Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 43 Super Power Threat!

Controlled by this enhanced version of brainwashing magic, unless they can surpass Luther in strength in the future, it will be impossible for them to break free from the control of this magic.

But Luther didn't need them to do anything, he just needed to help assist Megatron.

These hackers are all low-level hackers. If Emperor Company was not really short of talents and manpower, Luther would not hesitate to hire them.

A week passed in a flash.

The two heads of Hydra who were waiting for Luther's reply were dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Luther responded yet?"

Alexander Pierce frowned. The email he sent directly broke through the Emperor Company's firewall and was sent to the Emperor Company's internal network. This should be enough to attract the Emperor Company's attention, right?

Naturally, the firewall set up by Megatron cannot be broken so easily, not even by Dr. Zola. It’s just that Luther asked Megatron to set up a false firewall, and then the so-called internal network was just an empty shell. The information is all fake material that looks very real.

It's the kind of material with nine true and one false data.

If you really follow these fake materials to prepare superhuman medicine or No. 1 compound, you will get stuck at the last step.

Although Megatron reported this matter to Luther, Luther thought it was some kind of spam harassment email and naturally didn't care.

"The only way to increase the importance of Monarch Corporation is by super criminals and super-powered threats."

Luther has already mastered the masterminds behind the Emperor Company or Luther through Galvatron.

These big shots may not know that the monitors, cameras, and even their phones around them will become Galvatron's tools.

"If all the big shots are attacked overnight, even fools will know that they have nothing to do with me... Well, at least Black-skinned Braised Eggs will definitely doubt me."

Luther looked at the list on the screen and moved his fingers back and forth on it consciously.

"Then, it's your choice."

Super-powered terrorism descends on the Marvel Universe today!

Why has Vought been unable to join the Ministry of National Defense and the national defense system?

It's because they don't allow super villains who can confront superheroes.

But for Luther, wouldn't it be a good thing if the super villain also came from him and was something he could control?

"After all, I just got the genes of most of the creatures in the Dragon Ball world. Just by combining them, I can piece together a lot of weirdos. I can also make androids disguise themselves as super criminals and super villains."

Luther laughed.

Only when the big man who dies is big enough, shocking enough, and sensational enough can the Imperial Company become a Shinra Company or even a giant company in the world!

"Well, I also need to create a villain organization? Umbrella? Black Watch? Or Hydra?"

Luther suddenly thought of Marvel's Pot King Hydra.

It seems that everything can be pushed to Hydra. Anyway, if you build a new Hydra yourself, everyone within Hydra will probably be in danger.

In terms of manpower, Luther has no shortage of manpower. The artificial human technology solves his problem of insufficient manpower. Moreover, simple artificial human surgery can be left to the group of scientific researchers who have been brainwashed by Luther. Then they can catch a few gangsters. Transform it into "Hydra".

Lauraine is an old man who is over eighty years old. No matter how much he takes care of himself and takes great risks to inject Emperor Company's No. 1 compound, there is no way to change the fact that he is aging.

He was unwilling to give up the huge empire he controlled just like this, especially since he didn't have a reliable son yet. This noble bloodline and surname were simply wasted.

He is one of the people who is on an equal footing with the big plutocrats like Rockefeller, Morgan, and DuPont.

Although his family does not have the qualifications of family plutocrats such as DuPont, in terms of financial resources and strength, it can only be said to be obvious, especially in a place like America, financial resources are actually a more powerful force!

Originally, Lauryn was planning to undergo some kind of brain-freezing surgery.

But Luther's emergence gave him hope.

There is no doubt that Luther is an absolute genius. The Imperial Company's propaganda of leading humans to evolve into new humans and start a new evolution is absolutely correct. Luther's influence has even surpassed that of Tony Stark.

After all, how can an arms dealer compare with a person who leads the evolution of all mankind?

Such a person is exactly like Einstein alive!

Of course, this only refers to the importance of the similarity between the two, not the field of scientific research.

Even Luther may be more important than Einstein, mankind longs for eternal life! No one doesn't want it!

He also desires immortality, immortality, becoming stronger, faster, and even able to fly!

And Luther's No. 1 Compound has allowed them to see such a future and possibility.

It's a pity that Luther grew up too fast. When others wanted to use tricks, there were already several untouchable guys standing behind him. When someone desperately wanted to take action, he himself became the worst person. The guy you messed with!

Now Luther has the gold-swallowing beast of the Imperial Company in his hands, and he has the capital and financial resources to become a big plutocrat. Moreover, he is also invulnerable, can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and is extremely powerful!

With power and financial resources gathered in one person, Laurine wanted to arrest Luther and threaten him to take him on the road with him if he did not develop a potion that could help him delay aging before he died!

After he dies, I don’t care if there is a flood, I am gone, and there is no need to leave the genius who can lead the evolution of all mankind to others.

This method is just a fantasy now, so they can only put some pressure on public opinion and let Tony Stark, the genius, target Luther, the genius.

But Laureen was still very unwilling.

But he soon stopped thinking about this.


After Laureen enjoyed the blood exchange, he found a younger boy and girl to bear the pressure of his internal organs and circulate blood.

This kind of profession is a lot in America. In fact, it is the previous bloodletting therapy, which has become scientific now.

It sounds a bit evil, but Laureen thinks it’s nothing, after all, he pays for it, and the other party is voluntary.

Every young blood slave circulates blood once a month, which makes Laureen clearly feel that his body has regained some vitality.

The bodyguard responsible for protecting Laureen found a man wearing a black sweater and a hooded man blocking the convoy.

"What's going on?"

Lauraine, who was in a light sleep, was woken up and asked with some displeasure.

"Sir, someone is blocking the road."

The driver and the bodyguard in the passenger seat said.

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