Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 96 He Xi expressed how terrifying it was

He Xi couldn't believe it, how could it be possible!

How could such a thing happen!

"Have you analyzed the power of the Galaxy?"

He Xi looked at Luther in disbelief and said.

She knew very well that the power of the Galaxy or the power of the Kamigawa was jointly researched by their angels and the Super Seminary. There was no power of the Kamigawa other than them.

Not to mention, Luther showed off the super gene that changes the power of the galaxy in front of her.

This shows that Luther's own super gene is not the power of the galaxy, but he can become the power of the galaxy!

You're in big trouble, man! ! !

"Absolutely. This super gene is very interesting. It seems to be able to create things from the void, so I will naturally analyze and collect it."

Luther said calmly.

However, He Xi felt that it was unfathomable.

"How did you bypass the permissions?"

Hexi asked directly, Angel's biggest trump card and most important thing has been mastered, and there is no point in continuing to persist. What Hexi wants to find out more is how Luther or the Kryptonian civilization can unlock the super god The academy and the Angel Civilization gave the Power of Kamigawa gene locks and permission restrictions!

This is impossible. If it can be circumvented, it is impossible for the man to not discover it. Even if the big clock wants to be unlocked by force, the sacred knowledge treasure trove will still be able to find clues!

"I don't need to go around it, I just need to untie it."

Luther said.

"Are you unlocked?"

He Xi was even more unbelievable. He unlocked it, but the man-in-law didn't react. In other words, she didn't notice?

"This matter seems a bit incomprehensible to you, but it is a normal thing for me. The brain development rate of my super gene and supreme wisdom is more than 90%. According to me, From the information on the dark plane of the known universe, your angels’ brain development is only 45%.”

Luther's words had a kind of condescension.

"Your known universe has not even experienced an explosion of intelligence. The civilization here can only rely on super genes, but our Kryptonian civilization develops and evolves super genes in parallel with the brain. Even without super genes, we still have evolved brains. Deal with the enemy."

After hearing these words from Luther, He Xi already had a rough idea of ​​the current height of Kryptonian civilization.

In the past physical war, the triangle that made the Kamigawa body feared!

It only takes three thousand years for the triangular body to catch up with the brain development that took angels a hundred thousand years to develop. And the triangular body can perform various operations with its evolved brain and the observed six primary colors. Not much worse than the super gene of the Kamigawa body.

Hexi couldn't imagine what it was like to have a brain development rate of over 90%. The three thousand years of evolution of the Triangle alone were enough to threaten the Kamigawa Body. After the Kamigawa Body won the war, it started the Kamigawa Star Network Project. , which is the concept of seeding the divine river body and divine river body throughout the universe.

Completely attack and suppress the beast body and the triangle body.

In He Xi's view, it is normal for Luther to have such a superior and overlooking posture. With such a highly developed brain, they are basically two species, just like sapiens and modern humans.

Luther may not look at them as he looks at primitive people. In this case, what confidence do they have to maintain the arrogance of the king of gods in the known universe in front of Luther?

"Supreme intelligence super gene..."

Hexi remembered the name.

"Angels have one more choice, isn't it good?"

Luther said calmly, he is the one who has the initiative now.

As soon as the power of the Galaxy came out, it seized the future of the angels.

Moreover, the angels don't know whether Luther will take action against Ge Xiaolun, and how he obtained the power of the Galaxy?

He Xi could not guess what a brain development rate of more than 90% could achieve. After all, neither the sacred knowledge treasury nor the big clock could predict that the brain development rate would reach this level.

It can even be said that Luther's brain may have surpassed the big clock, and he himself is a supercomputer that surpasses the big clock!

It is simply unimaginable that there are such terrifying and advanced super genes in the unknown universe on the edge of space.

Could it be that they angels have been sitting in the well and looking at the sky for too long?

"War is the cornerstone of technological progress. Your known universe has been peaceful for too long, but our dark universe has been at constant war."

Of course Luther couldn't follow the trend and say that he was in the edge space and the unknown universe, so he quoted the darkness in the law of the dark forest.

Hexi naturally knows what the dark universe means.


Hexi couldn't refute this. Under the rule of Holy Kesha, the known universe had not seen large-scale wars for tens of thousands of years. As for the war between angels and demons, it was just a catfish effect.

Use it to stimulate the angels and not lose their fighting spirit.

"I can't make the decision on this matter. I will go back and tell Queen Keisha."

He Xi said to Luther.


Luther nodded slightly.

Hexi then left.

She immediately passed the secret message of the entire conversation and meeting to Holy Kesha. Holy Kesha's reading speed was also very fast. After a few seconds, Holy Kesha came to communicate.

"Are you sure it's the power of the galaxy?"

Holy Kesha's voice was filled with doubt.

"Yes, and it seems that all the permissions have been released. He is not hiding anything."

He Xi replied.

"... The technology of the edge space has advanced to this level. The brain area development has reached more than 90%, and the super gene can still change... or be compatible with other super genes."

Saint Kesha believes in her bestie's judgment, but because of this, she feels bad now.

The future of angels is now in the hands of others.

And she has to be careful that Ge Xiaolun will not be solved by Luther.

"It should be a super gene compatible with the power of the galaxy."

He Xi felt that no matter what, it is impossible to have a super gene that can change at will, that's too outrageous.

"He said he unlocked the authority, didn't you find it?"

He Xi asked Holy Kesha in surprise.

"No... With that level of brain area development, it's not strange to be able to do anything. The edge space... No, now it's said that the dark universe may have exceeded our imagination."

Saint Kesha had checked the data of the Holy Knowledge Treasury when she read the dark information just now, but everything was normal.

She had no idea how Luther unlocked the power of the galaxy.

Also, has the most important and core gene lock of the power of the galaxy been unlocked?

That was the last lock that the Shenhe civilization set for its own Shenhe power!

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