Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 475 Biological Imperial Tool

"By the way, although the experiment of death row prisoners becoming dangerous humanoid species failed, there are also some successes."

Luther said to Esdeath.


Esdeath asked with interest. She knew that with her master's strength, what she could create would definitely not be something weak and vulnerable.

"The biological Teigu created using Tyrande cells mixed with Brand's cells has very strong combat effectiveness."

Luther took Esdeath to an open place.

Esdeath saw three-headed and two-meter-tall dragon men.

It was very similar to what she saw on the death row, but there was still a difference, that is, these three dragon men looked stronger, and their strong vitality was almost ready to be breathed out.

"Biological Teigu? Where are their Teigu users?"

Esdeath asked.

"There are no Teigu users. They are biological Teigu that act independently. I improved the technology of the biological Teigu to create them."

Luther said calmly.

As long as the core of a biological Teigu is not destroyed, its body can be reborn indefinitely. This is why biological Teigu is more difficult to deal with.

Teigu's technology poses no technical barriers to Luther and can be copied and manufactured directly.

Even improvement does not require any superpowers, only a super brain can do it.

"This one is a steel dragon, with an iron wall-like defense. It is stronger than the evil ghost and the noble chariot, and it is infinitely more powerful."

Luther pointed to one of them and said.

Its surface is covered with a layer of exoskeleton, which is thick and hard, as if it is made up of pieces of iron plates, showing a metallic luster. There are also spikes and barbs on the surface, making it extremely ferocious.

There are also fangs and sharp claws. The claws are as long and sharp as the original claws of the murderer, and gleaming with cold light.

Its eyes were like two steel-cold beads, revealing an unshakable determination.

The body of the steel dragon is huge and strong, and every muscle seems to have been carefully carved, making it appear to be infinitely powerful.

"This one is an ice dragon. It can use your cold power to attack and fly. It is a control unit."

Its body showed a cool white color, as if it were carved from ice and snow.

Its eyes are ice blue, as if they can freeze everything.

There is a pair of huge ice wings on the back of the ice dragon, and the wing membranes are hung with crystal clear ice, as if it can trigger an ice and snow storm with just a slight wave.

"This one is a thunder and fire dragon. It is responsible for output and has the ability to release thunder and fire. I added a special dangerous species with thunder and lightning capabilities to create it."

Its body is covered with scales, each one like polished metal, shining with sharp light.

Its eyes are blazing red, like two burning flames.

The end of the Thunder Fire Dragon's tail flashes with lightning from time to time, indicating that it has powerful lightning power. The tail even has a head, which looks like a snake head, spitting out thunder and lightning.

At the same time, the Thunder Fire Dragon's mouth can spit out blazing flames, as if it can instantly burn everything to ashes.

Luther introduced with interest.

Esdeath felt very satisfied. These three biological Teigu looked very powerful, and more importantly, they did not require an Teigu user.

"They have high intelligence, can obey orders, and can fight independently. And unlike ordinary biological Teigu, they can be reborn even if their core is destroyed. It can be said that unless their bodies are completely destroyed, they will It’s just immortal.”

Luther handed over control to Esdeath. Esdeath's first order was to let them besiege her. She planned to personally test the ability and combat effectiveness of these three biological Teigu!

Luther was not surprised, this is the character of Esdeath.

"Come on, please me."

Esdeath waved her hand, and the three-headed biological Teigu immediately rushed towards her.

Esdeath didn't move. She disappeared instantly after the three biological Teigu rushed forward.

The next moment, Esdeath appeared on the top of the steel dragon's head and kicked a large hole directly into the top of the steel dragon's head. Then he held the ice blade that condensed in an instant and stabbed it down, piercing the steel. Dragon head.

The huge body of the steel dragon fell to the ground, but it did not die, but struggled to stand up.

Esdeath would not give it a chance, leaping down and trampling on the steel dragon.

Along with a shrill scream, the Iron Dragon's body completely exploded.

However, when the smoke dissipated, the core part of the steel dragon was still in place, and its body began to rapidly reorganize.

"It's interesting."

Esdeath licked her lips. She controlled the power of the blow just now to only destroy the nerves and tissues around the core of the steel dragon, but did not completely destroy the core.

"Try this!"

The ice dragon opened its huge mouth, and an icy cold breath swept out, roaring towards Esdeath like an ice and snow storm.

On one side of Esdeath's body, he easily dodged the breath of the ice dragon, and then appeared in front of the ice dragon in an instant.

She clenched the ice sword with both hands and slashed it down suddenly.

The ice dragon raised its front paws to block.

However, the next moment, the ice dragon's front claws were neatly cut off!

The ice dragon let out a shrill scream.

But Esdeath didn't pause, and chopped off the ice dragon's head with a backhand sword.

The ice dragon fell to the ground with a crash.

However, like the Steel Dragon, the Ice Dragon's core quickly reorganizes its body.

"It's not over yet!"

The Thunder Fire Dragon instantly appeared behind Esdeath. The snake head at the tail had its own will and spewed a visible lightning towards Esdeath!


The Thunder Fire Dragon opened its huge mouth and spewed out a hot flame, as if it could melt everything.

However, Esdeath seemed not to notice and let the Thunder Fire Dragon attack.

The Thunder Fire Dragon's attack fell on Esdeath almost at the same time.

In an instant, a powerful force of lightning and thunder poured into Esdeath's body, and at the same time, the hot flames wrapped her body.

However, the next moment, the power of flames and lightning disappeared.

The Thunder Fire Dragon was stunned. What happened?

Its attack was ineffective?

The next moment, Esdeath's figure appeared on top of the Thunder Fire Dragon's head.

"Too naive."

Esdeath punched the Thunder Fire Dragon's head so that it sank into its abdominal cavity.

It was a completely one-sided crushing, and Esdeath felt very satisfied.

Even though she was crushing them, in fact, if it was anyone else, even the stubborn General Bud, he would definitely be dead or disabled under the siege of these three biological imperial tools.

The Iron Dragon, Ice Dragon, and Thunder Fire Dragon recovered quickly.

"Not bad for the recovery speed."

Esdeath was even more satisfied.

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