-court line, although it was said that he could shoot the whole court, but the closer the better, one shot, three points.

Soon, on Hiroshi’s side, Hinata Shunpei also immediately returned a three-point shot to Hidetoku.

The two sides went on for 5 minutes, and the score became 22:34.

On Hidetoku’s side, he passed all the balls to Midorima, who looked at the Vulcan and sneered: “Hmph, do you think you can let me go?” It’s naïve! Saying that, Midorima made a dribble, a breakthrough to the left, and a turnaround jumper.

Vulcan immediately jumped up to defend when he saw it, and Midorima immediately felt the pressure and exclaimed, “Is this this, ‘wild’? Moreover, the higher the jump. ’

The basketball was thrown, ‘bang’ Vulcan’s middle finger touched a certain Lan Qi slightly, Midorima looked at the pupils slightly narrowed, and secretly said: ‘Since I touched it, this guy, I didn’t expect that in addition to Qingfeng, there are people who have this kind of power, ‘wild’. ’

‘Touching’ the basketball touched the basket and missed, and Taisuke Ohei jumped up and slammed the dunk and dunked the basketball in, 22:36

Seeing this, Riko Aida gritted her teeth slightly, and secretly said: ‘Damn it! The score can’t catch up, but now Vulcan Jun seems to be able to stop Midorima, as long as he can stop Midorima’s shot…”

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